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YMMV / Community S1 E23: Modern Warfare

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  • Catharsis Factor: Jeff firing Chang's automatic paintball gun in the Dean's office and then shooting the panicked and helpless Dean in the head with paint after everything he'd put the campus through.
  • Funny Moments: Pretty much the entire episode is full of this, with gems like Shirley wailing "TROY MADE GOD MAD!!!" when he gets randomly shot by the Glee Club snipers.
  • Growing the Beard: While "Debate 109" and "Contemporary American Poultry" are the two episodes often seen as when the series finally grew out of its initial awkwardness, this episode is generally seen as when Community fully solidified both its identity and madcap sense of humor and drama.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Britta vowing to give the prize to Shirley after she learns how much the latter misses her kids during school-time. And when Jeff wins the paintball tournament, he also decides to give Shirley the prize.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The study group encounters the Glee Club, who are a pretty obvious spoof of Glee. After the study group defeats them, Jeff tells them "Write some original songs!" In February of 2011, it was announced that Glee would be doing an episode with original songs.
  • Moment of Awesome: Again, virtually the entire episode, though special mention must be given to the epic gunfight between Chang and Britta in the study room.
  • Narm Charm: A shining example, with this episode pretty much displaying near-perfectly Community's skill in properly mixing silliness and seriousness together.
  • Signature Scene: Present on two levels:
  • Special Effects Failure: The explosion from Chang's paint bomb pretty clearly isn't originating from his body. Though given that the entire episode's an Affectionate Parody of the action-film genre, it might have been intentional.
