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WMG / Stake Land

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Martin saying that Mister isn't his father saved his life.
  • Jebediah Loven was initially going to kill Martin in front of Mister as revenge for his the hunter killing his son. But when Martin reveals that he is an orphan whose father is dead, it sparks some fatherly compassion in Jebediah. As he had just lost a son who was a similar age to Martin, Jebediah decides to spare Martin and 'adopt' him into the Brotherhood.
    • Supported by an infected Jebediah later making it clear he intends to kill Martin in front of Mister specifically for revenge.
Mister never intended to stay in New Eden.
  • Mister wasn't heading for New Eden for himself, he was looking for a safe place to leave Martin. When they get close and Mister sees that Martin is capable of protecting himself from the vampires, he leaves because Mister can't let go of his hate for vampires and wants Martin to be able to live a 'normal' life.
