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Warp That Aesop / Wreck-It Ralph

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  • Give the occasional kudos to your Punch-Clock Villain or he'll unleash a Class X-5 Apocalypse How (accidentally, of course).
  • Some employees don't deserve appreciation for doing their jobs correctly if their jobs are different from their co-worker's, and deserve to be shunned instead.
  • Shunning your Punch-Clock Villain and acting like a jerk to him will end with no karmic retribution.
  • You will find true happiness only when you embrace your pre-defined role in life.
  • If a video game at an arcade is glitching, don't tell anyone, or else the characters inside the game will be homeless and in poverty when it gets shut down. Some characters will even get killed because they can't escape.
  • As long as you're famous and appreciated, your dreams and ambitions don't matter.
  • Doing a job you're good at will lead to people hating you.
    • People will still hate you if you try to do something different.
  • If your current role isn't netting you the positive attention you want, steal it from underneath someone else. Just don't get caught.
  • People will love you if you're royalty regardless of your true nature or intentions.
  • Being a good guy means doing good deeds for cosmetic awards like medals, cake, or cookie medals. Doing good deeds for the sake of it won't do anything for your reputation and will also not bring you any gratitude.
  • If you're small, cute and have a tragic enough backstory, you can get away with theft and being a big jerk and others will take pity on you and do all the heavy lifting for you.
  • If you're an adult with tragic circumstances but are not cute, no one will pity you and the most outside help you will get is to be told to take it like an adult.
  • If you just declare yourself president of a democracy, you will be president!
  • Never unplug your game console, all the characters inside will die. It's not like they have any place to escape to.
  • If your bullies find out that you're actually royalty, they'll stop being jerks to you.
  • Never treat people good unless something like the Apocalypse How happens.
  • If you pick on someone for being different from you, it's the ringleader's fault, despite the fact that you have free-will to make your own decisions.
  • Amnesia is a good excuse to be a bully.
  • It's only wrong to bully someone if they hold a position of power over you.
  • An actor who plays a villain must be just as evil as the character he's portraying, regardless of his true nature. What, a good person playing a villain, that's ridiculous!
  • You can't change fate. You are born the way you are, and you should accept it. Yes, this includes being despised by your peers and sleeping out in the garbage dump while your main co-worker is adored and gets praised every day for his work, weren't you listening?
  • If you try to deviate from your previous profession, you'll just mess things up. Better do what you were meant to do.
  • Your disability can become a superpower if you try hard enough.
  • If you don't feel like you're being appreciated enough, go on a reckless journey that puts the livelihoods (and even lives in general) of everyone around you in danger. Don't worry about how it goes, because everybody will treat you better in the end, anyway.
