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WMG / Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (2018)

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One zombie is named Lazarus

At least ONE zombie is named Lazarus, because there's a z in it, and it's the name of the man Jesus rose from the grave. It may even be Zed's MIDDLE name.

Bonzo has Autism

He really seems to have a lot of traits of it (the hugging, being artistic). Idk, I just noticed that. No matter what, he's just an absolute sweetheart.

The werewolves represent Native Americans

They say in "Flesh & Bones": "We came for what's ours", and before that I'm pretty sure they told them "You're on our land."

  • Plus they never turn into literal wolves like traditional werewolves.

They have a Calling

The werewolves sing we are "the Call to the Wild". While most likely metaphorical(as most songs are), to emphasize the "wildness" of the werewolves, the other meaning of wild is 'untamed; natural'. And the werewolves have been consistently shown to want to free expression, be who they are(though Wynter might take it a bit too far). The Call to the Wild might not be just a fill-in song; the werewolves represent those who are unafraid to be themselves, even if they are not accepted by society at large.

  • The zombies, on the other hand, now that they have been accepted into Seabrook, seem intent on it staying that way. Zed was freely promoting how the Z-Band technology can make them functionally human, the only person who seems to not agree with this being Eliza, who sees their progress as a step in the right direction but not the goal. Theirs might be a call for inclusion, which is meant to mean acceptance but can and usually will tip into conformity.
  • If the theories are true that Addison is part of another supernatural species, they might have a calling to unity. She seems to actively participate in trying to bring different people and groups together, whether it be cheerleaders or werewolves. She tries to include everyone, which fits well with Zed but not entirely in sync as seen in their huge almost break-up in the movie.
  • Humans, going by sheer instinct, their call might be to safety. We all have a need to protect those we care about, as well as ourselves. The positive outcome is caution, but the negative is paranoia. The entire Seabrook council agreed to reinstate the anti-monster laws after reports of werewolves, which according to the stories being told were dangerous and attack humans.

No one said the Great Alpha was/had to be a werewolf.

Addison has white hair, found the Moonstone, looks identical to the Great Alpha and can even howl like a werewolf. That said, nothing was said about the Great Alpha actually being a werewolf. That could just be what the werewolves assumed since she was supposed to be leading werewolves.

  • And at the end of the movie, Willa gives Addison the Great Alpha's necklace, symbolic that even though she's not a werewolf she is part of their pack. But maybe that was the point? The Great Alpha is not a werewolf, but will lead their pack, find the Moonstone and become an honorary member?

     ZOMBIES 3 
Addison is part zombie

Addison is half-zombie, given the fact her hair is naturally white and cannot be dyed.

Addison is an alien
The ending of Zombies 2 shows a blue meteor falling from sky, which makes her hair glow blue, and her name starts with an A for alien, after all.
  • The first movie makes it clear that before they got the fancy normalizing bracelets zombies did some "Gory" things. If her parents are normal people who happened to find a baby there probably wouldn't have been a lot of questions about the baby and where the parents went
  • on the flip side if her parents are Aliens as well and hiding it, that may explain why they are so invested in instilling the need to be normal and fit in to their daughter
  • If she really is an alien and her parents know, then they are absolute hypocrites. If she's an alien, then they have a daughter that's not even from that world but they discriminate against zombies and werewolves.
  • The premise for the third film involves an alien race; Addison may have a connection with them.
  • Addison's real name might be "A-Zen", given the Fantastic Naming Convention of the aliens announced (A-Lan and A-Li)
  • Confirmed! Well, she's a quarter alien.

Addison is a ghost
  • Jossed, she's a quarter alien.

Zombies 3 will introduce multiple monsters
In addition to the implied aliens, the film will see the zombies, werewolves, and cheerleaders spread their message of unity across America. The ending will see the high school begin admitting teens who are vampires, fairies, sea monsters, etc.
  • Confirmed! Mostly. No fairies, but the epilogue of the final movie has scenes of Seabrook welcoming vampires and merfolk.

Addison was supposed to infiltrate humanity and lead and invasion
Despite her hangups about not knowing her place, Addison is very good at fitting in. Suspiciously good, you might say. It's expected that she perfectly adapts to the human community she was raised in, but she also quickly adapts to the culture and dance moves of the zombies (except maybe the language). Then in the sequel, she joins the wolfpack just as easily. The third movie will reveal that her species is great at ingratiating themselves with local populations so as to more easily overthrow them and take over the planet.
  • Jossed. She's the granddaughter of an Alien scout who fell in love with a human.

Addison was adopted
She wasn't born into the Wells family at all; her parents found her somewhere and took her in as their own.
  • Jossed, her mom is half alien and knew all along.

The Aliens are Good
Like the zombies and werewolves, they are just misunderstood and want to have friends.
  • Confirmed!

Addison will sympathize with The Aliens
Since she sympathized with both Zombies and Werewolves, it;s likely that she'll sympathize with The Aliens and will try to convince them that she'll be their friend and they can change.
  • Confirmed - she immediately assumes that they could be nice the moment their ship shows up over Seabrook and is the first to welcome them.

The Aliens will have a Heel–Face Turn
Since they are just like the werewolves, it’s likely that they will see the error of their ways once Addison talks them out of it.
  • Jossed - they actually have a better time fitting in than the werewolves did, and the climax of the movie has the werewolves, zombies, and humans recognize the aliens' good intentions instead.

     Sequel Future Theories 

The Moonstone is a piece of the Alien's homeworld, and more are coming
.The harm it poses to the aliens is a reference to another alien who's homeworld was destroyed. Zed also mentions at the beginning of the third film that meteor showers have become more common ever since the original Moonstone was recovered, but that's never addressed. Rather, the meteor showers are more chunks of the Moonstone being drawn to Earth and their impact is what causes more monsters and creatures to start appearing in town.

There will be a sequel trilogy of films focusing on Zed's sister Zoey
It will focus on her finding her way in a newly integrated Seabrook high populated by all manner of monsters.

There will be a crossover with Descendants
Both series of films were promoted together by Disney and are notable teenage tv musicals, and both settings lend themselves to being a Fantasy Kitchen Sink. Furthermore, Descendants is getting two more films, so there's nothing stopping Zombies from getting the same treatment.
