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YMMV / Archie vs. Predator

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  • Angst Aversion: Seeing beloved Riverdale characters die by the droves, is a bit hard to swallow for some who haven't read the comic, even when the series' tone is darkly comedic and plays up some of these deaths for Black Comedy.
  • Awesome Art: One variant cover of the second issue was done by Dustin Nguyen, whose watercolors are just as amazing as ever.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Horribly and brutally murdering Archie characters in all the usual ways a Predator tends to do? Dark and messed up. Throwing everyone into a Flanderization and intentionally using the difference between content and traditional art style to turn the whole thing into one messed up Black Comedy? Hilarious.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • Continuing from the entry above, there were many readers who commented how the Predator is acting like what Archie would be like if he was a Yajuta. In the end, he literally becomes Archie (albeit against his will).
    • The ending of Volume 4, where Betty uses human (specifically, Archie's) DNA to modify the Predator is eerily similar to a plot point in the fourth movie.
  • Les Yay: A lot between Betty and Veronica, especially volume 4. It all culminates in the two finally confessing to each other in Archie vs. Predator II.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Considering this is a comic where the horror of Predator is unleased on the poor residents of Riverdale, it naturally has this trope in spades.
    • The cartoony art of Archie being mixed with the extremely gory violence is hilarious, but sometimes combines to make terrifying results. Most especially when having already ripped Dilton's spine out, the Predator proceeds to suck his eyes and brains out in front of Betty and Veronica to impress them.
    • The Predator's eventual fate is having both its face and body being reconstructed to that of Archie's. And it’s very well aware of what is happening.
  • Tear Jerker: Several of the deaths can count as this, especially if you're a big fan of the Archie series and a fan of quite a few of this characters. However Jughead's fate ultimately takes the cake.
    Veronica: Oh, Juggikins. I always said that junk food would kill you. -sniff- But I didn't want you to actually die.
