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Webcomic / Jailhouse Blues

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One of the more popular sprite comics hosted on the Bob and George website, Jailhouse Blues was a Mega Man (Classic) webcomic where Mega Man is sent to prison for allegedly killing endangered animalsnote . While pissed off at first, he can at least relax that Dr Wily is not bothering him...until he ends up in the same jail.

Instead of trying to rule the world, Dr Wily uses the resources in the jail to build 8 Robot Masters to make his life miserable. Fortunately for Mega Man X is an inmate and there to help. Unfortunately Mega Man has Alia as an operator, but he manages to get rid of her. This doesn't end well for him.

The webcomic ultimately ended before the story was finished. Yo Mama Man, later going by Jazz, one of the more popular Robot Masters introduced, had a cameo in Bob and George's Mega Man 6 storyline.

Jailhouse Blues provides examples of:

  • Art Shift: Mega Man's fights with the new Robot Masters are in 8-bit, because Wily couldn't afford 16-bit robots with prison resources.
  • Annoying Video Game Helper: Alia is passed off from X to Mega Man to be his operator, and he soon realized he pawned off an annoying guide. He eventually ditches and blasts her. She comes back with a vengeance for this.
  • Bestiality Is Depraved: Invoked by Camera Man; he blackmails Mega Man into trying to surrender by threatening to release doctored pictures of Mega Man doing perverted acts with animals. As it turns out these pictures are actually just harmless pictures of him with animals and he was trying to screw with him.
    Mega Man: "Good thing I never played poker with him".
  • Big Bad: As usual, Dr Wily is the main villain out to make Mega Man's life miserable, not even to gain power but to make prison unbearable. Alia shows up later as the more fearsome Big Bad, being motivated by revenge against Mega Man.
  • Blackmail: Camera Man weaponizes blackmail by taking potentially alarming pictures, though it turns out they're mostly innocuous and he's just got a really good poker face.
  • Brain Bleach: Mega Man's reaction to Prison Toilet Man in a nutshell, and Rancid Chef Man's cooking; one of disgust and shame that Dr Wily would make such disgusting Robot Masters.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Yo Mama's Turret Cannon has him emit a string of profanities at the opponent. It's something which sickens him to use it and only does so when Dr Wily forces him too
  • Disgusting Public Toilet: Well more Disgusting Prison Toilet, but Prison Toilet Man is a Robot Master made out a toilet oozing with sewage and by far the grossest Robot Master Dr Wily has ever made. It takes Artilley Man's "More Ammunition Than God" arsenal to do damage.
  • Enemy Mine: Dr Wily ends up tentatively working with Mega Man against Alia since he believes only he can kill Mega Man
  • Epic Fail: Wily boasts to Mega Man that with him in jail, nobody will stop him from taking over the world. He proceeds to get jailed for keeping robot animals in 8-bittage within the same page.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Well kind of evil. Yo Mama Man is a Wily bot and makes a bunch of insults at Mega Man's expense, but he still doesn't want to use the Turret Cannon and is forced to do so by Wily.
  • Evil Is Petty: Dr Wily isn't looking to take over the world or the prison really with his new 8 Robot Masters. No; they were built because he just wants to be a dick to Mega Man.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Alia goes from a navigator chip to supplanting Dr Wily as the Big Bad, by building a body decked out in Metool Armor.
  • Gasshole: Bean Man flatulates constantly because Wily likes fart jokes. It's bad enough he needs nose plugs just to tolerate his own B.O.
    • Farts on Fire: It's painful, but Bean Man (and later Mega Man with his power) can propel themselves like a rocket by lighting their gas.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Played for Laughs; Mega Man almost immediately decides to hallucinate in sensor deprivation because it's more fun than remaining sane.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Yo Mama Man gets rebuilt by Dr Light and becomes Mega Man's ally, deciding to rename himself Jazz.
  • Lethal Chef: Rancid Chef Man was deliberately made to make disgusting and inedible slop that moves, and doesn't wash his hands to "add flavor". He even bathes in the stuff. That said, it's actually somewhat palatable when microwaved.
  • Made of Indestructium: Never underestimate the strength of a prison toilet. It takes a ludicrous barrage of firepower to destroy Prison Toilet Man...and even then he survives as sewage and transforms into a grotesque Yellow Devil. It takes a microwave to finish him off for good.
  • Miscarriage of Justice: Mega Man gets jailed for killing "endangered animals", despite them being robotic and usually done as an act of self-defense. He loses the case due to a mix of Insane Troll Logic and Wily being in the jury.
  • No Ending: The comic abruptly concludes during the fight with Alia and having not been touched in well over a decade, it's unlikely to ever get a conclusion.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: X may be supporting Mega Man in his efforts to stop Dr Wily, but he isn't above stalling him if Wily gives him money.
  • Prison Rape: Bubba Man is a muscular robot in a towel who makes comments about being Mega Man having "a purdy mouth" and uses soap. It never outright says it but they're clearly going for a "don't drop the soap" joke and hinting at this trope. X is naturally sickened when he sees Bubba Man's schematics.
  • Original Character: Unlike the other characters who feature in the comic, the eight Robot Masters Dr Wily creates in prison don't exist in any actual game.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Wily doesn't take it kindly to Alia trying to steal his vengeance against Mega Man and forms an Enemy Mine with Mega Man to stop her.
  • The Slow Path: X has to serve a long sentence for his killing of Storm Owl, however they need him to fight off Sigma. The solution was to send him back to the Classic series and wait out until he's done his time...right after he was sent back in time in the first place.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: There's a reason Artillery Man is called "Overly Compensating For Something Man", and his weapon is "More Ammunition than God". His power is having ludicrously effective and destructive firepower that Napalm Man would envy.
    Mega Man: "There's got to be a catch".
  • Toilet Humor: Prison Toilet Man is a living filthy prison toilet joke, and Bean Man was literally made by Wily because he likes fart jokes.
  • Walking Armory: Artillery Man, though "Overly Compensating For Something Man" is a more accurate name. He's decked out in more weapons than Napalm Man and Mega Man is only left wondering what the catch is.
  • Your Mom: Played with; Yo Mamma Man is obviously named after the Yo Mama joke, however he doesn't limit himself with Your Mom jokes and makes general insults.
