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YMMV / Kyle Norty

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  • Harsher in Hindsight: After criticizing American Hustle for letting it's characters get away with bad things, he started a gag about how other works that do this are set in O Russell Land. This seemed a bit harsh...until he became one of the many people exposed for Sexual Harassment in 2017.
  • Older Than They Think: Based the nature of the series, you might think Kids Are Smarter Than This was inspired by The Mysterious Mr. Enter when the series actually premiered many months before Mr Enter started, although Norty did indeed become a fan.
    • He actually made fun of this in his response to Macboyredux, joking that he, PIEGUYRULZ, and The Cartoon Hero actually went back in time so they could start reviewing before The Mysterious Mr. Enter in order to not be declared rip-offs.
