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WMG / Star vs. the Forces of Evil S2 E23 "Into the Wand"

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Queen Eclipsa will come back

Come on, why would they introduced a important character and not bring them back?

  • Maybe she won't be a living character, but she will have influence on future episodes and might occur in a flashback.
  • Well if that's the case, then maybe Celena and Solaria will come back too. That way, we might learn a bit more about the "dark secrets" Celena kept hidden, and whether or not Solaria's monster slaying was as heroic as it seems.
Eclipsa's alive and Moon made a Deal with her and Celena and Solaria are pretty much Dead

Toffee is a descendent of Eclipsa and her monster lover

He knew about the Whispering Spell, which Star was taught by her mother. Simply fighting Moon the Undaunted wouldn't have given him such a important piece of information.

  • He looks nothing like either of them. He must be adopted.
  • Or enough generations of interbreeding have gone by that he can be entirely monsterous in appearance, but still related to the family.

