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Webcomic / Minnie and Max: Monster Girl Detectives

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Minnie Sarnoff and Max Zieger are two girls with a big problem—and a tiny one, as well. Thanks to a ill-planned ritual to open a magical portal, their bodies have been altered to take on the aspects of an oni and a faerie. Stuck in bodies many times more—and less—the size they're used to, along with some other unusual traits, the girls embark on a road trip to find a way to become human again, and encounter all kinds of supernatural mysteries along the way.

Read the comic here.

Tropes in Minnie and Max, Monster Girl Detectives include:

  • Amazonian Beauty: Minnie is a huge, buff girl whose clothes barely contain her. Contrasted by her meek personality.
  • The Cameo: Blink and you’ll miss it, but there are all kinds of little shout-outs in the backgrounds.
  • Cat Scare: Literally. The ghost in Goldie’s is actually the ghost of a cat.
  • Cute Monster Girl: They’re both adorable in their own way. They certainly see each other as adorable, too.
  • Dream Sequence: Max has a flashback/dream at the end of chapter one revealing part of the reason she and Minnie performed the ritual the transformed them.
  • The Fair Folk: Why did the supernatural entities force their aspects onto the girls when they opened the portal? Who knows? At the very least, the girls got out in better shape than their other friends.
  • Fiery Redhead: Boy does Max have a temper. Even when she’s calm, she maintains a gruff attitude.
  • Forced Transformation: Max has been turned into a faerie and Minnie into an oni. Neither are especially thrilled about it.
  • Gentle Giant: Minnie maybe be big and buff, but she’s just as shy and soft-spoken as she was when she was human.
  • Greasy Spoon: Goldie’s, the setting of the first chapter. It’s got a bit of ghost problem.
  • Heroic RRoD: After exerting herself to exorcise the poltergeist in chapter one, Max passes out cold for a while.
  • Hive Mind: The Cloud Sprites from the Q&A chapter. All they really want is to add more information to their shared…uh. Cloud.
  • Ironic Name: Their nicknames are Minnie and Max. Guess which one is the big one and which one is the tiny one. No, go on. Guess.
  • In-Universe Catharsis: The owners of Goldie’s are badly in need of this. Accepting the death of their beloved pet cat is what allows the cat’s ghost to pass on and stop haunting their kitchen.
  • Magic Wand: Max’s magic wand is a gun loaded with a magic crystal.
  • Nice Jewish Boy: Minnie is a female version of this.
  • The Nose Knows: Minnie can smell ghosts, of all things.
  • Occult Detective: They’re still new to the game, but already know quite a lot about supernatural creatures and how to deal with them.
  • Poltergeist: The kitchen of the restaurant the girls visit in the first chapter is haunted by one. It’s the ghost of the owners’ pet cat, attracted to their suppressed grief.
  • Ritual Magic: A portal-opening ritual is what got these girls in this mess to begin with.
  • Urban Fantasy: A modern setting with all sort of supernatural entities.
