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YMMV / Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • This dramatic reading plays Hagrid likes he's a pedophile; in the accompanying art he keeps staring at Harry a bit too hard, and the description of the first chapter jokes on how unsuspicious it is for strange man to kidnap children. The same reading reinterprets the briefly mentioned head of Hufflepuff Hat, "Mr. Sprout", as normal Professor Sprout with a fake mustache on so she can still teach at the Hogwarts, since it now has all-male educators.
    • Whether Voldemort is an Author Avatar or not is still left unconfirmed.
    • Part way through the story, Grace writes that she's come to enjoy writing so much that she's enrolling in a writing course. Later in Chapter 12, Snape, who had been given several levels of Adaptational Attractiveness, is suddenly called "Greg". Two chapters later, Grace reveals that her writing teacher is called Greg, and in the next chapter she explains her husband does not want her to continue writing the story. This is a sudden and marked change of opinion, as her husband had been noted in previous author's notes to be actively encouraging Grace to write the story as he considered it the Lord's work. For those who don't think (or don't care about the possibility of) this story being a Troll Fic, there's the speculation that something happened between Grace and Greg that was discovered by Grace's husband...note 
    • Are the magical effects of prayer supposed to be 100% real in-universe, or are the Christian characters delusional? Despite Harry managing to get God to convert Draco into a Gryffindor Hat, none of their prayers have any effect on Only Sane Man Voldemort even as the entire school shouts him down with prayers and accusations and tries to convert him as well. The last few lines can easily be interpreted as deliberately highlighting the Christian characters' actual powerlessness and irrationality.
  • Designated Villain: The Dursleys. As much as the story claims that they are horrible, abusive parents, everything we actually see of them indicates that they are a perfectly functional, loving family, especially compared to the cult that this version of Hogwarts is. Heck, even Dudley appears to genuinely like Harry in this version, going by the one line he gets! Really the story seems to act as if these Dursleys are no different from the ones in the canon, despite the fact that they are really only the Dursleys In Name Only. Mrs. Dursley even promises Harry that he can have a second birthday, when one of the hallmarks of Harry's neglect is the fact that he never got any himself.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Unintentionally done to the Dursleys, of all people, whose only real "crime" is not believing in God and being too preachy about "the Dawkins". They otherwise seem to be fine parents for Harry. Also done to Voldemort, whose evil deeds can be summed up as "made a troll atheist account online and may or may not be an Author Avatar".
  • Funny Moments:
    • Everything, just everything about this fanfic. It's rightfully the most cringe-worthy and infamous Harry Potter fanfic after My Immortal.
    • The fact that Grace Ann Parsons describes Hagrid's moose head as "tasteful".
    • In Chapter 12, the story tells us to imagine what would happen if Harry didn't know to "love the sin, not the sinner", which is exactly the opposite to what the original phrase says.
  • Ho Yay: Since Harry is the point of view character, Grace Ann Parsons' lusting for "Mr. Snape" feels like Harry has a Precocious Crush.
  • No Yay:
  • Poe's Law: One of the main things that people discuss about this fic is whether or not it's a satire or not. Given the reviews, the people who think it's real tend to have not read the whole fic while the people who think it's satirical read the ending.
  • Self-Fanservice: The notoriously greasy Severus Snape is now the "ruggedly handsome" "Mr. Snape". With chest hair. He's even renamed 'Greg', the same name as the author's supposed creative writing teacher...
  • Squick: See No Yay.
  • Strawman Has a Point: While very likely a Troll Fic given the final chapter, if it was written seriously with the intent of Harry and company of being in the right as they had always been up to this point, then it's weird that the "heroes" of the story begin launching personal attacks against the villain and refusing anything he says. In fact, the idea of a Straw Man is directly referenced in his dialogue, and he's overly reasonable about why these overly religious individuals bother him so much. Ultimately the heroes can only win by shouting the villain down to forcibly "convert him" as they pelt insults and argue with the man even long after he stops trying to reason with any of them. Given he does absolutely nothing villainous in this chapter, and his dialogue absolves all of his prior implied behavior by saying it never actually happened, only further strengthens his point.
    Voldemort: I just got annoyed by the ridiculous straw man some Christians have made out of atheism, so, whenever I see someone ranting about how depraved and evil we nonbelievers are, I reply with something like [kristians all sux. their religion is stoopid and should be illegal]. You know, taking that stereotype to an extreme to point out how ridiculous it is.
  • Values Dissonance: If it is serious and not invoking Deliberate Values Dissonance, it can definitely come across as this to anybody that doesn't live the same fundamentalist Christian lifestyle the author endorses.
