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YMMV / Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rich and Famous

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  • Angst? What Angst?: Nothing bothers Greg after he suffocated his dad with a pillow and beating him up later.
    • He's also not bothered by the fact that he was crippled by Rowley in the finale.
  • Memetic Mutation: The Vorpal Pillow scene Explanation (JOKER (2019) SPOILERS
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • When Frank, who's dying of cancer, threatens to reveal his secret of being gay, Greg shuts him up by nearly suffocating him to death with a pillow. While there are implications that Frank wasn't a great parent in this fanfic, it's nonetheless disturbing when he was begging Greg to stop.
      • Of course, on page 15, when he later tries to do it again in front of the family, Greg straight up beats the hell out of him. A cancer patient, mind you.
      • What's worse is that he never appears after that page, which means Greg might have actually killed him!
    • On Page 21, finding out that Greg was planning on suing him over the Zoo-Wee-Mama comic, Rowley chases him until they're on top of a building, wanting an explanation of the hell Greg put him through during his visit. Greg, in a moment of weakness, begs him not to do whatever he's going to do to him, going even as far to confess his love for him. Rowley acknowledges his feelings back ...and kicks him off the building, sending him to the ground with a CRUNCH!
      • While Greg rightfully deserved it for everything he did throughout the story, Rowley almost killed him.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Rowley ditching Greg on Page 16, causing Greg to cry.
    • Greg getting crippled in the finale.
  • Unintentionally Sympathetic: Zigzagged with Greg. While he is still an unrepentant and selfish asshole who has no qualms using the threat of a lawsuit to manipulate Rowley, as well as attempt to kill his father twice, we at the very least see that he isn't completely heartless, with some of his actions being seen as karma for the things his family did throughout his childhood even if Greg went too far. While attempting to kill his father is definitely a Moral Event Horizon, Frank has shown throughout the story, and even in the 25 Years Later timeline, that he is a homophobic and abusive monster who forced Greg to hide his sexuality for years, and no doubt left him emotionally and mentally scarred. Greg isn't meant to come off as tragic in this story, but because we see things from his perspective, it's hard to not root for him when he does things that many fans of the books wanted to do all along.
