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YMMV / Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns

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  • Adorkable: While a few characters have their moments of awkwardness, guess who's tops over all of them. Gascoigne's daughters? No. Iosefka? No. Hope? Neither. It's Ebrietas! Of all people! It's hilarious seeing a Great One like her acting like a shy, awkward and somewhat cheerful girl.
  • Creepy Cute: The Messengers manage to be endearing with their antics, especially with Anderson and Hope.
  • Funny Moments:
    • Anderson warns Gehrman he's summoning Lady Maria to the Hunter's Dream so they can clear the air between them before he destroys the Hunter's Nightmare. Gehrman asks for a few minutes so he can shred his copy of How to Pick Up Fair Maidens.
    • When Anderson puts Bloody Stupid Johnson's bust into his sleeves, the bust starts to react violently within them, making them shoot out random objects that were in them at high speeds, including Maxwell's favorite mug... and desk.
    Anderson: "Huh. Could've sworn I put that thing back."
    • When Anderson is trudging the way to the Orphan of Kos, he finds one of the Fishing Hamlet's inhabitants repeating the Purple Prose-laden rant against Byrgenwerth. Anderson, quite annoyed himself, agrees with a dry "Fuck Byrgenwerth". The hamlet resident nods, and in the same solemn tone he used the first time, repeats "Fuck Byrgenwerth".
  • Heartwarming Moments: Just before the final battle against the Orphan of Kos in the Hunter's Nightmare, Anderson sings Always Look on the Bright Side of Life with Djura and Simon providing backup whistling.
    • When Lady Maria visits the Dream, Anderson makes her promise not to touch the Doll, no matter how much she personally hates Gehrman's actions. She didn't ask to be made and is a perfectly kind soul that has nothing to do with their issues.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Club of Righteousness was made out of the parts of the Lesser Amygdala. Months later, the Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne featured several new weapons, one of which was the Amygdala Arm, which is literally made from the arm of a Lesser Amygdala. Questers were amused.
  • Tear Jerker: Father Gascoigne's death, especially since he's at the very brink of losing himself - but hasn't. Teetering on the edge of madness, Eileen manages to reach what's left of him and calm him down for a second - just enough for a quick Mercy Kill.
  • The Woobie:
    • The daughters of Father Gascoigne, Emma and Fiddle, after they lose both of their parents in one night.
    • Surprisingly, Ebrietas. All she wanted was to have friends, but instead she was taken advantage of by the Healing Church and kept hidden away from everyone else.
