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YMMV / Coyote

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YMMV Tropes for Coyote:

  • Awesome Moments: Most of Class 1-AB working together to clear the Obstacle Course. Especially Iida using his Recipro Burst to clear the minefield without suffering the explosions.
  • Base-Breaking Character: Riley Coyote is either an interesting character with an awesome Quirk who has an endearing friendship with Izuku and raises very valid criticisms about the world My Hero Academia takes place in or he's unlikeable for their unfairly overpowered version of Momo's Quirk note  and constantly complaining about everyone not doing things the "right" way and anyone who disagrees with him is immediately seen as in the wrong at best or outright vilified at worst.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment:
  • Canon Defilement: Izuku is presented as having more of a superiority complex than he does in canon. He criticizes his classmates for not understanding and using their Quirks "correctly". He shows No Sympathy to Shinso and Todoroki when he learns of their situations. He also dismisses several Quirks, such as Aoyama's and Endeavor's, as unimpressive. All this in contrast to the person who admires other people's Quirks (and any other positive traits they have) and never looks down on others he is in canon.
  • Designated Hero: Riley comes across as incredibly smug and condescending at his best, such as when he complains to Pro Heroes about thinking realistically, even when they've saved his life or someone he cares about. There's also him and Izuku making recordings of personal information on any of their potential teachers and giving them to the general public (and charging them money, even though neither Riley nor Izuku have any financial problems). At his worst, Riley is shown to physically assault people he doesn't like, such as Aizawa for lying about expelling the student who has the lowest score in the Quirk Apprehension Tests as well as the press for supposedly hounding UA. And while Riley may have had a point regarding their behavior, it's immediately lost with Riley's behavior towards the situation.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • Riley's joking nature can be this with the aftermath of the Paranormal Liberation War showing heroes being under far more scrutiny in the eyes of the public. In particular, Wash is shown arriving too late to stop a fight between a group of villains and civilians who fought in self-defense, resulting in collateral damage. After being yelled at by injured people for not getting there in time, Wash drops their gimmick when announcing their intention to escort the wounded to a hospital.
    • When Hatsume provides video proof of Endeavor's abusive attitude to the public, it is met with uproaring laughter. During the Paranormal Liberation War Arc, Endeavor's past sins are revealed in a similar manner, except it's done by Dabi who is Endeavor's son Toya, and who did this with the intent of taking his revenge on his father for his abuse. As a result, Endeavor loses the faith in the public that he worked to gain after legitimately trying to better himself.
    • Riley and the staff of UA call out Aizawa for his habit of expelling whole classes. This is canon. What drives it into harshness is Nezu lecturing Aizawa about all his failings, and pointing out that several of his expelled students have committed suicide. That's harsh... except that canon revealed that the class he expelled wasn't even expelled for twenty four hours, and it was a way for Aizawa to show the class that actions have consequences.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Izuku and Riley's "blood brothers" ceremony, which proves that even if Riley has a Quirk and Izuku doesn't, they'll be friends forever.
    • Uraraka joins the Class 1-A walkout because she's angry about how the school is treating Midoriya, the one who saved her life in the entrance exam.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Deku and Riley's obsession with being "Blood Brothers" becomes a bit funnier considering that In My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising Deku (temporarily) gives Bakugo One for All, through cuts in their fingers. A practice that's pretty common in Blood Brother rituals.
  • Humor Dissonance: Riley's antics can fall under this. They tend to boil down to Riley doing bad impressions, getting into other people's personal space, or just flat out showing that he doesn't take the current situation seriously (not helping is that these moments tend to come out of nowhere). Riley ends up looking completely immature and trying way too hard to make people laugh. It just seems that he is more likely to embarrass himself (and the rest of his class or the entire school) when he acts out in public.
    • One specific example is how he handles the reporters at UA: he scares them off by acting like "a living bundle of ADHD" much to the amusement of his classmates and even Principal Nezu finds it funny. Except Riley's behavior is not how people with ADHD act and nothing the press does is grounds for Riley physically assaulting them so his behavior comes across more as unsettling than amusing. Riley also chases squirrels at one point which just feels incredibly tacked on.
    • While the characters are not aware of this, Riley insulting the hands on Shigaraki's costume and even beating him with them all while childishly taunting him "Stop Hitting Yourself" to the amusement of his classmates is really undermined by the fact that the canon material revealed that those hands are all that's left of Shigaraki's family after he accidentally killed them all when his Quirk manifested. What's more, is that considering Riley's extreme aversion to someone being seriously hurt to the point that he subconsciously weakens his "Oobleck", one can't help but wonder how badly this would have ended for him if Shigaraki had informed Riley about that detail from his past.
    • Another moment is when he hijacks the starting ceremony at the Sports Festival. Riley brings the entire festival to a grinding halt for what basically amounts to shilling Hatsume and Izuku's equipment and a joke at Endeavor's expense. While Riley tries to justify it that the UA students are kids trying to have fun, that's not what the students are here for, they're here to concentrate on moving forward in their careers as heroes by trying to obtain an internship at Hero Agencies through how well they perform in the Sports Festival.
    • Riley and the male students cross-dressing as female cheerleaders is this due to how they come across as offensive stereotypes of Transgender people.
    • Riley laughing at and making jokes out of Endeavor's motives for why he treats Todoroki and the rest of his family badly comes across as pretty insensitive considering Riley is doing this right in front of Todoroki.
  • Informed Wrongness:
    • Riley rants at the Pro Heroes for their handling of the Sludge Villain (the villain in question was holding Bakugo hostage, the surrounding area was on fire, and the place was surrounded with civilians), stating that they could have Backdraft douse Kamui Woods in water so that he could get through the fire unharmed and defeat the Sludge Villain and rescue Bakugo. Except there was a fire in the immediate area, so not only did the Pro Heroes have to focus on keeping the civilians safe from the villain, but also the flames, and there's also the possibility that the Sludge Villain would have just taken Kamui even if he could get through the fire without getting burnt.
    • Aizawa is criticized for telling students to limit how they use their Quirks so that they don't cause harm to themselves or their allies. He's seen as just fear-mongering the students into making mistakes in crucial moments because of how most of these students have had their Quirks from a very young age and thus should have an easy time keeping their power in check and that statistically, anything can be harmful in certain circumstances. Except, in My Hero Academia proper, there are multiple Quirks whose users have to constantly keep in check so that they don't hurt themselves or anyone around them (ex: Kaminari can short out his brain if he discharges too much electricity, Shinso's Brainwashing Quirk can be used on anyone who talks to him, Shoto can burn himself or give himself frostbite, Izuku's quirk shreds his body, and Aoyama's quirk is literally too strong for his body- which is why he wears that belt all the time, for a very abridged list).
    • When Momo chastises Riley for his practical joke at the starting ceremony of the Sports Festival, Riley replies that the purpose of the Sports Festival is for students to have fun. In actuality, the Sports Festival is for students to showcase their talents and abilities to Pro Heroes to try and earn an internship at their agencies, and thus take the necessary steps towards becoming a Pro Hero themselves. Riley's stunt is more likely to embarrass himself in front of everyone watching it.
  • Narm: Has its own page.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: Much of the fanfic's review section is filled with people arguing about the story (mainly between those supporting and those criticizing the Ron the Death Eater treatment of Aizawa), often stoked by the author himself.
  • Padding: The fic is filled with moments where Riley lectures the other characters on a subject that has nothing to do with the overall plot.
  • Ron the Death Eater:
    • Aizawa. His threatening to expel the lowest scorer on the Quirk Apprehension Test, as well as having expelled at least one class of students in the past, are canon. For those reasons, the general fandom considers him a Base-Breaking Character. That said, the fic goes the extra mile by having Nedzu claim that Aizawa really wants to seem like a better teacher than he is by only keeping around prodigies, an accusation that neither Aizawa nor his fellow teachers contest. This is especially glaring once canon revealed (well after that bit was published in the fanfic) that Aizawa has never actually kicked out a class permanently — the whole "He kicked out everyone last year," thing only lasted a short time before Aizawa himself reinstated them, and he only did it to scare them (although the reveal then went to mention that the expulsions still went into the students' permanent records regardless, so Aizawa's capacity for doing this remains in a conflicted territory within the fandom).
    • Bakugo. While he is canonically a former bully who often treats his "friend" Izuku poorly, the fic dials up his negative qualities and glosses over his more positive traits, such as his genuine desire to be a hero. He also gets a few Kick the Dog moments that would arguably be out of character for the canon Bakugo, such as considering using Riley's fear of blood against him.
  • Unintentionally Sympathetic: Aizawa. As controversial as his teaching methods are, many people, even some of his critics, see him as a strict but well-intentioned teacher rather than the lazy and selfish Jerkass who merely wants to make himself look better the fic accuses him of being.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Riley and Izuku, due to the discrimination they faced for being a foreigner and Quirkless respectively, dig up information on all of their potential teachers and send it to any student who wants to know more information about those teachers. Barring how disproportionate this attitude is, Riley is even worse in this regard by deciding to charge people money for this information (which comes across as an extremely dickish move on Riley's part considering his family is fairly well-off as Royalties Heirs). Additionally, if his treatment of Aizawa is any indication, Riley is not above physically assaulting teachers he does not like. Moreover, the story does not acknowledge the possibility of how their system could be used to spread false information about teachers they don't like and get their way (especially in a world where nearly everyone has a Quirk).
    • Izuku beating Bakugo in their match at the Sports Festival is supposed to be seen as Izuku getting back at Bakugo for the years he spent bullying him and Riley and getting away with it because everyone thought he was special. However, for most of the story, Bakugo has been continuously belittled by practically everyone around him, especially Izuku and Riley, so Izuku really doesn't have room to talk.
  • Values Dissonance:
