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YMMV / Fred Ottman

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The concept of a burly silver-armored stormtrooper with a black cape would later appear in the actual Star Wars movies with Captain Phasma.
  • Narm: The Shockmaster. Even if that didn't get botched, one would imagine how hard a man wearing a glittery stormtrooper helmet and Ole Anderson's voice would be taken seriously.
  • Never Live It Down: Fred Ottman's career would pretty much have been forgotten if it weren't for the Shockmaster. Just look at this page, for goodness sake!
  • So Bad, It's Good: While the Shockmaster's entrance would go down as one of the biggest epic fails in wrestling history, at the very least, there are plenty of things to laugh about.
  • Took the Bad Film Seriously: Give it to Ottman: after the Shockmaster's famous fall, he kept committed until the very end.
  • WTH, Costuming Department?: Even ignoring the infamous trip, the Shockmaster's debut look is memorably laughable in its own way: a big furry vest over a shirtless chest, jeans, and a Stormtrooper helmet dipped in glitter. While the Shockmaster gimmick was briefly preserved, the WCW wisely reworked him into an unassuming Handy Man with an ordinary construction worker helmet.
