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YMMV / Final Fantasy Sonic X

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  • Epileptic Trees: Since Bass is one of the two Co-Dragons and Episode 7 adding an evil Zero as a third, it's not uncommon to find hardcore Mega Man fans claim that Dr. Wily is a Greater-Scope Villain.
    • Zero's Evil Counterpart is himself this: many fans believe him to be Omega.
    • A few believe that Link got brainwashed by Bass due to his attack on Episode 3.
  • Fan Nickname: It's common among hardcore Mega Man X fans to call the True Guardian "Slash Beast", and for a good reason: the sprites used to make the True Guardian are enlarged versions of Slash Beast's sprites.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Super Sonic is shown to wield a giant red sword called the Legendary Sword. Come Sonic Frontiers and Super Sonic would wield an even bigger red sword in the fight against the Knight Titan.
  • That One Boss: The True Guardian; it has a ton of HP, fairly high defenses, and hits hard.
  • Values Dissonance: At one point, X derisively claims that Aeon and Bass are a couple and calls the former "Gay-on", with Aeon calling X a "blue bitch" in response. With LGBTQ+ rights getting more focus during the 2010s, it's unlikely that joke would have been included had the game been made today.
