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YMMV / Apostle

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  • Anvilicious: Word of God is that the film is an allegory for the cyclical nature of religious and political corruption.
  • Complete Monster: Quinn is the worst of Erisden's founding members. A former convict alongside his comrades Malcolm and Frank, Quinn found the island's goddess and kept her inside a shack, convincing his friends to enslave her so they could use her powers for themselves. Envious of Malcolm's position as the cult leader, Quinn began scheming to usurp his place. Discovering that his daughter Ffion was having an affair with Frank's son, Jeremy, and was pregnant with his child, Quinn stabbed her to death and framed the boy for his crime, sentencing him to public execution. Shooting Malcolm in the shoulder and leaving him to die, Quinn captures his daughter Andrea and imprisons her with Jennifer, planning on raping both of them every year so he could sacrifice his own babies.
  • Green Aesop: The film can arguably also be read as an allegory for how humanity's "mastery" of nature is tenuous at best, and that the arrogance of believing we can do what we want with it will be our downfall.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Quinn quite handily crosses it when he murders his own daughter and then frames Jeremy for the crime.
    • The whole triumvirate, really, given what they've done, and what they do throughout the movie. Malcolm's are the only hands clean of (anybody else's) blood, so far as we know, and he's still technically responsible for multiple on-screen deaths, not to mention Erisden's ultimate fate, since he went along with Quinn's plan to trap the goddess in the first place.
  • Nausea Fuel:
    • The tunnels beneath Malcolm's secret passage, if for no other reason than there's things still alive in that gore-soup!
    • As a general rule, this is NOT a movie for people who quail at the sight of blood, even if the overall gore is relatively brief.
  • Squick:
    • Jeremy's execution. Ugh.
    • Force-feeding someone who at least looks like a helpless old woman blood and ground up human remains is nasty on several levels in this context.
    • Quinn's outhouse spying; fatherly concern, or vaguely incestuous?
    • The tunnels. Swimming through what appears to be gallons of blood and viscera is just gross.
  • The Woobie: Jennifer, Andrea, Jeremy and Ffion are all put through Hell that they don't deserve, and in the case of the latter two, they don't even survive it.
