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Webcomic / Polcomp Ball

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There's an ideology for anyone here. note 

Polcompball is a series of user-generated comics about spherical representations of Political ideologies heavily inspired by Polandball used to satirize political events and online political discourse.

The series has primarily a following on Reddit.

Examples can be read here

List of tropes:

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Posthumanism wants nothing more than to get rid of all humanity and replace them with robots.
  • All There in the Manual: The Polcompball Wiki contains much of the lore behind the series.
  • All Issues Are Political Issues: Some comics get involved which are barely political.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: The resident off-compass libertarian left ball Soulism's ultimate goal is to liberate themselves from not just capitalism and the state but the very laws of reality. Their solutions include The Singularity, esoteric studies, Lotus-Eater Machine, and Higher Understanding Through Drugs. Especially drugs.
  • Assimilation Plot: Hive-Mind Collectivism is an off-compass AuthLeft ball that takes communist-style collectivism to its Logical Extreme, with it wanting to assimilate everyone into its Hive Mind, turning them into it in the process.
  • Body Horror: Titoism is almost always depicted Covered with Scars or even worse, openly wounded with ex-Yugoslav countryballs popping out of his wounds.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: IngSoc in comics is always portrayed in this manner.
  • Bomb-Throwing Anarchists: Mother Anarchy and Ancom will generally be seen with a Molotov, Ancap with a nuclear variant.
  • Broke the Rating Scale: In a meta-sense, Off-Compass Ideology Balls fall under this trope, considering they are so politically extreme, that they're generally off the political compass. Examples include Hive-Mind Collectivism, IngSoc, Kraterocracy, Communalism, Social Darwinism, Soulism, Egoism, and Avaritionism.
  • Commander Contrarian: Contrarianism is a ball whose only personality is opposing the status quo of whatever country it's in.
  • Commie Nazis: Any ideology that combines extreme socialist economics with ultranationalist social views, but especially National Bolshevism and Strasserism.
  • Contemporary Caveman: Anarcho-Primitivism is usually portrayed like this, as he represents an ideology that rejects the agricultural revolution.
  • Cyborg: Transhumanism within comics is usually portrayed as some form of cyborg as can be seen with his vizor.
  • The Ditz: Kakistocracy represents the "rule of the worst", and as such is usually portrayed as an idiotic child who speaks with a combination of Elmuh Fudd Syndwome and Temmie dialect.
  • Eat the Rich: Often used by left-wing ideologies, plays in food-related jokes.
  • Eagleland: American Model is the representation of the general "American" ideology, and is mostly the Boorish type, similar to Polandball USA.
  • Ecocidal Antagonist: Climate Skepticism is portrayed as a nature-hating strawman who likes burning down forests and polluting as much as possible.
  • Eco-Terrorist: Radical Environmentalism, Eco-Authoritarianism, and Eco-Fascism are portrayed as using extreme methods to save the planet. Eco-Fascism, fittingly, will even go as far as using solar-powered gas chambers to round up everyone who dares desecrate Mother Earth and kill them all.
  • Eldritch Abomination:
    • Senatorialism is an off-compass ideology with tentacles and nobody, including itself, knows what he stands for.
    • Hive-Mind Collectivism is depicted as The Assimilator, with three eyes and the ability to devour other balls.
  • Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: Kakistocracy, being depicted as a child to better symbolize his stupidity, speaks in this manner in comics.
  • Fictional Political Party: Not Political Parties per se, but polcompball has made a couple of fictional ideologies to be used in comics, for example, Anarcho-Frontierism and Communalism (not the bookchin type).
  • Gay Conservative: Homoconservatism. There's also Homofascism, its more extreme variant, which is basically just fascism but with LGBT thrown into the mix.
  • Hive Mind: Hive Mind Collectivism the ball representing Authoritarian Left taken beyond the realms of the reasonable portrays this trope.
  • The Horseshoe Effect: Horseshoe Centrism is used to mock the followers of this line of thought, with him seeing the complete opposites such as Anarcho-Capitalism and Marxism-Leninism as the same.
  • It's All About Me: Egoism and its subtypes, such as Soulism and Avaritionism are a representation of this trope. Egoism is mostly apathetic to anything that doesn't directly concern them, while Avaritionism is closer to the classic sociopathic type. Soulism is just plain weird.
  • The Necrocracy: Necrocracy. In addition to the stereotypical "rule by the undead" concept, it is also sometimes used to refer to ceremonial variants such as Kim Il-Sung's position as "Eternal President" of North Korea.
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: All Anarchist Ideologies are either children or grandchildren of Anarchism, which is portrayed as a mother as a reference to the song "Mother Anarchy Loves Her Sons". Due to there being a lot of variants of anarchism and that new variants of anarchism are easy to make, it results in a rather large family.
  • Might Makes Right: Kraterocracy believes that the strong should subjugate the weak.
  • Motor Mouth: Accelerationism talks like this.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Certain ideologies in the Authoritarian Right will be portrayed like this, eg. White Nationalism and Alt-Right.
  • Nazi Super Science: National Transhumanism is often used to portray this trope.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Most balls follow the standard "ball with two eyes" pattern, but quite a few have unorthodox traits. For example:
    • INGSOC, Post-Anarchism, and Cultism each have a single eye, and they are the only ones with pupils.
    • Liquid Democracy is a literal liquid and has to be contained in a bottle or cup.
    • Zionism and other Jewish/Israeli ideologies are represented as cubes, a reference to Polandball's Ziocube.
    • Demarchy is the only cube-shaped Polcompball that isn't associated with Zionism/Jewishness, being drawn as a literal dice.
    • Apoliticism and Marxism are the only Polcompballs with hair drawn on them.
  • Nuclear Option: Posadism wants to eliminate Capitalism with nuclear war, then rebuild society into a utopia with the help of socialist aliens.
  • Ouroboros: Used within the comics as the symbol for Circulus theory.
  • One Nation Under Copyright: Corporatocracy is a ball used to represent the concept.
  • Patriotic Fervor: Nationalism can represent both favors, with Ultranationalism being mostly the bad variety and Patriotism being mostly the good variety.
  • Political Overcorrectness: State Liberalism and Revolutionary Progressivism seek to enforce political correctness on the world through violent means.
  • Privately Owned Society: Anarcho-Capitalism and ideologies related to it (like Hoppeanism) are used to represent this trope.
  • Plague Master: Bio-Posadism intentionally spreads diseases in an attempt to collapse capitalism.
  • Really Gets Around: Mother Anarchy is depicted as an extremely promiscuous character, with her having sex with basically every other ball. This is done to justify the the massive number of children in the form of subideologies she has.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Many of the most "evil" ideologies are usually red symbols on black backgrounds. These include Social Darwinism, Eugenicism, Ultranationalism and Welfare Chauvinism. Authoritarian examples overlap with Red and Black Totalitarianism as well.
  • Straw Character: Pretty much every ball has been used this way. Exactly which ball is "right" and which one is "wrong" depends on the writer.
  • The Theocracy: Predictably features theocracies for just about every religion you can name, including Christian Theocracy, Islamic Theocracy, Jewish Theocracy, Buddhist Theocracy, Hindu Theocracy, Sikh Theocracy, and more.
  • Those Wacky Nazis: National Socialism of course, but also its relatives such as Homofascism, Esoteric Fascism, and National Capitalism.
  • Toilet Humor: Circulus Theory lends itself to this, being based on the idea that taxes should consist of citizen's feces. No, really. It's fair fertilizer, right?
  • Totalitarian Gangsterism:
    • Kleptocracy represents the rule of criminals.
    • There an Exaggerated Trope version of this in the form of Avaritionism, a combination of Anarcho-Capitalism, Egoism and Darwinism. Which ends up being rule by the most brutal of criminals who subjugate and exterminate the weak by all means necessary with no state to get in their way.
  • War Hawk: Neoconservatism and Trotskyism want to spread capitalism and socialism, respectively, by war. Posadism takes it even further with him explicitly wanting nuclear war.
