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YMMV / Ethel & Ernest

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  • Awesome Art: Everything from the backgrounds to the characters is a faithful translation of Briggs's colourful pencil drawings and thanks to advancements in technology, the animation retains a familiar hand-drawn touch without it looking stiff despite the entire movie being drawn digitally. The character models are also very consistent despite many animators working on them.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Despite being quite stuck in her ways and conservative, Ethel expresses genuine sympathy for Jean's struggles with schizophrenia.
  • Spiritual Successor: Jarringly enough, to When the Wind Blows as it stars a loving couple who, erm... stop being alive by the end of their stories. The only key difference being that whilst that takes place in a fictional depiction of surviving a then-plausible nuclear war, this one is based on true events. Also, the couple from When the Wind Blows are based off of the author's parents whilst the couple in this one are the author's parents.
