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WMG / Star Wars: Queen's Shadow

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Rush Clovis will appear
His first appearance on The Clone Wars establishes that he and Padmé had a brief relationship early in her senatorial career, so it's plausible.
  • Confirmed
Mina Bonteri will appear
Padmé mentions that Mina Bonteri mentored her when she first became a senator, so it would seem likely she'd appear, given the plot specifically revolves around Padmé becoming a senator.
  • Confirmed
Queen Jamillia will appear or at least be mentioned
She was elected Queen of Naboo after Padmé's term ended and Padmé indicates it was Jamillia who persuaded her to become Naboo's senator.
  • Partly confirmed; Jamillia is mentioned but does not make a physical appearance; it's also revealed she was not the queen who directly succeeded Padmé in office.
Onaconda Farr will appear
  • Confirmed
Mariek Panaka divorced her husband after the rise of the Empire
It's already made clear throughout the book that the Panakas' marriage has been strained by their disagreement on the ion pulse. The epilogue also states that she did not appear alongside him when he made his first speech to Naboo as their new Imperial Moff. All the groundwork is being laid for Mariek to have decided to leave Quarsh.

Alternative Title(s): Queens Shadow
