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YMMV / Let the Darkness Bring Us Into the Light

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  • Adorkable: Both Yuugi and Izuku come off as this and the readers eat it up like candy.
  • Catharsis Factor: Both readers and the author, genuinely enjoyed getting to see Jounouchi casually beat up Bakugou for terrorizing his friends in Chapter 10. And it gets "better" when Yami awakens after Bakugou explodes Izuku's leg resulting in the other self finishing off the bully with a "Mind Crush" attack.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In Chapter 7, the general public is called to take the vaccine Trigger in order to protect themselves from a serious flu which unfortunately results in more than 300 citizens dying after taking the vaccine. It becomes a little upsetting given the events of COVID-19 and the struggle for the public to accept vaccinations. At the very least, the Chapter's end notes has the author encouraging readers to take vaccines for their health.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In her Chapter debut, Tanaka-ba assures Yuugi that his grandpa would still love him even if he killed someone. Cue Book 2 where Yuugi learns that it was his tainted blood that resulted in Stain's death and Jii-chan's love for him is still strong.
  • I Knew It!: A small portion of fans were correct to guess that Tokage was Seto Kaiba all along.
  • Rewatch Bonus: Yuugi's interactions with his classmate Tokage during the early chapters becomes even more enjoyable to read after learning that Tokage was actually Seto Kaiba all along.
  • Shocking Moments: The end of Chapter 5 when Yuugi makes a promise to himself after hearing that Tokage will no longer be in school.
    One day, somehow, he will meet Seto again. And when he does, he’ll be strong enough to beat him.
