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YMMV / Fukashigi Philia

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  • Complete Monster: Isumi Yuunagi, seemingly the kindly man who took Tasuku in after the death of his parents, is actually a murderous human trafficker whose Gift is "Will Over Memories". Before gaining his Gift, Isumi profited off human misery and is chronologically introduced trying to strong-arm a man named Sentetsu into selling his stepson to be trafficked to pay off the debts Isumi has forced upon him. A violently possessive father of his only child Yusuzu, Isumi slaughters a kid, Tasuku, and his entire family for being nice to Yusuzu during a rainstorm. Tasuku's Reality Warping sister Nao brings Isumi back with his Gift, which he promptly uses in tandem with Tasuku's gift-—rewinding time-—to brainwash Nao and a resurrected Tasuku as his slaves, murdering Tasuku over and over and over again while forcing Tasuku and Nao to enjoy it. Even when he's finally killed, Isumi tries to overwrite the personality of his killer to replace it with his own, and from there brainwashes Tasuku into remembering Isumi as his kindly parental figure. Isumi is monstrous even to Yusuzu, using his powers to curse everyone who talks to his daughter to forget her, and even attempting to stab her to death when she ultimately foils his plans.
