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YMMV / F/X: Murder by Illusion

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  • Awesome Music: The song that's featured in the Closing Credits, "Just an Illusion" by Imagination.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Rollie instructs Andy to use smoke pots from a film called Hellraisers as a distraction. The actual film Hellraiser came out one year after F/X; smoke pots were one type of special effect it didn't use.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Angela Bassett makes her film debut in F/X as a television reporter.
  • So Okay, It's Average: Both movies are generally treated as nothing special outside their use of special effects in regards to the plot.
  • Spiritual Successor: F/X could be considered a cinematic variation of MacGyver (1985) in which the hero uses smarts instead of brawn as a means of getting himself out of trouble.
  • Unintentional Period Piece:
    • Practical effects are portrayed as the only game in town. While practical effects are still around, they're gradually being phased out by CGI. Moreso in the second film, where animatronics play a sizable role in the film and its plot.
    • The paltry amount of money ($15 million) at stake in the first film is also an example, as is the way nobody even discussed the much simpler and cheaper possibility of using an actual female cop as the decoy in the second.
