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YMMV / I Kill Giants

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  • Fridge Brilliance: Some of Barbara's behavior following her mother's cancer line up with the Stages of Grief, specifically, Anger (her Berserk Button and her attacking people), Denial (refusing to deal with/ignoring her mother being sick), Bargaining (her Badass Boast to the titan), and Acceptance ( visiting her mother at the end).
  • Jerkass Woobie: Barbara. Not hard to see why, as she's constantly being picked on, her dad isn't in the picture, and her mother is dying of cancer and she has a hard time dealing with it, causing her to attack people.
  • Moment of Awesome: Barbara seems to be The Dreaded when it comes to playing Dungeons & Dragons and she takes on a titan over one-hundred times her size, all with a huge hammer to boot.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Taylor when she tries to kill Barbara
  • Tear Jerker: Towards the end, when Barbara's mother dies, and we see the funeral. No Downer Ending, though.
