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YMMV / Attracopel: Vigilante of London

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  • Complete Monster: Chief Harold Kruel is the corrupt police chief of London. Kruel got his way into power through cruel and illegal methods, including bribes and blackmail. When Kruel's wife found out and tried to report him, Kruel purposely rigged a car crash which caused her death. Kruel then harshly abused his daughter, Sarah, trying to force her into being an unstoppable officer. One thing Kruel does, in particular, is murder her best friend in cold blood to limit her distractions. When Attracopel becomes public, Kruel immediately issues an arrest warrant for him just for being a vigilante and threatening him with death, even though he did nothing illegal; Kruel also brushes off the dangerous wolf hybrid, Wolfalco. Kruel even joins Dr. Twister in his quest to take over England, just so he can get stronger. It's later revealed that Kruel has killed tons of innocent people, and then framed them as criminals.
  • Evil Is Cool: Dr. Twister. What's there to not love about him, ranging from how much of a brilliant thinker and excellent manipulator while being Laughably Evil the max with how overly dramatic he is, while having some reverence for the hero. All these traits and you get an awesome villain.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Dr. Harry Twister is the eccentric head scientist of Tornadite Inc., who secretly plots to take over England and remake society in favour of intelligence, having organized dozens of heists over several months. When Twister finds Alex, he trains him to become a vigilante and take down Wolfalco, who is killing dozens of people. One night, Twister manipulates Alex and Ben into helping him steal the energy relic, falsely telling them that Wolfalco was plotting to steal it. Once Twister has his hands on the relic, he successfully takes over London very quickly. Twister genuinely believes that favouring intelligence will help society advance, and will go to any lengths to enforce his new rule, attempting to strip Alex of his powers at the end, and summoning a giant electric tornado to kill all the rebels as a last resort. Even though, in the end, he gets his powers taken away, and soon gets caught in his own tornado, he calls Alex's move impressive.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Chief Harold Kruel crosses it when he brutally murders his daughter's best friend, Kyra Roxie, after she walked out of her apartment, because she was "distracting Sarah". To make matters worse, he then proceeds to hide all the evidence and claims that Kyra attacked him first, and that he "acted in self-defense". This act was so bad that when Sarah saw the footage, she became motivated to avenge her friend's death.
    • Wolfalco has killed countless people, but his worst instance is his attack on a mall, in which he floods and causes tons of destruction, causing countless deaths. He even directly chases after a child.
    • As a last resort, Dr. Twister crosses it when he attempts to kill all of the rebels with a giant electric tornado. This tornado would have killed dozens of innocent bystanders and caused property destruction. Heck, it even destroyed a good chunk of Big Ben.
