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Webcomic / Hexane

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“Six humans play a session of Sburb, which unbeknownst to them has been modified to accommodate seven more players, a set of unique aliens who bring with them a millennia-old conspiracy and new, unique threats.”
animeseinfeld, MSPFA description

Hexane is a Homestuck Fan Adventure. It follows 6 friends as they play their own session of SBURB. While it starts out as a fairly ordinary session of SBURB, it quickly introduces many new concepts including a race of aliens not connected to SBURB at all, a video game come to life, and Atlantis.

Can be read here, but please be warned that Hexane is an Orphaned Series.

Contains examples of:

  • Advanced Ancient Humans: There were two civilizations of these. The Atlanteans and the Ramans.
  • After the End: As par for the course in a Homestuck fan adventure, the Exiles wander Earth in the future. Unlike in Homestuck, however, in Hexane the future Earth is overgrown with swamps and vegetation, although this may be because it has had some time to regrow, since in this case "the future" means 919 years after 2012.
  • Alchemy Is Magic: Not only do the alchemiters make various combination objects out of nothing, Mack was able to make a working magic wand with his.
  • Alternate Self: Dream selves and alternate timeline selves. Erin also has a sprite counterpart made from her glasses.
  • Applied Phlebotinum: Viy's original form was an evil version of this. It powered the Atlantean civilization's most advanced technology.
  • Arc Symbol: Slot machine symbols are used to represent the Exusia members as well as phoenix romance. There have been shown to be 7's, cherries, bells, lemons, limes, diamonds, melons, and bars. The Eye of Viy tends to show up in a lot of places as well.
  • Art Evolution: Compare the art in this page to the art in this one.
  • Atlantis: Mentioned throughout the story, and then shown in the second intermission.
  • Badass Cape: Mack REALLY likes capes. Every outfit he's worn aside from his first two and his default God Tier one has had a cape.
  • Bad Future: Larssprite and Macksprite come from a future where Lars never helped Erin enter, and she died. The rest of the players grew distant from Lars, and he was eventually killed by Mack.
  • Berserk Button: Cythedite is NOT a robot.
  • Bilingual Bonus: The author's exposition on phoenix romance, written in the phoenix language. note 
  • Bizarrchitecture: Dell's additions to Nina's house.
  • Bootstrapped Theme: Drow Pimp in the Crib.
  • Butt-Monkey: Qamarkino, full stop. To Theremina, at least.
  • The Cameo: The graves of the Scratchproof kids.
  • Cast Full of Gay: tA has stated that there are no straight characters in Hexane.
  • Catch a Falling Star: After entering his second gate, Mack falls from the top of Nina's castle, only to be caught by an underling.
  • Chromatic Arrangement / Rainbow Motif: The phoenix's colors are based off the colors of the rainbow, and their rooms and bumhandles are ordered this way.
  • Cigar Chomper: Once she becomes the richest crab on Mack's planet, Karkata becomes one of these.
  • Climax Boss: The Drow Pimp battle in [S] Deathmatch. As well as being the climactic battle against the heroes' main enemy so far, it wraps up most of the loose plot points of Act 4 and sees the Phoenixes officially enter the session. The battle against Asterion is this to a lesser extent, and Laravieve definitely qualifies.
  • Clock Tower: Nina's house has one.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Nina's grandpa qualifies.
  • Comic Within A Comic: Dungeons of Sunnydale. Sort of.
  • Cool Starship: The phoenixes' unnamed ship.
  • Crazy Survivalist: Lars's Sis is heavily implied to be one of these, what with living on a remote island with a fridge full of assault rifles.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Lars's fight with Sis. Ouch.
  • Data Pad: These existed in Atlantis, with at least Qamarkino and Kroblanco owning them.
  • Defictionalization: In-universe example of Mack's Dungeons of Sunnydale party.
  • Demonic Spiders: Quite literally, here. invoked
  • Demoted to Extra: HB, CD, and Jack Noir (especially Jack Noir) are pretty much sidelined by DD, who becomes a Dragon Ascendant and takes over Dorsepit. It also helps that all three were killed pretty quickly during their final battle with DD, not even being able to get revenge by getting the killing blow.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: Laraminia. She has plainly stated that she is intensely loyal to Viy, but nobody really seems to pay much attention.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: The Deranged Doombringer starts out as the Big Bad, and is even the master of a First Guardian. However, he is quickly outclassed by Viy, and is killed off reletively early.
  • Dumb Muscle: 0002, to the point where most of his dialogue consists of bear sounds. Godzillasprite, too.
  • Electronic Eyes: Cythedite seems to have acquired these as of Act 5.
  • Elemental Powers: Each of the Phoenixes have one.
    • Qamarkino has powers over air, Phobeimos has powers over fire, Meranimus can control water, Theremina commands metal, Cythedite can control flesh, Kroblanco has powers over earth, and Laraminia can control the emotions of others.
  • Emotionless Girl: Laraminia.
  • Ensemble Cast: Not to the extent of Homestuck, but Hexane has the humans, the phoenixes, and the Do S characters, in addition to the Atlanteans and Ramans.
  • Evil Laugh: Atlantean Qamarkino has one. KWEHEHEHEHE!
  • Exotic Eye Designs: Each phoenix has their symbol on their eye instead of an ordinary iris and pupil.
  • Fan Disillusionment: Not fans of Hexane itself, but its author was one of these for Homestuck, the work Hexane is based off of.
  • Fake Memories: Viy gave the Phoenixes these, with Laraminia telling Emmy the origin of the Phoenixes fairly early in the story only for the readers to find out that it was incorrect a few thousand pages later.
  • Fight Woosh: Here as well as here, with the second being notable for preceding a year-long hiatus.
  • Formulaic Magic: Parodied when Mack tries to open his Cruxtruder.
  • Freudian Trio: A trio of villains are based on the Freudian concepts. The Id was represented by the Drow Pimp, the Ego by Asterion, and the Superego by Laravieve. A literal example of this trope too, since all three of them come from Viy's mind.
  • Fusion Dance: The humanoid phoenixes are a result of a Composite version of this between the Atlantean Council and their purely bird phoenix pets.
  • Galactic Conqueror: Viy, at least in their false backstory.
  • Game-Breaking Bug: DoS's note  parser errors when in Wizard Mode.
  • Get Back in the Closet: Mack is commanded to go back into his literal closet after he "comes out" of it. However, that's not how it works.
    • It's worth noting that this is completely played for laughs, and the author intends for Hexane to be as inclusive as possible in terms of LGBTQ+ representation.
  • Gone Horribly Right: The Atlantean superweapon. It destroyed their enemy's empire in one shot, but its power source transformed into an EldritchAbomination.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Viy hasn't done much yet aside from destroy Atlantis, but they're certainly what's caused all the threats to the humans besides your standard SBURB fare.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: After randomly landing in a timeline where Mack killed him, Lars TORSO FLAILs his own corpse which he just looted at Mack before making his escape.
  • Harmless Electrocution: Happens to Kroblanco briefly in [S] Proceed.
  • Haunted Castle: Nina lives in one. It's filled to the brim with creepy dolls, odd knick-knacks, and... stone busts of people named Pallas?
  • Heroic Dog: Doghearst.
  • Heroic Second Wind: Mack gets one of these during [S] Deathmatch. The Drow Pimp has killed all of his friends and the situation looks dire, but Mack uses his god tier powers to get their corpses to the Quest Beds in the core of Skaia, god tiering all of them.
  • Hungry Menace: In Viy's introduction flash, it is revealed that they eat souls to survive for more than a few seconds at a time. Thus, their ultimate goal is to eat every soul in existence.
  • Impact Silhouette: Mack creates one when the Drow Pimp sends him flying through Derse onto his Quest Crypt.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Mack allocates wands to his strife specibus before even getting a working magic one, resulting in a horrendous note  failure in his first fight with an imp. Also, Dell uses a birdkind specibus, using a bird statuette, although eventually he simply gets a bird-shaped axe. Qamarkino uses wrenches in combat, which also don't seem to be very effective, and Erin uses all manner of grappling hooks and claws.
  • Interdimensional Travel Device: DoS save points.
  • Instant Runes: Mack's Scepter of Apollo appears to create these.
  • Item Get!: You got the translation!
  • Joke Weapon: The Flowery Insult.
  • Killed Off for Real: The game Dungeons of Sunnydale, along with the main characters' player avatars, are destroyed permanently in DoS: End, leaving 0001 and co. as the only remnants of its existence.
  • Lampshade Hanging:
    MR: yes, i'm here! sorry, i was exploring my house.
    EO: not gonna ask.
    MR: yeah i'm not sure why i did it either.

    AMORIA: Nobody's even bothered to fuckin' kill us.
    AMORIA: It's like we've been forgotten about!
    AMORIA: Dog, it's like we're MINOR CHARACTERS!
  • Leitmotif:
    • Trench Warfare is associated with Mack and really the whole Swallow/Scathe family, having received three mixes all centered around them. Mack is also associated with the trombone.
    • Nina's music is emphasized on the drums, her primary instrument, and is also often littered with piano and pipe organ playing, reflected her Transylvanian upbringing. Her guardian strife theme was Chessmaster.
    • Lars is associated with keytars. His guardian strife theme was Scuffle.
    • Emmy is associated with the clarinet, but as of late has frequently had Drow Pimp in the Crib as one of her themes due to her possession. Her guardian strife theme was Ragtime Fight.
    • Almost all of Dell's music has a shamisen as the primary instrument. Just, shamisens. Anything with a shamisen is Dell's and anything that's Dell's has a shamisen. End of story.
    • Erin plays the banjo, but does not have many affiliated songs. Her guardian strife theme was Showdown at High Noon.
    • Qamarkino's associated instrument seems to be the rock organ.
    • Phobeimos is associated with the lute as well as the trumpet, and his themes are militaristic in mood.
    • Meranimus's associated instrument is the saxophone.
    • Theremina's instrument appears to be the electric guitar.
    • Cythedite's songs use a lot of string instruments and flute.
    • Kroblanco's instrument is the french horn and his themes have an epic, slowly-paced feel.
    • Laraminia's themes use the harpsichord and church organ, and are mostly ominous or frantic.
  • Lethal Joke Item: Birdkind sets up to be a Joke Item, until Dell totally owns his Bro with his bird statuette, and one-shots Fear with his Parrot Sabre.
  • Mad Scientist: Atlantean Qamarkino seems to be this.
  • Magic Wand: Mack's preferred weapon.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Laraminia. She has powers over the emotions of others, but apart from that she's extremely good at manipulating others in general. It's heavily implied that she had at least partial control over the Drow Pimp.
    • Eventually subverted for Laraminia. She's has been possessed by Laravieve the whole time, making Laravieve an even stronger example of this.
  • The Maze: Fear's labyrinth seems to be this.
  • Mercy Lead: Asterion gives one of these to the DoS gang before pursuing them. He would have caught up with them if it weren't for the First Guardian's sacrifice.
  • Mickey Mousing: As a Homestuck fancomic, the flashes are this.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: The biggest difference between Asterion's first and second forms is that his second form has two more arms. His sword hands are replaced by regular hands holding actual swords, and his other two arms serve as laser guns.
  • Multi-Melee Master: Phobeimos has three swords, two axes, two maces, and a warhammer laying around his room. He's later seen using several types of weapon, but for the most part he sticks to a sword.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: The Drow Pimp kills Mack on his Quest Crypt, causing him to ascend as the Mage of Breath, a class perfectly suited to defeating the Drow Pimp.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Mack's sprite, anote  Wizard Knight Crab Ghost.
  • No Escape but Down: While being chased by living wall carvings, 0001 reaches a dead end where Mack had previously blown a wall open. With no other options, he jumps.
  • No Ending: Just as Viy possess Kroblanco, and all the kids, Sunnydale characters, and Phoinexes get ready to confront and defeat him, combined with two Humongous Mecha for both sides... the series is abruptly cancelled, leaving absolutely no resolution for the comic, it's characters, and the world at stake.
  • Nonstandard Character Design: 0001 and co., unlike Prospitians, have rough black outlines.
  • One-Word Title: Hexane.
  • Origins Episode: The Atlantis intermission is this.
  • Orphaned Series: Was discontinued right before the final battle.
  • Overly Long Name: Played with. Nina initially refers to Phobeimossprite as Phuginnobeimuninnossprite, due to Phobeimos's head overwriting Huginn and Muninn in her sprite, before being told that just Phobeimos is fine.
  • Parodies for Dummies: Dell and the phoenixes own Fuseboxes for Muttonheads and Starship Engines for Featherheads, respectively.
  • The Pollyanna: Emmy spiked her computer on the floor and then ran outside grinning madly two pages later.
    • Subverted, it is eventually revealed that Laraminia has been manipulating Emmy's emotions so she gets into her session as easily as possible.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: Viy's original form required human sacrifices and a "conduit" to function.
  • Power Strain Black Out: Their powers are usually portrayed as being highly fatigueing with extensive or particularly powerful uses causing them to collapse from exhaustion.
  • The Punishment: The origin of the phoenixes. They were the rules of Atlantis, but then their horrifying superweapon awakened Viy. He turned them into his servants as a KarmicTransformation.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: Laraminia, while not a perfect example, hits a majority of the requisite traits. She has a different color scheme and she's more active behind-the-scenes, but she has the emotionless personality, unusual speech pattern, and connection to the antagonists.
  • Rich Bitch: Cythedite's Atlantean incarnation is at least partially responsible for the destruction of Atlantis and the creation of Viy, all because she was rich and wanted to be richer. Thankfully present Cythedite is much more personable.
  • Robot Maid: Erin's Erinbots seem to be little more than this.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Atlantean Cythedite thrives on this.
  • Shock and Awe: The Drow Pimp's preferred attack utilizes purple lightning.
  • Shout-Out: Many, but most notably to Problem Sleuth.
    • After Mack wakes up his Dad with trombone playing, Dad goes to make pudding at 4 AM.
      • "He's lost control of his life."
      • Phobeimos, ever since Cythedite gave him Hamlet, regularly throws out Shakespeare quotes.
      • And when AJTS switches the light on, he says:
      Phobeimos: -(WAS THAT A QUOTE?=>
  • Sickly Green Glow: Most Atlantean weapons and technology glow green when in use.
  • Sigil Spam: The Atlanteans sure do love that Eye of Viy.
  • Slasher Smile: Lars has a nasty case of this.
  • Soul-Powered Engine: Viy started out as one of these.
  • Teeth Flying: Cythedite knocks out one of Phobeimos' teeth while breaking up a fight between him and Qamarkino. It works.
  • Terrible Trio: Laravieve, Asterion, and the Drow Pimp fit the bill quite well, although they're more competent. All three of them work for Viy. Which makes sense considering that all of them are are it's Freudian Trio, with Larvieve, Asterion, and the Drow Pimp embodiments of it's Super Ego, Ego, and Id, respectively.
  • Theme Music Power-Up: A notable example occurs in [S] Break, using a fan-made track.
  • Throw the Book at Them: In a non-malevolent way. Theremina lobs a spaceship engine manual at Qamarkino's head while he's working on fixing the engine.
  • Ultraterrestrials: While the phoenixes seem like aliens at first, they are actually citizens from Atlantis, who were fused with their pet birds by Viy and sent off into space.
  • Villain Teleportation: The Drow Pimp's favored mode of transportation. Asterion also uses this.
  • Was Once a Man: The phoenixes were once the rulers of Atlantis. Then Viy transformed them into half-human birdmen. However, they do not look particularly monstrous.
  • Winged Humanoid: The phoenixes, although their wings aren't shown much. Ironically, the one wingless phoenix's surgically-attached airplane wings are always visible on his sprite.
  • Wrench Wench: Erin.
