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WMG / Naruto: The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show

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During the Sasuke & Naruto vs. Gaara fight, Sasuke's line about not wanting to see people important to him die will be turned into Sasuke calling Naruto and Sakura "Sasuke's friends".
And it will be heartwarming.

Naruto thinks that Sasuke is somehow a girl and a guy.
Multiple times he calls Sasuke gay and wants to have sex with him, but when Sakura says that she loves Sasuke as proof that she's not a lesbian, Naruto replies that he's rested his case. Muddling it up further is that Naruto claims he's not gay, though it could just be him denying that he's not gay, and willing to call himself a girl to avoid being called gay. Don't think about it too much.

Orochimaru and Kabuto will be parodies of Dr. Weird and Steve
You know Little Kuriboh loves to parody [adult swim] characters, especially from ATHF.
