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Western Animation / The Killing of an Egg

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The Killing of an Egg is a 1977 animated short film (very short, about 2:50) made in The Netherlands by Paul Driessen.

A man wearing a yellow shirt, living in a house with yellow walls, sits down to eat a soft boiled egg. When the man taps on the egg with his spoon, he is surprised to hear a voice from inside the egg saying "Hey, who is it?" The man continues to tap on the egg as the voice inside continues to call out to him. The voice starts to protest as the man's increased tapping starts to crack the shell. Finally the man gets carried away and smashes the egg, killing whatever kind of tiny person was living inside. Then the man gets an unpleasant surprise.


  • Black Comedy: The man smashes the egg with the tiny person inside, only to be smashed in turn.
  • Foreshadowing: See that man crushing an egg that has a tiny person inside it? What color are the walls of the man's house? Yellow. The man's clothes are also very reminiscent of an egg yolk.
  • Karmic Death: After killing the tiny person inside the egg, the man certainly had it coming.
  • History Repeats: When someone starts cracking his house, the man says exactly the same things the tiny person in his egg said, with exactly the same voice.
  • Limited Animation: Drawn fairly crudely, with an extremely simple background.
  • Line Boil: The inevitable result of hand-drawing individual frames.
  • Recursive Reality: The man, seen eating an egg, is himself inside a much larger egg that a much larger person is eating.
