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YMMV / Double King

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  • Awesome Music: For the one-year anniversary, Felix released the soundtrack, Royal Noises from Dead Kingdoms.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Is the Double King just killing other kings because he wants more crowns, or is it because what few people we see of his species tend to be resigned to hiding in shadows or filling servile roles that he finds so much solace in being reminded of his status?
  • Friendly Fandoms: With the later animation Little Runmo, as the surreal, quirky nature of the cartoon was shared and somewhat inspired by Double King's mood.
  • Funny Moments:
    • When Double King reaches for Ronald the Moist's crown suddenly a crab pops out from under it and runs off with itnote . The subsequent look in Double King's eyes is priceless.
      • The full version of the song on the soundtrack (entitled "The Royal crab's Off-Screen Journey to the Ocean floor") is just as great, with old timey cartoon sound effects peppered in.
    • The Double King whips out a mobile castle and siege engine to assault Olov for his crown. As in, literally punch Olov to no effect. He caps this off by launching himself human cannonball style onto Olov, scramble into his crown, and dismiss his siege engine at gunpoint with a musket. The engine responds by producing a pair of open hands and backing away slowly, the universal gesture for 'woah woah don't want no trouble'.
    • The Double King cutting off the finger of his left hand in a psychotic episode? Horrific. Him doing it by holding the hand down like a slasher villain and producing a second left hand from his right side (or possibly even one of his feet) to hold the knife in a reverse grip? Inexplicably funny.
    • The Double King's reaction to Agatha's teasing? Horrific. Agatha's reaction to his reaction? A massive, frightening skeletal deity's weary, exasperated reaction? Hilarious.
  • Memetic Mutation: The clip of a mushroom soldier threatening the Double King has become the subject of this. Usually by replacing his screech with a different sound effect.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Double King himself. He may have a silly appearance, but there's something incredibly chilling about how ruthlessly murderous he is. Most of his victims don't even have time to react before he brutally and efficiently kills them, all because he wants their crowns for himself. Then he completely loses his marbles in the afterlife and reveals his robe to be hiding a giant, toothy maw as he screeches at Agatha.
  • Squick: Being a Felix Colgrave animation, things can get really gory. Firmly established when Double King coldly and brutally rips Augustus's skull out of his face.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Even though, the credits reveal which character is female or male this still happens. Especially with Agatha, the Matriarch of Death, as she has deep voice and lacks any feminine visual traits.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The animation is trippy, but by God is it pretty.
