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YMMV / Doctor Who S3 E10 "The War Machines"

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  • Common Knowledge: It is often stated that Polly compares the Doctor to Jimmy Savile, but it’s actually Kitty the barmaid that says he looks like "that disc jockey".
  • Franchise Original Sin: Verity Lambert (who had left the series by this point) disliked the UNIT era of the show, because she found the idea of the Doctor (this incarnation in particular) working for the military improbable. Except he does so here.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: A barmaid comments how the Doctor looks like Jimmy Savile (though fortunately not by name). That is no longer a compliment.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: WOTAN is a self-thinking computer whose name sounds very similar to SHODAN.
  • Never Live It Down: Even though it contains the departure of one companion and the arrival of two more, the serial is still mostly remembered for being the only time the series used "Doctor Who" as the Doctor's name and meant it (the only other time the name would be invoked would be as a joke).
  • Signature Scene: The cliffhanger to Episode Three, with the Doctor stepping forward and standing his ground against the War Machines as all the soldiers retreat.
  • Stock Footage Failure: WOTAN orders his slaves to make a machine. Splice in stock footage of welders, in completely different lighting, and who (even with the masks on) look absolutely nothing like the slaves.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: The story is very grounded in the sixties, from the then-newly completed Post Office Tower, to the depiction of Swinging London ("Dig your fab gear") to the unfortunate comparison of the First Doctor to Jimmy Savile.
  • Values Dissonance: There's an extremely upsetting moment where Polly and Dodo go to a club, where Polly acts as a kind of icebreaker. While being friendly to Ben, a man pins Polly up against a wall and says some creepy things. She tells him "Please, take your hand away" in a firm voice, meaning he puts his other hand on her. Ben leaps out of his chair and beats him up on her behalf, but afterwards yells at Polly for it, telling her she should be careful who she encourages, even though she encouraged him in absolutely no way beyond being a pretty woman and existing. It's quite possible the sexism was Deliberate Values Dissonance— Polly is shown to be exasperated by the patronising attitude her boss subjects her to at work. Also, the Doctor had been travelling around with companions from the future for a while, both of whom were shown to have no gender prejudices.
  • Viewer Pronunciation Confusion: WOTAN is pronounced in the story as "VOE-tan", but many fans (and the computer itself, in one notable scene) pronounce it "WOE-tan" as spelt.
