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Web Animation / Story Time Animated

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Story Time Animated is a YouTube story-time channel that claims to animate real life stories sent to them by teenagers. However, it's widely suspected that many, if not most, of the stories are actually fictional, often due to the videos having extremely implausible or nonsensical things happen within them.

The idea of the channel is to tell outlandish stories that occur to teenage characters. They involve school, family secrets, and other real world topics, however they usually have an unusual twist to them.

Compare to the similar channel My Story Animated.

Story Time Animated contains examples of:

  • Alpha Bitch: Debbie antagonized Kylie because she was poor in college until she went broke and Kylie and her mother got rich from the lottery. She decided to blackmail Debbie to do stuff for her until she accidentally spilled the beans to her friends.
  • Animesque: Several videos use the anime art style to varying degrees and even use anime-inspired expressions.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Sophia took an antique statue which apparently accepts wishes. She wished for better grades and to be more popular. The wish came true, but in turn she Took a Level in Jerkass. She eventually realized she was wrong and returned the antique. The antique owner reveals that it wasn't the statue that made her confident but herself.
  • Dirty Coward: When their boat fell over, Garth left Regina to be eaten by the crocodiles. Fortunately Raven rescued her just in time.
  • Evil Aunt: Abuela hid Isabella's parents from her, pretending they went missing by forcing them to find an ancient mirror for her so that she can get rich from it.
  • False Friend: Marle became a fake friend for Aria when she ditched Cassidy for her. She didn't show up for her group science project and even framed Aria for ruining the prom when it was actually Marle's fault.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Father: Laila's father didn't like her dream to become an astronaut, preferring her to become an accountant like him. He even kicked Laila out of the house when she refused to go to an accountant school.
  • Gold Digger: Maya dumped Nate when he lost all his money and got with his rival Brody.
  • Haunted House: An old woman told Gwen that the former tenants of her house had disappeared and not to go into the basement. Since then, strange things have happening in the house and Gwen suspected her stepfather is protecting whoever is behind it. Later subverted when it is revealed that her boyfriend Frank and his lookalike were behind the strange things and they were arrested soon after.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Jessica's parents adopted Rebecca so that she won't feel loney. It's revealed that Rebecca is Jessica's biological sister and her parents aren't her real parents and are actually her uncle and aunt who are after her trust fund.
  • Motor Mouth: Kara talks non-stop ever since she was 6 months old. Her parents took her to the doctor who diagnosed her with a talking disorder and recommended that she takes deep breaths so she would stop talking as much. When that didn't work, Kara's parents took her to her grandfather's farm.
  • New Friend Envy: Hana became so jealous of her new relationship with Yu-Jin, that she sold out her hidden K-Pop identity and used his name so they'll break off the relationship.
  • Rags to Riches: Kylie and her mother got rich from the lottery after living a life of poverty.
  • Super Gullible: Celine is very gullible and can be easily be tricked by other people. She fell for Adrian's con since she was desperate looking for a cure for her ill father.
  • Stage Mom: Tasha's parents forced her to be a model for money against her wishes to be a doctor. When she had enough, she cut off her own hair and quit being a model and dressed in baggy clothes, wore a black wig and concealed her identity at her new school.
  • Terrified of Germs: Pearl is germaphobic to the point where she once tried to clean the restaurant tables at her birthday party until she got exhausted.
  • Womanchild: Sandra's mom behaves childishly for her age to the point where she even kissed and talked to a teddy bear.
