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YMMV / Doctor Who S30 E6 "The Doctor's Daughter"

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  • Adorkable: Jenny. She's a small blonde Super-Soldier who giggles and smiles a lot.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • The Doctor being adamant on the point of Jenny only being an echo of the Time Lords and that she is not one herself becomes this after "The Timeless Children" where it turns out that the Doctor is not themself a Time Lord, but a being of unknown origin whom the Time Lords spliced the ability to regenerate from, and for additional irony, Jenny as a result is the only person in the universe who actually is like the Doctor.
    • Jenny innocently asks the Doctor, "Are you an anomaly, too?". Hehe.
    • This actually wouldn't be the last time that David Tennant has an Opposite-Sex Clone forcibly made from him.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • The Man Who Never Would.
    • "Yo dog, I heard you like "The Doctor's Daughter", so we put the Doctor's daughter in the Doctor's daughter."
  • Narm: If you're not accustomed to his accent, it sounds like Cobb is consistently talking about fighting for "the Sauce".
  • Strawman Has a Point: Though the Doctor was definitely being harsh towards Jenny throughout the episode, he specifically points out that the human side stole a tissue sample at gunpoint to create a clone of him in order to fight in what they are led to believe is a Forever War; not only would that anger the Doctor no matter who she was created from, the entire process is essentially rape (albeit only in terms of unwilling reproduction) as he was unwilling throughout the procedure. Not to mention that she, like Danny Pink later, is basically a walking, talking PTSD trigger - even more so, since as the Doctor quietly points out to Donna, when she's gently ribbing him for being unsure about Jenny, "Donna, I've been a father before." Notably, after that, Donna stops ribbing him entirely. He goes on to add that seeing her just reminds him all the more of who and what he's lost.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: We have yet to see or hear from Jenny in any episodes since. The most we've gotten is a flashback in "Journey's End" and a glancing mention from Clara in "Dark Water", which was four series later. Steven Moffat has admitted he outright forgot about Jenny's survival at the end. The first time the franchise did anything with Jenny didn't come for another nine years — a length of time that was in part forced by Georgia Moffett taking a hiatus from acting to raise a family, and then dividing her acting work with occasional bouts working as a producer — when she played a major role in the Titan comics continuity crossover event Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension, and then Big Finish produced an audio series featuring the character.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The concept of there being another Time Lord in the universe who isn't a total maniac. Unfortunately, now the Time Lords are back for good that ship has sailed. (Or not, since they're now gone again.) That said, she came back from the dead and the comics showed that she was doing just fine, running into her dads (Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve) in the comics. She then explains to Twelve that she did look for him, but aside from Trenzalore - which she was locked out of by Tasha Lem - his time at university was the only point when he stayed still long enough for her to track him down.
