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YMMV / Doctor Who S33 E5 "The Angels Take Manhattan"

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  • Narm: The Angel version of the Statue of Liberty comes off more as comical than frightening. Especially since it really can't do anything since naturally everyone would be looking at it, meaning it wouldn't ever be able to move.
  • Paranoia Fuel: Remember how in "Blink", it was implied that Weeping Angels could look like any kind of statue, not just angels, and how "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone" made them all just look like angels? Meet the Weeping Statue of Liberty.
  • Tear Jerker: When Amy chooses to go back in time to reunite with Rory while the tearful Doctor pleads desperately for her to come with him in the TARDIS because he won't be able to see her again.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: River needlessly slapping the Doctor for healing her makes her come across as an Ungrateful Bitch. And Amy has the gall to side with her.
    • Becomes Harsher in Hindsight when we find out both the Doctor and River think he's out of regeneration energy, so instead he's Cast from Hit Points.
    • Although River's explanation to Amy in the next scene goes a long way to alleviate that. After all, while painful, a broken wrist isn't that big a deal even with 21st century medicine let alone in the far future where River apparently lives. The Doctor's just demonstrating his god complex/doesn't like endings thing again and River doesn't appreciate being the object of it.
