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YMMV / Dragon Ball Z Abridged E 55

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  • Ho Yay: Comes into play a lot between Goku and Perfect Cell in this episode.
    • Goku Instant Transmissions himself to Cell's location in order to get a better sense of how their powers compare to each other. He does so by essentially admiring Cell's figure, and Cell is incredibly receptive to the compliment.
      Goku: Anyway, I just came to measure you up. And I got to say...nice.
      Cell: Baby, you know it.
    • When Goku tells Cell they'll see each other in a week, Cell replies that it's a "date".
    • Immediately upon arriving back at the Lookout, Goku starts gushing about how handsome Cell is and asks why nobody warned him beforehand. He then continues remarking about his good looks for a few moments afterwards.
