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WMG / Zoboomafoo

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The closet is sentient and also a Troll.
In the episode "Pets", Jackie opened the closet and nothing fell on her, much to the Kratt Brothers' amazement. Thus, the audience is led to believe that the closet is sentient and dumps everything the Kratts put in it on top of them when they open it because it finds it amusing.

Animal Junction and The Eyewitness Museum share the same creator
Both are places that bring together animals that wouldn't ever interact come into the same indoor place, and both Animal Junction and Eyewitness Museum make use of rear projection stock footage through windows and the roof that if they existed in real life would be impossible due to the angles. Perhaps who or whatever created Animal Junction first as a prototype to the museum that was discovered by the Kratt Brothers.
  • Maybe the creators were Ms. Frizzle and Cornelia Contralto? Contralto already created a museum with sounds preserved inside of books, multiple biomes within one building, and a moving painting of her ancestor before meeting Ms. Frizzle. With access to the Magitek of the bus, who knows what they could do together?
