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WMG / The Virgin Suicides

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Rapunzel from "Tangled" is Lux Lisbon as a Disney princess!
Both characters look similar (with blonde hair and light eyes), both are often seen barefoot, both are rebellious, and spirited young women who yearn to be free from their hostile, overprotective mother figures, and they both fall for a young man, who has a bit of a shady side, Plus, Lux is crowned Homecoming queen, which represents her "royal" status in the school world.

The girls all had different reasons for taking their own lives!
It’s reasonable to presume that they all committed suicide for the same reason but it’s also possible that they all had different problems and ultimately they decided (sadly not unreasonably) that no one was going to help them. Possible reasons could be that Therese could not cope with the Intelligence Equals Isolation treatment that it’s implied she has to put up with. It’s also implied that she is the least prettiest of her sisters. Bonnie like their mother is described as being quite devout, obviously not to the same extent as Mrs. Lisbon (but then good lord who could be?) but still. Is it possible that in addition to the family tragedy poor Bonnie was also dealing with possible feelings that went against her beliefs? Not entirely sure what Mary's grievance besides losing Cecilia would have been but Lux certainly seemed to have a lot of demons of her own, most (if not all) having everything to do with the opposite sex. It’s mentioned that even with the family in lockdown she still manages to keep company. Did she feel Defiled Forever by Trip or was she just tired of being used for sex and nothing else?
