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YMMV / Babylon Five S 03 E 19 Grey Seventeen Is Missing

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  • Fight Scene Failure: The battle between Neroon and Marcus is clearly just two guys banging sticks together instead of trying to hit each other.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Before her ceremony, Delenn confided to Sheridan of how her father died ten years ago as the Earth-Minbari War took a toll on his heart. It was later discovered that she cast the deciding vote that started said war, meaning she was indirectly responsible for her father's failing health.
  • Special Effects Failure: Sadly, the Zarg is perhaps the show's most prominent case of this. Making it worse is that the script specifically called for a Nothing Is Scarier approach where it would only be seen in shadows, but somehow the director got the idea to light the scene as brightly as possible.
  • Strawman Has a Point: Though Neroon's challenge to Delenn is...extreme, he had legitimate concerns about a member of the Religious Caste taking over the Rangers. While the Shadow threat is real, and her cause is noble, Delenn essentially dissolved the Minbari government, took 2/3rds of its military with her, and supplemented it with a race that they were at war with only twelve years ago. As he put it:
