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YMMV / Judge Rinder

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  • Designated Hero: A lot of people have a difficult time rooting for Rinder because of his unpleasant, patronizing personality.
  • Tear Jerker: Some of the cases will have you reaching for the tissues.
    • One case involved an unpaid loan between a gay couple who'd broken up. As Rinder is going through the history, we learn that both parties knew each other in their birth country (Jamaica) before moving to the UK. The one who didn't come over until later outlines what life was like for him in Jamaica, up to and including being stoned. Rinder is very quiet throughout the whole thing and notably drops any sort of snark or jokes for the rest of the case.
  • Too Bleak, Stopped Caring: Most of the people who go onto Rinder's show are often very selfish, unlikable, and pathetic Jerkasses who just want to be on TV and often tend to be parasitic lowlifes who leech off of their partners and are not above doing incredibly malicious things, which is why they're in Rinder's court to begin with. Meanwhile, Rinder himself tends to be very obnoxious, rude and deliberately tries getting a rise from his guests by acting condescending towards them and/or making fun of them.
    • It should be noted that Rinder does drop the snarkiness if he can see that the matter has severely impacted one of the parties involved and/or if the party in question was genuinely taken advantage of.
