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YMMV / Breaking Bad S2 E8 "Better Call Saul"

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  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Saul, who ended up getting a spinoff by virtue of being such a popular Breakout Character.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • Saul's Freak Out during Jesse and Walt's plan to scare him stops being comical and becomes disturbing after you watch the prequel/spin-off Better Call Saul. First the skateboarding twins and Tuco in the episode "Mijo" and then the whole plot involving Lalo in Season 5. What at first seemed like Saul simply fearing for his life is actually Saul thinking Lalo's men have decided to finally kill him, especially after he says that whatever they think he did, Nacho (Ignacio Varga) was the real one to blame.
      Saul: Oh, thank God! Oh, Christ! Oh, I thought... (hyperventilating) What can I do for you, gentlemen?
    • Nacho ends up killing himself in the third episode of season six, which means Saul never found out about that and makes himself look worse, pinning blame on a dead man.
    • Gets even worse after "Point and Shoot", where Lalo ties him up and accuses him of helping Nacho, and gags him while he's still pleading that it wasn't him.
    • Gets even more worse by the time we revisit the scene from "Breaking Bad" (the episode), after hearing once from Mike that Lalo is dead, even when Mike informs him that he actually is dead this time, Saul is too paranoid to believe him, thinking he and his cartel can drop in and kill him anytime they like.
    • He went through another desert-related traumatic event in another episode. The first had him wincing — the second time caused a massive Heroic BSoD.
    • Saul's line, "Conscience gets expensive, doesn't it?" seems a lot more knowing on his part when you know that years ago, Saul AKA Jimmy had come into possession of enough money to set him up for life, but returned it to its rightful owner because it was "the right thing". The line actually comes from Mike saying the exact same thing to Jimmy after he gives the money up.
    • Walt doing his best to save Badger from a prison sentence but being horrified at Saul's suggestion to whack him beforehand became this in Season 5, when Walt plans to kill all of the surviving members of Gus's operation in prison simply in order to stop paying them, which Mike stops him, and then actually carrying out the prison murders when Mike dies and the prisoners become a liability. What makes this sting even more is that Saul brings up that this could have been prevented had he been the one to bail out those exact members.
