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YMMV / Apocalypse

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  • Angst? What Angst?: Just as in Left Behind, everyone seems to take the disappearance of all the children in stride.
  • Complete Monster: Franco Macalousso, also referred to as Lucifer, is the self-proclaimed savior of humanity who claims to have prevented World War III from happening after he steps onto the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and a flurry of nuclear missiles sent all over the world by Russia and China suddenly disappear, along with every Christian on the planet. However, underneath his seemingly polite and charming demeanor is a supreme hatred for God and everything he created, including humanity, as Franco prepares to bring about the end of the world. A majority of the planet's population quickly become followers of Franco's evil regime, One Nation Earth, as he brands them with a mark that claims their souls, erasing any inhibitions they might have once had and dooming them to eternal damnation. The people who refuse to join Franco, including those that convert to Christianity after the Rapture, are deemed guilty of hate crimes against humanity, with countless of them being captured, tortured, and publicly executed. Franco even goes so far as to order terrorist acts such as the bombing of school buses, so he can frame the believers for these crimes.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Mr. T being in Judgment is all that we need.

90s Video Game

  • Awesome Music: "Control" by Poe, which plays during the background of the Plague boss fight.
  • Complete Monster: The Reverend, appearing as an all-powerful figure of authority, is a False Prophet who summons the Horsemen of the Apocalypse in order to hasten the impending doomsday, after which he will be in control of the Horsemen and rule over what's left of humanity. When Trey Kincaid finds out the truth, the Reverend had Kincaid framed and thrown into prison and having the horsemen take over Kincaid's closest allies, ordering a city-wide manhunt once Kincaid escapes. During the prison escape, Kincaid would uncover cells filled with mutants, prisoners which are mutated by the Reverend's various sadistic experiments and torture. The Reverend continues spreading his influence throughout the free world until Kincaid fights and defeats him halfway through, but appearing to have drowned in a river of lava, the Reverend turns out to have survived and is now controlling the President of the United States, with the White House as point zero for his minions from the underworld to be unleashed upon Earth. Even after being defeated by Kincaid, the Reverend would instead possess him, forcing Kincaid as a vassal for ensuring the apocalypse will happen.
  • Goddamn Bats: Mooks on jetpacks are a migraine to deal with, especially their preference of flying around Kincaid in circles while the hero is stuck in a narrow catwalk or platform, with limited space to dodge their attacks. Expect players without Homing Missiles or Smart Bombs to groan when this happens!
  • Just Here for Godzilla: The plot is pretty straightforward and bare-bones, but the selling point is obviously the fact that players can fight the forces of hell as goddamn John McClane / Korben Dallas / [insert name of favorite Bruce Willis character].
