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YMMV / Herman's Head

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: At one point Heddy works very hard to seduce Herman's ex-girlfriend Rebecca. Jane Sibbett would later star in her best-known role as Ross's lesbian ex-wife Carol.
  • Older Than They Think: The show's very premise, due to the arrival of a little animated film called Inside Out.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Genius is Mr. Stevens.
  • Values Dissonance: In one episode, Heddy, to Louise's disgust, talks about her plans to seduce a fourteen-year-old boy, reasoning that he is at his sexual peak. Nothing happens, as Heddy is put off her plan when the kid calls her "Ma'am", but it's unlikely that such a plot would be Played for Laughs nowadays.
  • Values Resonance: Herman’s ex, Rebecca, comes back into his life and reveals she’s a lesbian. She wants to have a child and asks Herman to contribute via artificial insemination. After thinking it over, Herman declines on the grounds that it’s against his conscience to father a child where he wouldn’t have any role in said child’s life. The subject matter is treated with the sensitivity it deserves. Herman respects Rebecca’s sexual orientation, and the show doesn’t hold her up to ridicule, as happened on other shows in that era. Rebecca, in turn, respects Herman’s decision, and he isn’t made out to be a jerkass for declining her request, with the show promoting the message that his rights and feelings matter just as much as hers.
