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YMMV / Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home

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  • Awesome Music:
    • "Forever Young" by The Pretenders. The credits and the song ends with a distant eagle's caw.
    • "Childhood", the second by Michael Jackson for this series. It also reminds us of the singer's troubled childhood, and how Jesse and Elvis' childhoods weren't ideal either. They both appear in the music video too.
  • Funny Moments:
    • After Elvis and Annie do a spit shake so she agrees to let him be more helpful around the place, she almost immediately forgets and dismisses him when he wants to help the whales, and runs off, causing her to suddenly remember and regret it. Glen's reaction sells it.
      Annie: [Realizing what she just did] Oh no. I broke a promise!
      Glen: Really?
      Annie: I even did a spit shake on it!
      Glen: Spit shake, huh? That's serious.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Jesse's half-brother Elvis initially tells him that his mother never talked about Jesse to Elvis. At the end, once he and Jesse have bonded, he gives Jesse an old photo of him with his mom that she had kept all those years, and then tells him the truth about his mother and how she thought of him.
      Elvis: She talked about you all the time. She felt bad about what happened. She loved you
    • Jesse and Willy reunited.
      Jesse: Do you think he misses me?
      Glen: I know he does.
  • Moment of Awesome: The oil fire sequence.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Jesse learns that his long-lost mother who they couldn't find for years has passed on, leaving him and his adoptive parents to care for his half-brother that he never even knew existed. Jesse takes the news about as well as you'd imagine. His brother eventually admits that their mother never forgot about Jesse, and regretted that she was not able to be there for him.
    • Jesse and Willy once again have to say goodbye.
