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Web Animation / TektonTV

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TektonTV is the YouTube channel of Tekton Apologetics, a Christian apologetics ministry run by James Patrick (J.P.) Holding.

Unlike many other apologetics channels on YouTube, Tekton uses animated skits to get his point across. Holding's cartoons often contain gags and skits to accompany the information. The videos mostly respond to atheist claims about the Bible and Christianity, although sometimes veer into the territory of answering other Christians. Most of them are meant to accompany articles on the website.

Sometimes Holding has directly responded to people in his videos (including atheists like NonStampCollector and DarkMatter2525, but also fundamentalists like The FUEL Project).

In July 2022, with the posting of his 1,000th video, Holding brought the series to a close, believing he had accomplished all he needed with it. He continues to update the channel with podcast interviews and other similar content.

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