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WMG / Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

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Guesses for Super Robot Wars

General series guesses.
My general guess for the series is that it focuses on an Industrialized Mercury and that humanity is fully in the process of building a Dyson Swarm. The main character is the daughter of some of the managers present, living in a small colony on the planet. A big part of the conflict then perhaps is centered around the fact that despite humanity having practically infinite energy, those on Earth still hoard it all to themselves leading to resentment and rebellion.

The lead Gundam is part of this and is specifically designed to be able to siphon energy directly from this Dyson system making it incredibly powerful.

And finally, the title of the series probably refers to a Red Baron title the main character eventually earns over the course of the show, growing better and better as a pilot before eventually becoming known as "The Witch from Mercury".

  • Guess is largely off, jury's still out on whether or not someone will be directly called the "Witch from Mercury".

The series will borrow plot elements from Red Witch of Mercury by Robert Emmett McDowell

Story is Public Domain - link here

A poster on noticed the Shout-Out in the title, and posted the following synopsis:

Red Witch of Mercury is a story of intrigue, crime and corruption. It’s a solid thriller, through and through. Mercury may be on the brink or civil war. A handful of Earthnoid interests control over half of the resources on the small world, including the lucrative wine trade. There is some resentment among the Mercurian populace, but the Earth government has just granted the Mercurian people a new degree of freedom and self-governance. Though revolution could wreck the advancements the Mercurians have made towards independence, rumors are circulating that the Mercurian Patriot movement may still consider violent insurrection to drive the trusts off once and for all. With the coming of the Festival of Rains, a celebration of the union of the rain god Nemi and his bride the soil which “would make a Roman Orgy look like a Sunday School picnic”, there’s fear that the streets could explode in riots at a moment’s notice.

The tale begins in a piano bar, where the eponymous Red Witch – an organized crime contact posing as a sultry lounge singer – approaches the death-dealing mercenary hitman-for-hire Jaro Moynihan (Mars-Irish, apparently) with a proposition: she represents a group of investors who want to put a hit on the leader of the Mercurian Patriot Movement. Following the trail after the Red Witch’s sudden abduction, Jaro stumbles upon a grand conspiracy to foment civil war by means of assassination and false-flag terrorism to ensure that the wine trusts retain their political hold on the tiny world and the Mercurian Patriot Movement is crushed by a retaliatory Earth space fleet. What follows is an adventure through the rain-drenched alleys of crowded cities to the subterranean tunnels of alien pleasure temples, shoot-outs with gangsters and Venusian hit-men, plus a mob boss and a cruel beauty who stand to profit from the bloodshed.

  • It is looking more and more like the show's name being similar to Red Witch of Mercury was just a coincidence.

Our Heroine will be a Newtype or this timeline's equivalent thereof
Thus justifying the "witch" monicker.
  • Kind of a given, as this is a mainline Gundam series.
    • Although there have been Gundam timelines with no Newtypes or Newtype-equivalents before (e.g. G, Wing, Turn A)
  • Jossed, she is closer to a Ple type character, just without the cyber newtype abilities. Aside from being a clone that has been heavily indoctrinated by her mother she is just a regular girl.

the Voice Actress of the main character

The Gundam Aerial is going to be a case of Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
  • Essentially, it's going to be an experimental Mobile Suit that specializes in, if not purpose-built for, atmospheric combat.
    • That being said, the latter seems unlikely, as it lacks the large boosters or wings commonly seen on machines built for sustained flight.
      • Though its shield's design has parts that resemble an aircraft's wings folded together. Thus, it can be assumed that the shield can transform into a flight unit a la Aile Striker or Force Silhouette for the Gundam Aerial (and there are some fan artworks from Twitter of its shield in Flight Mode).

  • Turns out Aerial's specialisation is in bit weapons (although it seems to fly just fine under a colony's simulated gravity).

Just like with the protagonist, Witch of Mercury will be the first mainline Gundam with a female Char Clone.
Just seems like too good an opportunity to miss. and perhaps this Char Clone will be the titular Witch. Or even, the main character could become a Char Clone over the course of the story before gaining said moniker.
  • This Troper is going to go out on a line and speculate that the girl with the blonde page bob will ultimately become the series' Char Clone.
    • Given Eri/Suletta's background and the fact she's using a false name, she herself could be the Char Clone.
      • Considering that this is from one of the creators of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion We may have a combination of a Char Clone, a Lelouch Clone with elements of Kallen if we get lucky.
      • Hell, one could go all the way with the Char Clone guesses and wonder if maybe Miorine will be the Garma clone and is having to watch her back, as a certain redhead might be watching it as well.
  • A masked woman is seen briefly in the second trailer.
  • The main issue with this is that Katejina from Mobile Suit Victory Gundam is considered by some as a Char clone, which would make her the first female example.
    • While not the first. this is Confirmed, of a sort. Suletta's mother is wearing a Char-like mask, making her the Char Clone. Since she is supporting the main character, this is more in the Quattro mold.

The series will start off as a Slice of Life, but break off into war early on, and all the MegaCorp factions will engage in wars a la Armored Core.
  • The setting already has megacorporations running schools and industries as opposed to large military nation-state factions. Armored Core 2 did this in space, and Armored Core 4 to Verdict Day almost had this happen.

Related to the above, the main cast will be forced to abandon the school at the end of the first arc.
  • In response to a "Shit just got real!" moment.
    • Perhaps that moment will be that Suletta will be forced to make use of the GUND system which will reveal both her and her mobile suits true identities.

Elan Ceres, Shaddiq Zenelli, or Miorine Rembran will undergo a Face–Heel Turn.
  • Let's be honest. It's always the more introverted, laid-back and quiet kind of folks that have something nasty to hide. And if they do, it will be because of a traumatic backstory, coupled with a philosophical argument they believe in.

The Aerial is not a new mobile suit.
  • Chances are that the Aerial is in fact just a slightly modified and repainted Lfrith in order to try and conceal its origins. Also, while it is titled a Gundam, it will not be referred to as such, again for the sake of concealment.

The attack on Suletta's colony was all to get their hands on the GUND system.
  • It was an attack by a rival corporation who used to excuse of inhuman experimentation to justify an attack against the colony. However the real goal was to lay claim to the GUND system they where developing. And unfortunately, they got their hands on it, but fortunately it was just the early mass production version. The more refined version found in the Lfrith got away, however this will have lead to loads of Gundam knockoffs being produced by those that acquired it. This is also why Elan is interested in Suletta as he pilots one of those knockoffs due to her connection to the original incident.

The Aerial carries a protective AI.
  • Judging from the trailers, it seems like the Aerial can move on it's own, therefore it might carry an onboard AI that is programmed to protect Suletta. Perhaps it was installed by her mother. However, it perhaps ends up overbearingly and excessively protective causing loads of trouble for Suletta when it acts when it really shouldn't.
  • Partially confirmed as of Season 2; the Aerial carries a protective intelligence, although "artificial" is very much debatable.

Either Kana Ichinose (Suletta) or Lynn (Miorine) will sing a "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune.
  • Either one of them or both will sing the ending song/s since the opening songs of an anime are more commonly sung by singers or bands.

Jossed. None of the theme tunes are sung by the main characters.

Shaddiq Zenelli will be confronted on the reason why his Michaelis looks like the Beguir-Beu in the prologue, and whether or not he's associated with Kenanji Avery.
  • The Beguir-Beu's newer successor, the Beguir-Pente has appeared by now, so this is almost certainly not going to happen. The similarity between the two mobile suits was never strange in the first place anyway, since they're both from the same manufacturer.
  • Jossed as it's now clear that everyone knows the connection between Shaddiq, Grassley, the Beguir-Beu, and Dominicus.

Suletta will end up with one or several prosthetics or even become a full cyborg.
  • Over the course of the story she might suffer various severe injuries leading to her needing replacement limbs, perhaps leading to a discussion around Cybernetics Eat Your Soul for or against it, following in the themes her mother and old mentor was working towards. Perhaps even going into full Transhumanism territory.
    • As an extension to this, as GUNA-Arm Inc. starts to recover the lost purpose of GUND's original ideal, their first patient will be Suletta after she have been severely injured.

Suletta will not remember her original name.
  • Keep in mind, she was literally four when her home colony was attacked leaving her and her mother as the only survivors. It’s possible that she changed their names for their safety and Suletta eventually lost all memory of the event. So what will the result of this be? Well, when she eventually gets into the Gundam Aerial, it will display her true name, thus triggering her first memory of being a pilot to come back.
    • Jossed. Suletta and Eri aren't the same person.

Mercury is considered a backwaters planet in this setting.
  • In short, it is seen as as far removed from civilization as you can get, a place where no one would live voluntarily. However, this also makes it the perfect place for Eri and her mother to hide after the destruction of their home as it is so far removed that those who ruined their lives don't even consider it worth it to go out there.
    • Appears to be confirmed. It is mostly seen as an out of the ways mining colony.

There will be lots of angst about how the GUND-Format technology was originally meant to save lives.
  • And how it is now used for war and killing. Though in the end, the Gundam might be used in a way to actually save a life, showing that the idea still lives on.
    • Confirmed, but without much Angst. The first thing we see Suletta do in Aerial is rescue Miorine.
      • GUND-Arm Inc. also looks to be going down the medical route for their business goals.

The Lfrith, and later the Aerial, will prove to be an Empathic Weapon beyond what is normally seen in a Gundam series.
  • In the prologue alone, many people treat the Lfrith as if it was a living being, referring to it as "her" or as a child. The main character even refers to herself as the Lfrith's older sister. While pilots talking to their Gundams is nothing new, the Lfrith/Aerial will be different in that it will be able to take action without any input on Suletta's part. To take it further, there's a chance it could even communicate to its pilot on its own.
    • In essence, the relationship between Ericht/Suletta and the Aerial will be similar to the relationship between a Titan and its Pilot.
  • Confirmed! The music novel Cradle Star is written entirely from the Aerial's point of view.
    • And, as of Season 2, hints have been revealed about how it was done - and it's not pretty.

Cardo and Delling have some kind of shared past.
  • Something make it seem like these two know each other. As the announcement was made to seize Ochs Earth, nothing seemed to indicate things were going to get violent. Yet Cardo fully expected the transporter that was coming in to dock to be dangerous, suggesting that she knows how Delling thinks. Perhaps the attack was even motivated by a personal grudge he had against her.

Suletta was already cybernetically enhanced as a child.
  • It's reasonable to assume that much like the Alaya-Vijnana system of the Post Disaster timeline, physical implants would be needed for a man-machine interface, which was already one part of the GUND project. If GUND was needed to save Elnora's life, young Ericht may have needed it too.
    • Think it is very likely and it is probably those implants that give her those marking on her face when hooked up to the Lfrith. More than likely she has a kind that are able to grow with the user and don't need much maintenance.

The reason Lfrith was able to synch with Eri.
  • I think the reason to why Lfrith synched up with little Eri was cause she had a child's honesty and innocence. As she sat and talked with the machine she poured her heart out allowing for Lfrith to build a proper psychological profile of her, thus allowing for the synch. The adults meanwhile kept things away or treated it as a machine thus making it difficult for Lfrith to connect with them.

The reason Delling Rembran is on the school board of directors is to spread his anti Gundam ideals.
  • Specifically he spreads propaganda about things such as the GUND system to groom young future pilots to fear and revile anything that links man and machine. This would of course put him in opposition to Suletta given both her background and how she had been raised.
  • Jossed; he's on the board because he's the boss of the whole group, AND as of halfway through Season 1, he was no longer as violently anti-Gundam as the prologue made him out to be.

Suletta may feel much more at home in the Aerial's cockpit rather than in a dorm or apartment.
  • The reasoning behind this is the fact that the first shot in both trailers has her in what appears to be the Aerial's cockpit with various supplies floating around her, implying she may have been straight up living in the Mobile Suit on her way to the school. Of course, this raises a few questions like how she dealt with muscle atrophy, but that's another theory.
    • Well, the manual of the HG Aerial mentions that Suletta grew up very closely with the Aerial and spent a lot of time with it to the point that she treats it as a member of her own family, so there is certainly a possibility for it. The jury is still out if she will become the same kind of Gundam nut Setsuna was.
    • The interlude story pretty much confirms this.

Nika Nanaura will work on the Gundam Aerial's Mid-Season Upgrade
  • Her profile says that she's very curious about the Gundam Aerial, so she'd likely be thrilled to get the chance to work on it.
  • Jossed; the Aerial was sent out for repairs, whilst Nika stayed back at Asticassia until it was time to go pick it up.

Suletta is less than benign
  • Say, isn't it interesting that the school is full of the kids of the people who killed her dad and all the people she was close to? I wonder if that's a hint at to why Suletta is there?
    • Could be. After all, what are the odds of her randomly enrolling in a school that has the man responsible for her life being in shambles as the chairman as well as the same school, and presumably class, as his daughter? People have already been quick to compare her to a certain mask wearing guy due to similar backgrounds, so who knows what she is truly up to.
  • Yeah, maybe this series is gonna be Talentless Nana in Space. Suletta is there for revenge. Maybe through the series she'll have a change of heart, but there'll be a few training accidents before then...
  • On top of this, she could also display an unsettling acceptance towards the very concept of killing someone else, in no small part due to the fact that she killed three people when she was four.
  • A common line I see among promotion is that "a scarlet fire burns in her heart". A fire in the heart usually is meant to designate some kind of passionate goal. Now for a Gundam protagonist that is unusual given how most are goal-less or at the very least just mildly have a direction to follow during the series start. They usually don't become passionate until much later. And I don't think just getting to the school would warrant such a line getting that much focus. There is probably more hidden in that line.
  • I don't think so. As someone said above, Suletta had just turned four when the events of the Prologue happened. So she likely doesn't remember her original name. Odds are that she also doesn't have much recollection of what happened. And given the second trailer, she seems awfully excited to be attending the school. If anything I think she's more like out to prove the the Gundams can be safe to pilot.
  • An alternative take to this WMG could be that Suletta is fine, her mother Elnora not so much. Perhaps she has been planning a revenge for what happened and is aiming to make use of Suletta to accomplish it, either by her being a Tyke Bomb or a Manchurian Agent.
    • Maybe confirmed? The Music novel reveals that Elnora is, in fact, planning revenge; however, Suletta's role in the plan is unknown - although her being involved at all is something that the Aerial itself strongly dislikes, possibly throwing a Spanner in the Works.
  • This guess is starting to look more and more likely, though in a different way from what was initially speculated. Instead of outright malicious, she has perhaps been brainwashed and that she is indeed either a Tyke Bomb or a Manchurian Agent, reacting to a certain trigger phrase.

Peil Technologies may have been allied with Ochs Earth.
  • He's the only other pilot that uses a Gundam, and the head design is a dead giveaway that the Pharact employs a GUND-format system in its construction. This begs the question, how and why does he have one? Simple - Peil Tech served as a sort of liaison to the MSDC, with a member of Peil perhaps being the guy that Nadim communicated with in the prologue.
    • Unlikely, given that Peil is part of the Beneritt Group, which is led by Delling, who already condemned GUND weaponry. More than likely it's a cheap imitation of a Gundam; a high-spec machine to be sure, but lacking the traits that make the Lfrith and Aerial true "GUND-arm" units.
      • That still begs the question, how and why does Elan have access to a Gundam? Even if it's a cheap knockoff, once again, the shape of the head strongly implies that it does have some manner of GUND-format system installed in spite of the restrictions. If they didn't already have the technology, Peil would have either had to secure authorization to build the Pharact or otherwise have constructed it in secret, with the former seeming highly unlikely.
      • Turns out it's because Peil has a former employee of the Vanadis Institute working for them.

Elnora shared the secret of how to make Gundam's with other companies.
  • As an alternative to the above, she went around and offered other companies the info on how to build their own Gundam's, perhaps providing a sort of Black Box to help them on their way. And of course, some would bite as this Forbidden Fruit is just something too tempting for some to pass up. The goal behind this of course is to try and debase Delling's authority and power base. Though presumably she did include some kind of insurance feature to make sure that she still had the final say with those machines.

There's another reason Elan is interested in Suletta aside from the fact that she's the only other person in the school with a Gundam.
  • Take a look at his name. Elan Ceres. He's the only other character in the starting cast to have a last name tied to a celestial body, his being the dwarf planet Ceres. In other words, it's entirely possible that Elan is also attending AST under an assumed name, having come from Ceres - and hearing the name Suletta Mercury would likely instantly tip him off that she's hiding something.

Suletta's true identity will eventually be revealed.
Suletta is actually Ericht Samaya as from the prologue. It's highly likely her actual name and involvement in the events of the prologue will come to light for everyone else to discover, especially since Suletta Mercury is only an alias to hide her real name. It may only be a matter of time before her cover is blown.
  • Owing to Belmeria stating the attack on Fólkvangr was 21 years ago, this guess may be starting to lose ground as it opens up other theories as to what happened to Eri.
  • Partially Jossed; S2 confirms that Suletta is not Eri. However, it's likely that the revelation of her true identity will be a major plot point.

Part of Elan's character arc will be his relationship with the Pharact.
  • The music novel reveals that the Aerial is apparently fully conscious, something that Suletta is aware of on some level. Elan, being associated with Peil Tech, likely sees the Pharact as Just a Machine, a mindset that Suletta will help him break out of as the series progresses, treating the Pharact less as machine and more as his partner.

Aerial is in fact Ariel
That is, in allusion to Shakespeare's The Tempest. Just as The Tempest featured Prospero, a sorceror who is forced to flee to a deserted island with his daughter, The Witch From Mercury has the Witch Elnora flee to the faraway planet of Mercury with her daughter, where she plots revenge.
  • There also happens to be an obscure 1989 OVA featuring a female-shaped mecha called ARIEL: All Round Intercept and Escort Lady
  • Confirmed with ep 2's "Lady Prospera".

Cardo Nabo is not dead
We have not seen her get killed so it's certainly a possibility. One possibility is that she either fought her way past the soldiers, revealing she was a full conversion cyborg in the process Or was taken by them to make use of her knowledge. The other possibility is that her human body was killed but her mind/conciousness was transferred to Aerial, that metallic frame around her face seems rather suspicious. Also Aerial activated beyond what they previously achieved right after Cardo was reported to have been killed.
  • Not likely. The kill team reports her status as Neutralized, and the Aerial itsef gives no indication of having Cardo's mind in the novel. As for the Lfrith's activation, this is more on Eri/Suletta's part.

Delling has PTSD regarding Artificial Intelligence
The Beguir-Beu's kit instructions make mention of a "Drone War" in the timeline's past, with its INCOM-like weapons developed specifically to counter AI weapons, hence its crippling effect on the Lfrith and its prototypes. We know Delling is ex-military, and assuming his speech in the prologue wasn't just fluff, his extreme response to the GUND-Arm project may have some actual justification in his mind beyond a simple power-grab. Still a jerk though.
  • Confirmed as of Ep 15; in a heart-to-heart with Miorine, one of Delling's former comrades reveals that the inhuman nature of the Drone Wars affected them greatly. It might not be straight-up PTSD but it is certainly a big part of his motivation.

An anime Suletta likes will be featured as a Show Within a Show
On Mercury, Suletta entertained herself with anime, manga and video games, and this could be brought up in the series proper. Bonus points if its a Super Robot show a la Gekiganger 3 and/or is used as commentary on the main series' events like that was.

Suletta is overly reliant on the Aerial.
Basically, a lot of her supposed skill comes from the fact that she is using the Aerials systems as a huge crutch. As such, at one point in the story she will be faced with either an opponent that can counter her bag of tricks or being forced to use another mobile suit, and then loose handily, perhaps with dire consequences. She then has to undergo Boxing Lessons for Superman before becoming an absolute juggernaut and then truly earning herself the ace title.
  • Given the events of the tie-in novel reveal that Suletta's been piloting the Aerial for at least four-to-five years before the events of the episode, combined with the fact that said novel reveals that Suletta does have some Improbable Piloting Skills, if this does end up happening, it will likely end up less drastic than described here.
  • This is maybe confirmed in Episode 4. When piloting the same Demi Trainer as everyone else in the school, she stumbles around badly when her sensors are knocked out.
  • Semi-confirmed as of Episode 9. While she's definitely no slouch in the piloting department, thanks to her Lightning Bruiser fighting style, she has been overly reliant on the GUND-bits as of late, something she admits herself during the duel with Grassley House. As a result, she's caught off-guard and is forced to backpedal when the Grassley pilots use their "Antidote" GUND-format countermeasures.

Episode 5 (scheduled to air on October 30) will feature a Halloween party at the school
Suletta will, naturally, dress as a witch. Or possibly a Magical Girl, given that she's an anime fan.
  • Jossed.

Elnora's revenge plot is to take away everything Delling has
Death is too good for him, she probably believes. Her elaborate revenge plot involves destroying his power base, exposing his dark deeds to destroy his reputation, and turning his own daughter against him. Suletta may well achieve the third one ahead of schedule, and get the first one as well if she really does marry Miorine and seize control as Delling's purported heir-by-marriage.
  • Or it could be darker than that, perhaps Elnora feels it's only appropriate to make Delling watch his daughter killed in front of him...
    • Disagree on that, if Elnora has observed him for a long time, she would understand that he does not show much care or affection for his own daughter; as such, attacking her to get to him would be pointless.

Elan will be revealed to possess Awesomeness by Analysis skills.
He is a sniper, judging on his Gundam Pharact's arsenal (which includes a, you guess it, a sniper rifle). Skilled snipers possess very good observation and calculation skills in order for them to do their job competently. And in Episode 1, it seems that he is the first one to realize Suletta is using a Gundam Frame. If that's the case, he will develop an interest on the mystery surrounding both Suletta and her Gundam Aerial (and probably, romantic feelings towards Suletta herself). He will also be able to uncover most of their secrets by himself (which may include the ones Suletta doesn't even know herself, such as the reason why her mother sent her to study in Asticassia). His analytic skills will be an Actor Allusion to a certain orange mecha pilot.
  • Jossed in the case of #4. #5's fighting style and general demeanour hint at a more intuitive and less intellectual approach, but the jury's still out on him.

How will Suletta obtain her traditional Mid-Season Upgrade?
  • The Gundam Aerial will be destroyed, but her consciousness survives and is then transferred to a new Gundam-type Mobile Suit, similar to Al from Full Metal Panic!, whose consciousness is transferred to the Laevatein after the destruction of the Arbalest.
  • On the other hand, it could be something like a specialized refit ala the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam.
    • Confirmed in Episode 12 with the Aerial Rebuild!

New features of Suletta's Mid-Season Upgrade.
  • It will still be equipped with Stave Bits, but those are more versatile due to them possessing new abilities, such as forming a remote Deflector Shield similar to Nu Gundam's Fin Funnel Field and 00 Qant[T]'s GN Field, or having melee functions just like 00 Qan[T]'s GN Sword Bits and Gundam AGE-FX' C-Funnels.
  • New and improved countermeasures to the GUND-FORMAT system, such as a jamming device that surpasses that of Beguir-Beu's, or an Attack Drone hijack system similar to the one used by the Unicorn Gundam in Destroy Mode.
    • It will not be a surprise if the enemy sides will be able to obtain (or has already obtained) the GUND-FORMAT technology and use it themselves despite the ban put onto them. Thus, Elnora will probably develop a new Gundam with enhanced versions of the existing countermeasures (probably via reverse-engineering) so that her daughter will have a better chance of defeating those who uses Vanadis Institute's technology against her (not to mention a fire against fire battle since the enemies are also equipped with anti-GUND-FORMAT technology). Or the antagonists will develop a Gundam equipped with such features for their own use, but Suletta steals it instead, following the Gundamjack tradition.
  • A countermeasure to the enemy factions' anti-GUND-FORMAT countermeasures.
    • In a battle, it is an advantage if you use a weapon that neutralizes your opponent's own rather than something that matches his'/hers. If this happens, the battles may revolve in opposing factions one-upping another in terms of Mobile Suit technology by developing technologies that counter their opponent's.
  • Some physical weapons, since all known weapons of the Aerial as of Episode 1 are beam weaponry (even the head-mounted vulcans). Her successor will possess something like physical swords to fight those who possess anti-beam defenses, preventing a case of Crippling Overspecialization. Also, a Mythology Gag to Setsuna F Seiei's Gundams if the physical weapons have alternate modes so it can be used in another range.
  • It may or may not include a system that allows even further communication between Suletta and Aerial, allowing Aerial to serve a similar role to ALICE from Gundam Sentinel.
  • Aerial will get a bigger backpack that will shoot even more Frickin' Laser Beams. Or a BFG just like the Hi-Nu Gundam's Hyper Mega Bazooka Launcher. Or both.
  • Controls for a second pilot/weapon officer for reasons of Ho Yay.
  • Turns out a couple of these guesses (projected shields and anti-Antidote functionality) were available to Aerial from the start.
  • BFG confirmed in episode 12!

Nadim isn't dead in the traditional sense.
The very last thing he sees is an odd matrix of blue lines, perhaps indicating that at least some part of himself has survived within the Lfrith Pre-Production Type he was piloting.

The relationship between Aerial and the other Gundams in the series.
  • There is a chance Aerial may be strongly averse to most other Gundams at first, perhaps manifesting as other Gundams seemingly having higher lock-on priority than other Mobile Suits.
  • Aerial and Pharact
    • First off, the Pharact's personality - In all likelihood, it is present, but Elan shows no indication of knowing of their presence, or worse, actively ignores them. As a result, the Pharact will have developed to be a sort of mirror to Elan's cold demeanor.
    • When fighting, only Elan would be aware that both Aerial and the Pharact are Gundams. As a result, while the inevitable duel will progress as normal for the most part, when the Pharact is revealed as a Gundam (perhaps via activation of its GUND-format system), Aerial's system will suddenly lock up, costing Suletta the win.
      • Jossed. Aerial's Bit Staves still work fine, even when the Pharact's bits activate, probably because the bits are their own and only linked to the machine they're compatible with.

Guel will eventually become one of Suletta's closest allies.
  • Over the course of the series he will eventually be hit by the magic of Character Development and become a much kinder and honorable man, perhaps through some serious Break the Haughty moments. Eventually perhaps he will demand a rematch with Suletta, but this time with equal mobile suits. A duel with no tricks or gimmicks, all to determine who is actually the more skilled pilot. Perhaps then it will be one of Suletta's most challenging fights and Guel will be shown exactly why he was the school ace before she arrived. And then afterwards they will have a newfound respect for each other and become close allies.
    • Heck, given the "Witch" title, there happens to be a certain magical girl fans jokingly refer to as a "Gundam" who is known for "befriending" people via massive firepower that Sunrise could well give a Shout-Out to.
    • Well, as of Episode 3, it seems he is already in love with Suletta, so he likely will try to help her next time something bad happens.
    • Episode 5 supports this theory. Elan says something mean (spoilers!) to Suletta, she starts tearing up, and Guel sees it and promptly challenges him to a duel. Although he doesn't get very far...
    • Confirmed as he is firmly on Suletta’s team against her mother in Episode 22.

Suletta will wind up with the biggest harem in Gundam history
  • She's already technically engaged to Miorine, and now Guel has just proposed to her. As the series progresses, the harem (both male and female alike) will expand.
    • Seems possible already. In Episode 2, Elan displayed some kind of interest in Suletta. Shaddiq makes note that was unusual for Elan, and he jokingly suggested Elan might be in love with her. He denied it, but he did give Suletta in the following scene.

There will be an episode that features either Suletta's or Miorine's birthday.
  • Considering the fact that the prologue took place on Suletta's birthday, and it is mentioned that her mother was neglectful to her afterwards to the point she missed one of her subsequent birthdays, it wouldn't surprise me if there is an episode that features Suletta turning 18 to showcase some kind of contrast or result in some other kind of significant plotline event. Alternatively, there can be an episode featuring Miorine's birthday for a similar reason.
    • Episode 3 revealed that the legal age for marriage here is 17, and thus Miorine has until her next birthday to run away from her arranged marriage, which further supports the theory that something is going to happen in a birthday.
    • Episode 17 acknowledges Miorine's seventeenth birthday.

Suletta and Miorine will be forced to go on separate journeys at one point
  • The artwork features Suletta and Miorine reaching out to each other. While a good deal of the series could feature the two of them together, there might be an event that forces them to separate. In fiction, it can be important in helping characters gain a new perspective when they reunite.
    • Confirmed; they're separated at the end of season one. They reunite on the fourth episode of season two. The fifth episode ends with Miorine severing her relationship with Suletta leading to certain possibilities.

Elnora Samaya is Lady Prospera
  • Duh. It's very obvious given that they have the same voice actress and they have the detachable arm. Plus, the webnovel reveals her motives.
    • Confirmed in episode 3. Not that they were really trying to hide it.

The Aerial has a hidden Superpowered Evil Side.
  • Specifically it was something put in by Elnora that activates when a certain trigger is given that causes the mobile to then either take control away from Suletta or do something to her before attacking everything around it or something similar.
  • The Aerial's model kit has alternate red stickers for the eyes, hinting at this, but it hasn't been seen in the show as of Ep 15.

Elnora's revenge plot will go horribly right and ignite war.
  • As many of the Beneritt Group's board members hate Delling but are afraid to go against him, the perfect storm of her plots being amplified by Miorine's rebellion against her control freak father will result in Gundams being developed everywhere as Delling loses influence, stock options, and the loyalty of the other members of the Beneritt Group. In his inflexibility and unwillingness to accept defeat, he will flip and turn into an extremist terrorist, gathering his fanatic loyalists from Cathedra and declaring jihad against the flood of Gundams being created. The Gundam Wars, they will begin soon.
To build off the above: there will be a Neutral faction will be made up of Gundams and their pilots.
Several Gundam series tend to have their characters join a group that either is or ends up being a neutral party in the war, such as the Three Ships Alliance, Celestial Being, the G Team, and the Mineva faction.

When the war gets going, Miorine, Suletta, and Aerial will end up as the first members of this breakaway Gundam group. The reason why the only MS in the group will be Gundams is due to the assumption that Gundams themselves are sentient and conscious, with Suletta and Aerial appealing to the link between pilot and machine in order to win pilots to their side.

Delling has already figured out Elnora's plot.
  • Thanks to contextual clues and knowledge about Shakespeare, he knows what Elnora is up to and is trying to put spanners in the works for her. This is why he wants so desperately to scrap the Aerial and why the military reacted so fast to it being revealed as a Gundam. They were sitting and just waiting for it to blow the cover, giving them the proof they needed on what it was. The whole thing going on now is a giant Battle of Wits featuring Gambit Pileup's with loads of I Know You Know I Know, perhaps even becoming an Kansas City Shuffle.

Suletta will become a Jeanne d'Archétype
  • Since the reference to France brings to mind a certain famous teenage French girl who was burned as a witch.

Elan Ceres is this timeline's version of an artificial Newtype
  • As mentioned above, he's the only other character to have a Gundam. Also, Peil Technologies' logo is an eagle like the Titans, who were known for creating artificial Newtypes, and the Gundam Pharact uses the Titans' color scheme.
    • The Newtype equivalent for this series seems to be GUND-format enhancement, and in that case, it seems far more likely that Elan does have a set of GUND-format enhancements - namely his hands, which is why he opts to cover them with gloves.
    • Confirmed as of episode 5.

If ever this anime gets a Toonami broadcast, the prologue and episode 1 will air back-to-back in a one-hour premiere.
  • It wouldn’t be unusual for Toonami to have a one hour special or premiere for certain shows since it has been done before.

Elnora intends to have Miorine killed at some point.

Suletta will come into conflict with her mother at some point.
  • Supplementary materials reveal that Elnora is essentially using her daughter to enact revenge, up to and including lying to her about the reason for sending her to school, much to the Aerial’s chagrin. Once Suletta wises up to this she’ll be outraged at her mother’s callousness. She and Elnora could get into a duel over this, with their relationship ending up ironically mirroring Delling and Miorine’s with how she uses her daughter with no regard for Suletta’s real feelings.

Suletta's reaction to discovering that her mother's been using her for revenge.
  • More likely than not, it's going to drive a wedge between her and Aerial - and as a result, she's going to end up piloting another Mobile Suit into battle instead of Aerial. This will lead to a situation where Miorine is going to have to pilot Aerial to Suletta mid-battle.

Elnora/Lady Prospera will have a "Caliban."
  • That is to say, she will have a unique GUND-Arm Mobile Weapon on hand that will be EXACTLY the type of monstrous machine that many people think a Gundam is. WFM draws many parallels to Shakespeare's The Tempest, with Prospero having two servants - the first being the wind spirit Ariel, and the other being the half-monster Caliban.
    • It could be a refitted Gundam Lfrith without any safety limiters whatsoever - to the point where attempting to pilot it for an extended period of time will prove fatal.
    • It could also be a large Mobile Armor similar to the Psycho Gundam.
  • Jossed. Caliban existed, or rather, Calibarn, but it was a mothballed prototype from Vanadis that was even more dangerous than the other Gundam's and dubbed a monster as a result.

The Pharact wasn't built until after Lady Prospera shared Aerial's data with the Beneritt Group
  • It already made little sense that Elan could've been piloting a Gundam this whole time given the extreme reaction following Suletta's duel; more than likely the Pharact is the result of Peil Tech immediately jumping at the chance to build their own Gundam.

English Dub Voice Actor Guesses
  • Suletta Mercury/Ericht Samaya - Sarah Wiedenheft, Laura Stahl or Sarah Nicole Robles (main series), Cassandra Lee Morris or an actual four-year-old girl (Prologue)
  • Miorine Rembran - Lauren Landa, Erika Harlacher, Erica Lindbeck, Mae Whitman or Hayden Panettiere
    • All Jossed. Natalie Van Sistine is the voice of Miorine.
  • Guel Jeturk - Ray Chase, Kaiji Tang, Jason Dohring (he seems to be older sounding like Terra in Kingdom Hearts)
  • Elan Ceres - Zach Aguilar, Jesse McCartney (adolescent sounding due to voicing Roxas)
    • Jossed. Aaron Dismuke is Elan's voice.
  • Shaddiq Zenelli - Todd Haberkorn or Alex Hirsch
  • Secilia Dote - Dove Cameron
  • Rouji Chante - Thomas Brodie-Sangster or Kyle McCarley
  • Rouji's Haro - Julie Ann Taylor
  • Nika Nanaura - Alyson Stoner
  • Chuatury "Chuchu" Panlunch - Lizzie Freeman or Cassandra Lee Morris
  • Martin Upmont - Haley Joel Osment
  • Aliya Mahvash - Kayli Mills or Lauryn McClain
  • Lilique Kadoka Lipati - Reba Buhr or Stephanie Sheh
  • Till Nys - Dylan Sprouse
  • Ojelo Gabel - Quinton Flynn or Erik Kimerer
  • Nuno Kargan - Griffin Burns
  • Lauda Neill - David Gallagher
  • Petra Itta - Ursula Taherian, Lisa Reimold or Rachael Lillis
  • Felsi Rollo - Wendee Lee or Anna Cathcart
  • Kamil Kaysink - Kyle Hebert or James Patrick Stuart
  • Sabina Fardin - Willa Holland
  • Henao Jazz - Sofia Carson or Taylor Ortega
  • Ireesha Plano - Jadah Marie or Kira Buckland
  • Maisie May - Tara Strong, Ariel Winter or Caitlin Glass
  • Renee Costa - Sarah Jeffery, Dorothy Elias-Fahn or Darcy Rose Byrnes
  • Delling Rembran - Michael McConnohie, Christopher Lloyd, Patrick Page, Michael Sorich, J.K. Simmons or Ian McDiarmid
  • Rajan Zahi - Simu Liu, Bob Carter, Armen Taylor, Yong Yea or David Vincent
  • Vim Jeturk - Patrick Seitz, Marc Thompson or Thomas F. Wilson
  • Vim's father (Prologue only) - Frank Welker or Josh Brolin
  • Sarius Zenelli - Mark Hamill
  • Nugen - Karen Strassman or Moses Ingram
  • Kal - Brittany Cox or Lupita Nyong'o
  • Nevola - Cindy Robinson or Laura Dern
  • Golneri - Carrie Keranen or Gwendoline Christie
  • Belmeria Winston - Michelle Marie or Awkwafina
  • Kenanji Avery - Ben Diskin, Keith Silverstein, Sam Witwer or Liam Neeson
  • Cardo Nabo - Ellyn Stern or Lea Thompson
  • Wendy Olent - Abby Trott or Kristen Schaal
  • Nyla Bertran - Erica Mendez or Cissy Jones
  • Nadim Samaya - Xander Mobus, Ben Pronsky, Chris Hemsworth, Josh Gad or Jeff "Swampy" Marsh
  • Prospera Mercury/Elnora Samaya - Cherami Leigh or Laura Post
  • Godoy - Jamieson Price or Idris Elba
  • Feng Chun - Ryan Bartley or Kelly Marie Tran
  • Guston Parche - Ewan McGregor or Dan Povenmire
  • Norea Du Noc - Suzie Yeung, Abby Elliott, Hailey Steinfeld or Xochitl Gomez
  • Sophie Pulone - Xanthe Huynh, Eden Sher or Erica Lindbeck
  • Naji Geor Hija - Dave B. Mitchell, Travis Willingham or Todd Stashwick
  • Olcott - Edward Bosco, John Boyega or Roger Craig Smith

  • Now that the official dub has been released from 30 January 2023 onwards, the full cast should be revealed eventually.

The Aerial is a modified version of the Lfrith Ericht piloted in the prologue.
  • Admittedly, this is a pretty safe bet, as Eri/Suletta refers to both mobile suits as her little sister and it would be significantly easier to modify/build off a preexisting Gundam than building one from scratch.
    • Confirmed in Episode 16; Prospera reveals Eri didn't last long in space, causing her to sync her daughter's mind into the Lfrith, reformatting that Gundam into Aerial to serve as her new body.

The series will end with Suletta Mercury "Dead"
  • Whether it be literal or metaphorical. Iron-Blooded Orphans ended with Mikazuki dying in battle, so it is possible Suletta may suffer the same fate due to her Mother’s revenge going horribly right. Alternatively, if Suletta survives, it would end with 'Suletta Mercury' being no more and Suletta either goes by her original name or another name.
    • Jossed. Suletta ends up surviving everything, keeping her name and marrying Miorine.

The Drone Wars.
  • A recurring background element that is occasionally referenced in the show is something called the Drone Wars. As this has yet to be revealed what it actually was, my guess it was a war dominated by the use of automated weapons. However, it is different from something like the Calamity War, where instead of it being rouge AI, it was humans behind the controls, but it became a bloody conflict regardless due to the drones cold and ruthless precision, basically a means for mass slaughter without those responsible having to pull the trigger. Think of it like the AI controlled mobile suits from Wing or the Automatons from 00, just cranked all the way up to a far larger conflict. It also seems that as a result of this even though it is not banned like GUND, drone technology have quite the stigma against it.
    • Episode 15's Stinger confirms this to be true.

Miorine will pilot Aerial to rescue Suletta
  • There will be a point in the series when Suletta is taken away from Aerial, either due to Delling doing his usual thing, or because her mother didn't take Suletta's rejection of her revenge plan well. Either way, Suletta will be defenseless when danger strikes, and so Miorine will once again attempt to pilot Aerial to rescue her. But we know she is not a good pilot, so this will lead to that classic Evangelion-esque scene where the pilot begs the mecha to move. Specifically, Miorine will ask Aerial to turn her into a witch too so she can save Aerial's sister, and the Gundam will respond by allowing Miorine to register her vital signs like Carbo did with Suletta in the prologue, making Miorine Aerial's second pilot. This will be when Miorine realizes that Aerial really is sentient and Suletta wasn't being sentimental in calling her Gundam part of her family.

Miorine will allow Suletta to call her by an Affectionate Nickname at some point
  • While Miorine rejected Suletta's attempts to do so in Episode 3, it seems possible she may change her mind at some point after they become closer either with a nickname Suletta comes up with and/or Miorine approves of.

There will be a second Char Clone
We have one already, but a lot of her deal is already pretty clear. The one questions is when or if she and Suletta come to blows. A more mysterious and antagonistic Char-like character seems plausible.
  • As of the second season, Elan and Shaddiq both have strong elements of Char to them. Elan #5 even has a "mask" of sorts.

Sarius Zenelli is going to be the good parent of the series
Seeing as he's the only parent on screen so far without clear major issues (no slapping, no disregarding, no plotting), he'll be the one parent who doesn't have anything wrong with his relationship with his adopted son. This doesn't mean he and said son won't probably do something we as readers would dislike, but there will be no doubt that Sarius loves and respect Shaddiq and vice versa.

Polyamory is legal
This is why, for example, Guel and Lauda have different last names despite both being sons of Vim Jeturk. While the concept is not universal or anything, it is legal. Probably a case where you have one scenario where the relationship is quite lovely, a la Iron Blooded Orphans with the Turbines or Mikazuki, Kudelia, and Atra, for about three where it is clearly just a power grab by some jerk like Jetur. Naturally it is also something that Suletta doesn't know is legal and will probably come up to her complete and utter shock when Miorine, for example, casually admits it is a thing.

Miorine's birthday will be the series' Wham Episode
  • As it is the point where she will legally be allowed to marry, it may end up featuring a legitimate attempt to flee to Earth, compounded by a Gambit Pileup by Prospera and the other Benerit factions that leads to disaster.

Prospera has already built Aerial another 'sister' Gundam in secret
This new sister will play the role of Caliban according to the Tempest theming, as the Lfrith Caliban, and she would even have leftover parts from her sister's conversion into Aerial incorporated into her frame. Her predicted weapon loadout would include a beam pistol sidearm, a modular beam rifle, Bit Staves that can combine with the rifle (or pistol) to form an anti-beam gun-shield that can be used both offensively and defensively at once, and the Funnel-guided Mines that the production prototype Lfriths in the prologue were equipped with.

Suletta will need help seeing her mother for who she is
  • Unlike Miorine and Guel, Suletta thinks highly of her mother despite the Parental Neglect. It is understood that Elnora genuinely praised her daughter for her skills as a pilot while her daughter was unaware that her mother was more or less training/grooming her to become an Unwitting Pawn in her plan for revenge. While it is possible that Suletta will come to understand her situation, it seems likely that she might need others to help her see the light.

Ericht is dead or in a coma, and the Aerial contains her consciousness
The Gundam franchise really hasn't done self-aware mobile suits before, aside from some very obscure exceptions. And the very latest "fifth generation" AI tech in the Ad Stella universe, as seen in episode 3, is treated as just another AI. Yet the "Cradle World" prequel novella goes out of its way to portray Aerial's AI as self-aware. Further, the Aerial's main computer display shows the OS as "Version E.S." instead of the Lfrith's "Version 2.0". Considering the harsh environment on Mercury, and the fact that Eri had been performing a risky synchronization with the Lfrith at the end of the prologue, it's possible that something very bad happened to her and she had to be placed on life support, or have her mind uploaded into a GUND device such as the Aerial. Which would suggest that Suletta is either Eri's younger sister (it's possible Elnora was pregnant at the time of the prologue) or a clone - Elan hints at the latter possibility in episode 5 when he wonders if Suletta's face is "borrowed from another". The phonetic similarity between "Eri" and "Aerial" is just the cherry on top...
  • Confirmed in episode 14: Ericht Samaya IS Aerial. Whether she's dead or in a coma is unknown, but the dialogue between Prospera and Belmeria leans toward the former.

The more desperate the Beneritt Group becomes to get rid of Suletta, the more intense and underhanded the mobile suit duels will become.
  • With the reveal that students with large backings from powerful companies can deploy any and every resource they can access, and that such a thing as accepted; it may not be long before they do something like having multiple pilots fight her, along with more underhanded tactics behind the scenes.
    • On the other hand, it is also possible that Suletta could also start having more supporters of her own to counteract besides just Miorine - perhaps via Nika, Chuchu or any other student who wants to throw their support on her.
      • If Guel joins, chances are that it's going to involve Suletta facing two opponents at once without being told earlier - something that seriously irks him due to his sense of honor.

Suletta will go through a massive Break the Cutie moment.
  • Of course this being Gundam, there is a high probability that things will not stay as happy go lucky as things currently seem to be going. Chances are high that something big will occur that breaks Suletta down to her very core. What that is, I have no idea. It could be something highly personal like her relationship with either her Gundam or her mother being shattered, or could be an event that ends up mirroring the massacre of her home colony.

Miorine's mother is from Earth.
  • Miorine's main goal is to escape to Earth where she feels she will be free from her father's influence. In addition, Miorine has hobby for gardening which is considered by many to be below her station as it is usually associated with Earthians. From what was revealed, it is possibly that Miorine's mother was an Earthian with Miorine inheriting her mother's love for gardening from her.

Aeriel's true nature isn't a Gundam but a straight up NEXT.
  • considering by mere coincidence that Peil Technologies mechanical design has a very strong Armored Core DNA by virtue of Wataru Inata being the person behind their mechanical designs, there is a chance that Aeriel will be upgraded at some point using Peil Technologies data acquired from the Pharact and be given some sort of Kojima Particle generator (to reference Minovsky Particles and GN Particles) to fully realize Aeriel's Potential along with its AMS except in standard Gundam flair after all Ravens die in their A Cs. And that Elnora is infact aligned with AD Stela's version of ORCA trying to pull off the Closed Plan.

Black History WMG - Permet is the natural outgrowth of crystal from ancient Psychoframe
Ad Stella would be in the distant future of the UC timeline, many thousands (possibly even millions) of years after the Axis Event. Permet was first observed growing from the crystals on the Awakened Gundam Unicorn, and fragments of Psychoframe have been scattered across the solar system by the destruction of the Nu, the Sazabi, the Sinanju, Rita's shuttle, the Narrative C-Packs, and the Neo Zeongs, thus seeding the planets where Permet is mined from by the Ad Stella era. Earth lacks Permet deposits of its own because of the Black History and Turn A wiping all the Psychoframe off the planet's surface.

Suletta is Trans
  • Her birth name, Ericht, is traditionally male.
  • She's taller than most other girls on screen thus far.
  • Her voice is slightly huskier compared to her peers.
    • Unlikely, since she was referred to as 'she' way back at age 4. Any while transgender can be known quite early, age 3-4 is probably too early to be known ''and' acknowledged by parents.
      • However, since the show has now confirmed Ericht is not Suletta, this possibility is now back on the cards.

A war will break out by the end of the first cour
Given that there is brewing conflict between the Earthians and Spacians and the whole Corpo warfare going on, it's likely a war would erupt. It's likely that Lady Prospera would side with the Earthians to fight against the Spacian corporations. By that point, it's going to be similar to Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the students would have to pick a side after graduating. As for Suletta and Miorine, they are going to be dragged into this war with the possibility that Miorine would choose the Earth side as an act of rebellion against her father.
  • Jossed; as of the second cour, there's no open war yet, only a series of isolated (but still deadly) skirmishes that are not public knowledge.

Miorine will end up playing a role in starting the war between Earthians and Spacians.
If Miorine will eventually succeed in goal of escaping to Earth, it could lead to her father sending some of his troops to recapture her. With tensions already high on the ground it would very easy for fight break out or for the troops to accidently kill some Earthians, especially if this is part of Prospera's plan. Such a high profile incident could be the spark needed for a full on rebellion to begin.

There will be a visual image of Suletta and/or Aerial Wreathed in Flames somewhere during the series.
To go with the witch theming the series already has, this will be in reference to how people accused of witchcraft were burnt on stakes. This image could either be in an Imagine Spot, a visual in a future OP/ED, or something that actually happens to Suletta and/or Aerial in the series itself.

Someone will end up repeating Suletta's Survival Mantra just before they perform a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • When the stakes get higher, it's possible that someone will quote Suletta's mantra, perhaps even in response to a plea to run. In fact, performing a Heroic Sacrifice would actually fit with the idea set up by the mantra - By retreating, the character will survive - "If you run, you gain one." However, if they decide to face the enemy head-on, they will die with the knowledge that their friends are safe, as well as the fact that they managed to deal a blow to the enemy - "If you move forward, you gain two."

Aerial is Lfrith merged with Eri
This is becoming popular among Japanese fan speculation:

  • This is based on a FreezeFrame of Aerial having an operating system called ES.
  • Eri merged with and became the AI of A-eri-al.
  • Suletta is thereby:
    • a) A younger sister of Eri that Elnora was pregnant with when they left (or created by in vitro fertilization later)
    • b) The body of Eri, with a new personality gained after Eri's consciousness left
    • c) A clone of Eri
  • The opening and its official MV also put a lot of emphasis showing Suletta and Eri as two distinct entities, rarely showing them on screen together and with Eri often shown in a cockpit or otherwise connected to the Aerial and Suletta outside it.
  • Episode 6 reinforces this even further with a glowing outline of what looks like child Eri as part of Aerial's defense of Suletta in the last moments of the duel.

  • Confirmed in episode 14: Erict Samaya IS Aerial.

Aerial just contains the memories of Suletta as Eri instead of being Eri's consciousness.
Similar to the WMG above, but simply less fatalistic. Since there is no clear indication that Suletta is a clone or the younger sister to Eri instead of simply being her, it's possible that Elnora purposefully gave her Laser-Guided Amnesia using the Lfrith to help her get rid of the traumatic memories and keep her from asking too many questions about their friends and family from the colony. The Aerial might have used those memories as a data sample for its AI, hence the ES OS, but could otherwise be a distinct consciousness seperate from Eri.
  • Jossed: Erict Samaya IS Aerial.

Miorine's mother is Not Quite Dead
Considering the writer of Witch from Mercury is the same as Code Geass: What if it is later revealed that the reason Delling did not let Miorine attend her mother's funeral is because her mother is not actually dead? Additionally...

Miorine's mother will be revealed to be a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
This would result in one hell of a Broken Pedestal moment for Miorine if she ever finds this out.

Guel will become Elan number 5
Well, the spot is currently empty, isn't it? Peil house needs a skilled pilot, possibly with an attachment to Suletta, and who can be quietly disappeared without a fuss. And Guel is right there...

  • Jossed. Guel is shown to have run away in Episode 10, with Elan Number 5 already up and running in school. They're two separate characters.

Aerial is made up of Ericht's soul, EVA-style, and Suletta is a clone.
Now hear me out. The OS for the Lfrith in the prologue is labeled Ver 2.0, while the Aerial’s is labeled Ver E.S, which can stand for Ericht Samaya. Plus A-Eri-al. Ericht is 4 years old, twenty-one years before WFM, which makes no sense as to why Suletta is 17 (if she isn't lying). And why does Suletta protect her Staves? Possibly because they contain parts of Ericht's soul, or perhaps previous clones.

What if Prospera sacrificed her child Ericht to make Aerial for the sake of revenge, and made failed clones (11 of them) whose souls are in those Staves and made a metaphorical appearance in Episode 6? What if Suletta is the successful clone?

  • Eleven, plus Aerial, plus Suletta, makes thirteen - the number of a witches' coven. You might be on to something there!
  • The clones bit can easily be explained away by the bits simply being an extension of Aerial and that was what Elan witnessed. Also find it unlikely that the machine has taken Eri's letteral soul. A more possible explanation would be that Eri is instead literally built into the Aerial. Let's not forget that cybernetics have advanced very far in the Ad Stella timeline so it is not as far fetched that her body, or what is left of it, is built into the Aerial as a sort of Black Box. We already know that there is a high likelihood that she had implants in the prologue, so who's to say that Prospera didn't go the rest of the way.

  • Confirmed, sort of, in episode 14: Erict Samaya IS Aerial. Suletta, however, is unaware.

Prospera's plan is to spread the GUND system to then take control of them all.
Specifically, what she is spreading either contains a Black Box or is pre prepared in some way. Then, when the time is right and several GUND-format equipped mobile suits are launched simultaneously she forces Aerial to fully activate in order to take control of them all, turning the Gundam into a literal One-Man Army to then enact her revenge. She is basically trying to make it so that GUND becomes the standard both to undermine Delling's powerbase and to create her own personal army by ripping it right from under the corporations feet. In short, Aerial contains what is basically the Flash System on steroids.

Aerial is the Ideon.
Given the lethality of Eri/Suletta singing "Happy Birthday" and the fact that the Ideon movie ends with The cast, having perished in various ways, floating in space to the tune of "Happy Birthday".

Ericht is actually Lady Prospera, not Suletta, and Suletta is her clone.
Ericht was already four years old when the Ochs Earth massacre took place, but Belmeria's cut-off line in Episode 6 implies that event actually happened twenty-one years ago. If this is true, there's no way the seventeen year-old Suletta could be Ericht! Promotional art also shows that Suletta is a dead ringer for a younger Elnora. Twenty plus years of wear and tear, a bit of reconstructive surgery, and a mask to hide any details, and nobody would likely be able to tell the difference between the two. Lady Prospera's plan may well be a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the comapnies who took everything from her, using a clone of herself as her 'daughter'.
  • Unlikely, as Eri would be only 25 at this point. Too young to have a 17 year old daughter. And Suletta has 17 actual years of experience.
  • Jossed. The show has confirmed that Prospera is Elnora Samaya, and Ericht is Aerial.

The 8 year time discrepancy is explained by cryogenics
Immediately after the events of the Prologue, Elnora put her and Eri into suspended animation, drifting for 8 years until they were discovered by Mercury. This explains why Suletta is 17 and yet 21 years has passed since the event.
  • This explains how the two of them managed to get from the Asteroid Belt to Mercury in a mobile suit, even while being hunted. There is no evidence M Ses in this setting are capable of interplanetary travel.
  • It links in with Vanadis institute being really into deep space travel research. In that case cryosleep tech being built into their Suits fits in much better than cloning or whatever other explanation.
  • It explains why the short story Suletta starts at a matching age to Eri in the prologue. If it's cloning, or a different child, there is no reason for this to be the case except to misdirect the reader.
  • Possibly there is *also* a discrepancy with Elnora's age. "Lady Prospera" seems to have aged much less than Delling etc. Her skipping 8 years would explain why no one suspects her true identity, since she would appear too young to be the same person.
  • Jossed.

The event 21 years ago was NOT the prologue
It was the time Elnora lost that arm.
  • Possibly Jossed in Episode 7 which suggestes that it was indeed the destruction of Fólkvangr.
  • But Contradicted in Episode 8, where it shows that GUND-ARM tech was just getting started 21 years before in A.S. 101, when Cardo first pitched the tech, before Ochs Earth bought Vanadis.

Suletta is actually a android
It can explain why she is the only exclusive individual who can pilot a gund-arms without relying on the permet score. maybe her body being machine allows for higher synchronization to the permet .

The laser cannon is a standard method of execution in Ad Stella.
Being incinerated is perhaps not unusual in this timeline, most likely being a scifi parallel to being burned at the stake.

GUND-format systems need to be "awakened."
  • The GUND-format system for controlling a Mobile Suit is likely leagues more complex than one used for prosthetics - likely resembling a neural network due to Mobile Suits having a humanoid bodyframe. Because of this, it may be that all GUND-arm equipped machines have a sort of "consciousness" that must be awakened for the system to function to its fullest potential, with the trigger factor varying widely.
  • For the Lfrith, the trigger factor was Ericht's communication with the Mobile Suit, pouring her heart out to the machine as if it were another person. If the theory that the Aerial is a retrofitted Lfrith is true, this carries over.
  • The Pharact's trigger may be related to the cycling out of its pilots - with the death of No.4 perhaps being the last straw before it finally snaps.

Aerial will self-destruct at some point
Perhaps after seeing the results of others trying to replicate the Gundam research, and finally having enough with Elnora's revenge plot, she may decide that the beat thing she can do is destroy herself and any other vestiges of Gundam in order to protect her sister and others from the "curse".

Guel’s tent will be destroyed.
Because clearly he hasn’t suffered enough.

Either Time Dilantin or Cryogenics or different time on the planet
Prospera clearly has the same look and look younger to be more than 25, may have been a time jump or Cryogenics to explain the time thing

Would be interesting to see a time jump

or Mercury has a Time Difference.

It’s actually been even longer from the prologue than we thought.
Initially, Elnora simply wanted to live with her daughter in peace, but…something happened, possibly Ericht accidentally merging with the Lfrith, some time afterwards to push her over the edge.

Elan 4th is actually alive.
Look at the time and weather 10:10, 26. 10-10 in radio terminology means "goodbye/ terminated" but 10-26 means "Cancel" Does this mean it might be canceled?

Aerial will have a human-scale body built by the end of the series
Since the GUND system was initially developed as a prosthetics control protocol, and Aerial canonically has an advanced AI with at least partial self-awareness, someone like Nika might just have to collect enough GUND-type prosthetics and assemble a gynoid body for Aerial to download her AI into. Happy Birthday, Suletta, your sister's here with a hug!
  • Comedy bonus points if the resulting collection of medical prosthetics coupled with Aerial's struggle to control them smoothly results in a Frankenstein-esque monster girl who terrorizes the bullies.

  • Jossed, but the idea does exist as a fanfic.

Prospera secretly hates Suletta.
A lot of Prospera's dialogue to her daughter seems to almost be dismissive or even condescending. If the whole Eri = Aerial guess is true, then perhaps she hates Suletta for running around with her true daughters face and is only playing along for the sake of her own plans.This goes further in episode 12 where Prospera simply refers to someone as "that girl". While it could refer to Sophie given how obsessed she is with the Aerial, the more likely answer is that she was referring to Suletta, which if true would be a very cold way for a mother to talk about her daughter.

Nika is currently spying for Shaddiq.
Episode 7 sees him acting unusually friendly with the Earth House mechanic, even stating that he owes her thanks for... something. We know that his father has already assigned him to learn more about Suletta and we've seen already that Nika frequently asks Suletta for details about Aerial's construction, and while it could previously been just curiosity as a mechanic, it's entirely possible she may be feeding information to Shaddiq in exchange for something else, even if reluctantly.
  • Partially confirmed but mostly Jossed; Nika is in Shaddiq's pocket, but he doesn't seem personally interested in Earth House per se, and it's quite clear from the team battle that he didn't use her to spy on them.

Miorine will make a serious effort to convince Suletta to ask for bigger stakes from challengers
So far, Suletta's challengers have made big asks like her expulsion and taking possession of Aerial while Suletta asks for stuff like an apology to Miorine and Elan telling her more about himself. Suletta really needs to start asking for bigger stuff from challengers, both to discourage casual challengers who might think twice if they had to risk something other than damage to their mobile suit during the duel, and to get additional resources for Earth House since just sourcing the parts for the bespoke thruster pack would've bankrupted them if not for successful bets on the outcome of the duel.

The Lfrith Ur and Thorn units are...
  • Units that Elnora has kept waiting in the wings until she reached the part of her plan where Gundams weren't immediately shunned.
  • Units that Delling had developed in secret from the remains of the two Preproduction Lfrith suits.
  • The first Gundams to be developed by GUND-ARM Inc.
    • Jossed, they are run by two members of Dawn of Fold.

Witch from Mercury is a prequel to G Gundam
Earth being a 'warzone' with people from earth being considered less than people in space is usually the opposite of the way Gundam does things- except in this series and G Gundam. You know what else happened in G Gundam? 1 on 1 duels.

Suletta has been brainwashed
Regardless of whether or not Suletta is a clone or not, it seems possible that Suletta has undergone some brainwashing either like Jet in Avatar or Rex in Clone Wars to be loyal to her mother.
  • After the events of episode 12, this is starting to look like a real possibility.

Prospera's tear in episode 9.
Her Single Tear at the end of episode 9 from seeing Aerial fight back against the Antidote was from 21 years of preparation finally bearing fruit. That with this the final piece is finally in place that she knows that Aerial's countermeasures work and that she can now execute her plan.

Aliya and Henao are Newtypes
Aliya uses fortune telling as a framework to channel her Newtype senses to learn about people, hence her fortunes being extremely on-the-nose (She correctly predicts Lilique would get into "boy trouble" with Renee over her 12th backup boyfriend, and the on-screen divination she does for Suletta indicates all sorts of interestingly spoilery details about Eri, Elnora, Aerial, and Prospera), while Henao's Newtype powers manifest as her sixth sense.

The main drawback to the GUND-Format system is the immense load it puts on the pilots, correct? So the simplest solution is to just split the load. An AI wouldn't work because it would still have to feed all the data to the pilot, but a second human mind could process that data on its own. It could also explain why Aerial is immune to anti-GUND weaponry: even if you cut the link between the pilot and the suit, the suit still has its own mind to function with.
  • This could, horrifyingly, explain why Lfrith finally came online during the attack on Folkvangr; both Eri and Elnora were plugged in at the same time.
  • Confirmed as of Episode 14.

The final battle will take place on Earth
  • Since Miorine's aim at the start is to get to Earth, plus the final battle usually takes place in space (IIRC, the only Gundam series with the final battles happening on Earth were G and 08th MS Team)

Bob is actually Guel Jeturk
I know, it seems a bit unlikely.

Bob is actually NOT Guel Jeturk
Because it would be hilarious.

On a more serious note, Guel-as-Bob is going to have to pull a Grand Theft Prototype when everything goes down at Plant Quetta.
  • There may be one or two prototype units at the plant, and barring that, makes off with one of the refurbished Lfrith units.
  • Alternatively, the Darilbalde will just so happen to be there, given that it also needed extensive repairs after its duel with Aerial.
  • Confirmed, though he nabbed an outdated Desultor rather than some prototype.

The “real” Elan Ceres is actually another clone and doesn’t know it.
He could even be a ”prototype” Artificial Human the Peil group created for their own ends, with the others based on his blueprints.

The rest of the people on the ship Guel’s on will be killed, leaving him as the Sole Survivor.
Because none of them have particularly outstanding character designs, meaning Guel will probably have all the Plot Armor. Also, if his identity gets found out in the hostage situation, he’d be deemed more important and be allowed to live while the others died.

The Demi Barding isn't a next-generation Demi
It's going to be Chuchu's next mobile suit; it looks fairly elaborate for a grunt suit and the head mounted on the backpack is an almost perfect match for Chuchu's 105 model head.
  • Confirmed as of Episode 20, although it's not clear whether it will remain as her suit for the rest of the season.

Delling was only responsible for the Dominicus blockade, not the unmarked commando raid on Folksvangr
The commandos killing people in the colony were a separate team smuggled in via an unmarked vessel, while the Dominicus openly wore their livery on their hardware. There were also two totally different chains of command giving instructions; Dominicus forces were instructed only to enforce the blockade, while the black ops team were instructed to kill people.

The Vanadis team only sortied their Gundams and fought the Dominicus out of the assumption that the commandos killing people were associated with them, and Dominicus was only defending themselves.

Sarius's reaction to the news actually indicated that he was shocked that the Lfrith prototype (with Elnora and Eri) managed to sortie and escape, not that he disapproved of Delling's action.

Seen this way, the Folksvangr massacre was actually instigated by Grassley in an attempt to beat the Dominicus to their blockade enforcement, and the destruction of the colony was framed as the 'witches' trying to deny them with a last resort action of spite.

Elnora's plot isn't aimed at Delling

And it may not even be a revenge plot in the first place.

The use of the "Lady Prospera" name is incredibly transparent. Furthermore, Prospera doesn't seem too bothered that Belmeria "knows" about her revenge plot, which should normally make her worried that Bel might rat her out to Delling. Finally, Ep 11 shows that she knows that Delling knows her true identity as Elnora Samaya. None of these things make sense if Prospera is genuinely aiming for revenge against Delling. Finally, we know (again from Ep. 11) that Delling is actually working with her.

The simple explanation for this evidence is that Elnora's "revenge" plot is simply a smokescreen concealing an entirely different agenda. It allowed her to get Vim's support because he thought they shared a mutual enemy in Delling. It also misled Belmeria, and it makes it difficult for their enemies to believe that they are genuinely working together. Delling may not even have a particularly strong grudge against the Gundams; considering his support of Miorine's company and his actions in episode 11, he seems to be quite comfortable using them as a means to fulfill his own goals.

Presumably both their goals have something to do with "Quiet Zero".

  • In season 2, it is mentioned that Quiet Zero is some kind of plan by Delling to put an end to all war. Perhaps Elnora's true plan is to pervert the whole thing in a twisted mirror of how the GUND-Format system was warped and perceived.

Suletta will be forced to do an unprotected spacewalk.

In episode 12, chances are that Prospera will come to Suletta's rescue in Aerial. However as Suletta is locked in and cut off from the rest of the block, Prospera will be forced to shatter the glass to get Suletta inside the cockpit. It will probably not be a pleasant experience.

  • Jossed come episode 12.

"If you run, you gain one. If you move forward, you gain two." is a trigger mantra Prospera has instilled in Suletta.

It is a phrase that Prospera basically programmed into Suletta to have her do what she wants to in critical moments. Perhaps so ingrained that she could even order Suletta to commit suicide.

However, now someone else also knows the phrase, Miorine, and perhaps in one critical moment she will use the same phrase to snap Suletta out of her mothers grasp, turning the mothers tool against her.

  • Are we forgetting about Guel?

Ericht reached perfect Permet Score in the prologue.

Specifically, she reached a synch level of such magnitude it can pretty much be considered perfection and the true end goal of GUND development. The only reason no more was shown was cause Lfrith lacked the actual functionality to make use of it as after all, it was just a proof of concept. Aerial by contrast is built from the ground up to fully take advantage of higher Permet scores.

Guel will become a full Char Clone in the second season.

He already has a red Ace Custom mobile suit ready to take back at any time, has stated his ambition to join the Dominicus Corps (likely this series' analogue for The Titans or A-Laws), and definitely has the motivation to begin a vengeful crusade against those he may deem most responsible for his father's death; Earthians and "Witches".

Suletta is a Decoy Protagonist and Miorine is actually the real one.

Miorine would eventually discover Prospera's Evil Plan and would try to undermine her and free Suletta from her brainwashing.

Sophie will die from overclocking her Permet Score.

Specifically, her Blood Knight tendencies will come back to bite her in the ass. Perhaps she gets to caught up in a battle with Suletta and engages Permet Score 4 and then gets so into it that she fails to pay attention to just how long she has been in that state, even as her allies tries to radio her to stop as it becomes clear what is happening. Even despite her increasing physical pain she keeps going until eventually she ends up meeting the same fate as Nadim and so many others before her, becoming easy pickings for her enemy.

  • Confirmed. While it is unclear just how high she went given the shell unit turned purple, she eventually loses her life from the backlash in her second fight against Suletta.

Miorine will be forced to kill someone in order to protect Suletta.

Because it's the sort of cruel irony that this franchise loves. Plus, in order to twist the knife further, it'll come about because Suletta turns her back on a downed but not out enemy (obviously under real combat conditions, not a duel at the academy) because she's trying to convince her fiancee that she's not a natural-born killer and they try to kill her while her guard is down.

Evidence that Suletta is a clone or artificial human (not serious)

In Episode 12 she uses an Air-Vent Passageway (technically an emergency escape passage but yeah).

Nobody else in the show seems to have used one.

Therefore Suletta is an impostor.

Shaddiq is an Earthian orphan, and seeks to bring down Spacian power and the Benerit Group from the inside.

We know that Sarius adopted Shaddiq, and that the suffering on Earth has created a good number of orphans. Shaddiq being a former Earthian who still nurtures a secret grudge, and is seeking to break the Spacian hegemony from the inside, would explain quite a few things: his link to Nika and Dawn of Fold, him going behind his father's back on a scheme of his own, and his seeking to assassinate Delling despite having (on paper) relatively little to gain from it.

  • Confirmed as of episode 15.

At the start of the second cour, Suletta will be obsessively cleaning Miorine's room.

To go with the whole Trigger Phrase interpretation, Miorine ended up accidentally triggering it with Suletta during their little heart-to-heart and of course, part of that was for her to clean Miorine's room. This could then serve as the first hint for her on just what is going on with out little tanuki.

Norea will have a much bigger role in Season 2.

Probably after Sophie got taken out of action, Norea will climb up the ranks, and become Suletta's primary Arch-Enemy, The Dragon or even join the Big Bad Ensemble or Big Bad Duumvirate, ironically not unlike Paptimus Scirocco, or as an Actor Allusion to Suishou Hakamada (with an added bonus of being a Scirocco expy).

  • Episode 13 shows both Norea and Sophie will have larger roles. In Episode 14, Sophie does get killed off, and Norea is set up to become a far more significant antagonist later on due to wishing to avenge her.

It will be revealed that Aerial is Ericht Samaya. In a IBO esque Gaelio/Ein configuration. Ericht can handle the high load while working with Suletta, who is in fact a clone

Aerial will reject Suletta.

Specifically, in the second cour, as Suletta tries to run Aerial it suddenly just ceases to function. Maybe the others then try to troubleshoot and find out what is wrong yet they can't seem to find anything. Maybe they try to turn off the GUND-Format and see that it then works just fine only to immediately stop the moment they turn it on. Then perhaps Miorine ends up in the cockpit and all of a sudden the system roars back to life and suddenly Miorine finds herself becoming Aerial's pilot.

  • Interestingly, Eri does reject Elan # 5 when he tries to steal her in Episode 16, so Eri is capable of rejecting pilots.
  • Confirmed; Aerial (r)ejects Suletta in Episode 18, but her new pilot isn't Miorine; it's Prospera.

Season 2 will start with Suletta dueling other students non-stop in brutal fashion, becoming a borderline Blood Knight in the process.
Episode 10 had Shaddiq revealing that Suletta has been challenged by several students, with the duels only being put on hold due to Aerial undergoing repairs at that time. With Aerial now being rebuilt AND Suletta promising to Miorine she won't lose any duels, Suletta may start taking these challenges a lot more seriously, becoming more brutal in duels both to secure her victory and to dissuade others from endangering Miorine. This could lead Miorine to get anxious, worrying Suletta might accidentally kill someone without warning.

  • Confirmed. Episode 13 features Suletta defeating at least five duelists in quick succession due to said delays Shaddiq had previously enacted.

After Suletta fulfills her part in Prospera’s plan, Prospera intends to kill her.
It’s become blatantly obvious that Prospera doesn’t give a shit about Suletta, and most likely brainwashed her into a killing tool. She only refers to Aerial as her daughter. So once she gets her real daughter back—Ericht, whose consciousness currently stuck inside Aerial’s body—Suletta will be nothing but a burden to be disposed of. Worse yet, she could even order Suletta to commit suicide.

Chuchu will pilot the Pharact
As of the end of season 1, the Pharact is still legally property of GUND-Arm inc., and by extension Earth House, but has yet to be put into use. It seems unlikely that it would just be forgotten about, so it's most likely going to come back into play sometime in season 2 or beyond. The Pharact is a light and mobile sniper mobile suit, which is absolutely not Suletta's fighting style. However, Earth House does have a pilot who does pilot a speedy sniper mobile suit; Chuchu.

At some point, Chuchu's demi trainer will get wrecked beyond repair, and she will make the switch to piloting the Pharact. Wether she becomes a Witch or just sticks to the Pharact's conventional abilities remains to be seen.

Quiet Zero is a method to brainwash all of humanity.
Prospera mentioned that it involves using the gund format to create a world without war. Aside from the obvious use of the Gundam as deterrent, it’s mentioned in the backstory of the series that pretty much everyone has permet flowing through their veins, which is what activates all their technology. It’s possible quiet zero will hijack said permet somehow and rewire their minds.

The Rebuild upgrades are a trap...for Aerial, who is the "red dress Suletta" from the ED.
Going along with the theory that Aerial is Eri, Prospera probably intends to return her to her body (or a copy of it if Suletta is a double) once her plan/Quiet Zero is activated. The Rebuild upgrades contain a failsafe that will force Aerial to comply with forcing her consciousness back into Suletta, once Aerial refuses to do so on her own, because she does love Suletta as her sister, whereas Prospera only feigns it. This is based on the red Aerial from the ending sequence that strikes Suletta Utena-style and leads directly into the GUND-Bit dance; Aerial "becomes" Suletta and directs the Bits in the dance, which were previously established to be entirely under her control, not Suletta's, and contain copies or extensions of Eri's own consciousness (the multiple dancing red-dress "Sulettas"). When we see Suletta in the green dress (who is actually Suletta) dancing with Morine, she is notably not directing the the Bits as they fly around. This explains why Aerial appears in the ending as both a figure of menace (the red, mind-controlled Aerial that strikes Suletta and becomes her) and protection (cradling the dancing Suletta and Miorine near the end). Unless I'm very much mistaken, both times Aerial appears, it's in her original configuration and not the Rebuild; at the very least she's missing her shoulder vernier things, which seems significant. Evidence that the Rebuild is Prospera forcing Aerial to change to suit her agenda?

The end goal of Aerial, GUND Format, and Quiet Zero is an Assimilation Plot via mass Brain Uploading
This one is a bit long and piggybacks off previous WMGs, mainly that Aerial is a Soul Jar for Eri (the abnormal spelling of Aerial is a hint, and the Season 2 intro hints at it even more). The general idea is that, once a person reaches a high enough Permet Score, their mind basically ascends and they become part of the machine. The problem is that nobody besides Eri and Suletta has been able to handle the immense strain of higher Permet Scores and it cooks their brains. The solution? Artifically boost a person's Permet Score using someone on the other side until the pilot reaches a singularity point. Eri was the one-in-a-trillion human able to reach the singularity point unassisted, and using her Prospera plans to do the same with Suletta. Once they have two people, the next one becomes even easier, and so on and so on, cascading down until it can assimilate anyone. Quiet Zero will essentially be a cybernetic equivaltent to Human Instrumentality, forcing everyone to be uploaded to a digital 'paradise' without need for war, death, discrimination, or scarce resources.

Elan-4's consciousness, or at least a copy of it, is currently residing within the Pharact.
This is based off of two things - first, Nadim's death in the pilot. When he went to Permet 4, we get to see through his vision - which noticeably seems to dissolve into a series of digital lines at the end, which seems to imply that something happened between him and the machine. Second, Elan-4 is seen in the second opening, seemingly half-submerged in water - which could be a representation of Elan-4 in the Pharact. Remember, Elan also went to Permet 4, and while in that state, percieved both the Aerial and the GUND-bits as silhouettes of Ericht.

Delling had a change of heart on Gund technology due to his wife's death.
This theory is simple, Delling's wife could have been saved if Gund technology had been available, but due to his actions it couldn't and he likely wouldn't be able to make the Benerit Group to bring it back on his own, so he made a secret alliance with Elnora to bring Gund technology back into production, and part of Quiet Zero will be submitting everyone to having Gund technology installed to take away their physical weaknesses.
  • Partially confirmed as of Episode 15; it's not because she could have been saved, but instead because GUND tech appears to be the only way that he can fulfill her final wishes.

Eri was merged into the Aerial to save her life.
Not much is known at this point exactly how GUND Format interfaces work, but scenes from the Prologue would indicate that a physical connection - a cord that plugs into the back of a pilot suit - is involved, which immediately brings comparisons to the Alaya-Vijnana system from the Post Disaster era, though not nearly as invasive. It's possible at some point that either Eri became dependent on a physical connection to the Lfrith, or the connection itself killed her body but not her consciousness.
  • Confirmed. Lady Prospera indicated in Episode 16 that she uploaded Eri into Lfrith because Eri's body couldn't handle being in outer space. This was partly prompted due to losing the GUND-Arm technology that could've made it possible for Eri to survive, so Eri was indirectly put in danger due to Delling's attack.

Guel will kill Shaddiq.
Thanks to Shaddiq’s machinations, Guel lost his father and now possibly his brother as well, leaving him with absolutely nothing to lose. Should he discover Shaddiq’s the cause, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to see him going on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Bonus points if he kills him in a similar way to Kamille killing Paptimus Scirroco to hammer home the parallels between the characters, or Akihiro’s killing of Iok, inspired by this meme.

Eri getting uploaded into Aerial was an accident that was the proverbial final straw into Elnora becoming Prospera.

Considering how horrified Elnora looked when Eri activated the Lfrith’s GUND System, it’s rather jarring that she would willingly turn her daughter into Aerial as Belmaria seems to believe. It’s far more likely that sometime after the Folkvangr massacre, Eri’s consciousness was uploaded into Aerial’s systems completely by accident. This on top of losing her husband, mentor and colleagues finally caused Elnora to snap, adopt her new persona of Prospera Mercury, and begin formulating her plans for Suletta and Quiet Zero.

  • Zig-zagged. Eri being put into the Lfrith certainly did play a role in Elnora's motiviations, but it wasn't an accident based on what Prospera stated. In Episode 16, she indicated she had to put Eri into the Lfrith due to her body not being able to handle outer space.

Prospera will die sacrificing herself to save Suletta.

Near the end of the series, Prospera will finally realize how far she’s fallen in the pursuit of her goals for Quiet Zero and manipulating her daughters as weapons. In the process she will end up dying to save Suletta as a final act of redemption.

Shaddiq will assassinate Sarius and frame dawn of fold.

Notrette has something to do with Suletta's birth.
When Miorine introduces Suletta to her tomatoes, she specifically points out that her mother created that breed, implying some level of expertise in genetic modification. We now know that the collaboration between Prospera and the Rembrans goes back quite a ways, and could reasonably assume that Notrette's expertise could play some part in Suletta being almost perfectly identical to Eri despite Nadim being long dead by the time of her conception.

Lauda will volunteer to become the core of the Gundam Schwarzette.
  • Fact: The Schwarzette has a ring-shaped antenna only seen on the Daribalde, a Jeturk suit.
    • Implication: It's possible that Jeturk or an affiliated research group is responsible for the Schwarzette.
  • Fact: In Ep 14, Lauda was severely injured.
    • Implication: It's possible that Lauda might become a paraplegic.
It's quite clear that, following the revelations at the start of the series proper, companies working on Gundams would love to replicate Aerial's ability to mitigate the data storm's effect on their pilots. If the builders of the Schwarzette found out about Eri, their next logical research direction would be to identify a human test subject to act as its core.

Since Lauda has a strong motivation for revenge against the people whom (he thinks) killed his father, destroyed his company and permanently paralyzed him, it follows that - especially if Schwarzette is the product of a Jeturk research group - he would want to become the Gundam's core in order to exact his revenge.

As a bonus, this would also cause Guel no end of anguish, and we all know how much the writers of the show love making him suffer...

  • Jossed. While Lauda is injured, and shown in Episode 17 with a bandage around his head, he shows no signs of losing function to his limbs.

The Demi Barding isn't Chuchu's suit upgrade; it will be piloted by Secelia and Rouji.
Because it would be funny.

More seriously, they're the only known representatives of House Burion, whose company produces the Demi series. Neither of them are in the pilot class, but the team fight against Shaddiq has already demonstrated that students in other classes are able to fly and fight - albeit not that skillfully.

Further, they seem to be joined at the hip in a way that few other characters in the series are.

As such, it makes sense that if they got into a situation where they had no choice but to fight, their company would send them an appropriate suit for a 2-person crew.

Elnora and Delling are each others mirror, or rather, each others inverse.

Elnora really did start out as a loving mother while Delling very much was a controlling fundamentalist Hate Sink that we saw in the prologue. However, 21 years can change a person and they both did in an inverse of each other. Delling fell in love, softened up and got a daughter. The cruel tyrant is just a front for the now current Delling, a Red Herring. Elnora meanwhile lost everything and sank into darkness. Now, the loving mother she used to be is just another mask for her as she has become cruel and manipulative. Even their end goals are inverse. Delling is seeking the betterment for all while Elnora is trying to use the same plan for purely selfish reasons.

Miorine will help with Quiet Zero as a means to free Suletta from Lady Prospera.

Miorine was suspicious of Lady Prospera in Episode 08 in regards to Suletta’s behavior around her. In Episodes 13 and 14, she straight up accuses Prospera of manipulating Suletta. While Miorine might be interested in Quiet Zero due to her mother’s involvement, Miorine might also see this as a ‘keep your enemies closer’ type situation to understand how Suletta is being manipulated.

Miorine will save Suletta from committing suicide.

It is possible that Suletta will most likely have a breakdown as she showed cracks in her mental armor in Episode 14. Lady Prospera may decide at some moment that Suletta has outlived her usefulness that she may do something that will cause Suletta to be encouraged to take drastic action before Miorine’s intervention.

Peil Technologies is behind Dawn of Fold having Gundams.

There is no way a small terrorist organization would be able to access not only a pair of Gundams but also pilots capable of driving them and surviving. Peil meanwhile has a Gundam expert as well as technology to produce both Gundams and Enhanced Humans to pilot them. It's very likely that they are using Lfrith and Thorn for tests as well as using Dawn of Fold as well as Shaddiq to destabilize the situation. They are the only one of the three big corps who were unaffected by the recent events.

  • Unless Peil decided to develop two independent Gundam series this is unlikely since Norea and Sophie specifically say that the Pharact is of a different make than their Gundams which is why they tried to investigate it in episode 13. Their mobile suits sharing the main series name Lfrith makes it more likely that they are left overs or based on the old Ochs suits rather than supplied by Peil.
  • Jossed, it was Ochs Earth. They are still around and are acting under the Space Assembly League.

Suletta and Eri will perform a sort of mental Fusion Dance at the end

The second ED hints at Suletta being changed somewhat by Aerial and letting her hair down. Presumably, the dilemma is going to come up over how to free Eri from her imprisonment without killing Suletta in the process. Eri’s solution will be to merge her memories and personality with that of Suletta’s rather than completely take over her body as Prospera has intended.

  • The alternative could be that they perhaps for a sort of Split Personality situation like with Alleujah/Halleujah. The other more depressing possibility is that they merge and then Ericht, not wanting to overwrite Suletta, erases herself while apologizing to her mother sending Prospera past the Despair Event Horizon leading to a final battle that is basically about putting her out of her misery.

Miorine did everything just as Prospera wanted it

Prospera is far from being done with Suletta. Miorine and Guel might think that they were saving her but in reality all they did was sever Suletta's most important bonds, even the one with Aerial. Everyone in her life betrayed her, everyone except for her mother since she doesn't know Prospera's involvement. Her mother's grasp on her is now stronger than ever, she is, after all, the only thing Suletta has left.

  • This scenario goes along perfectly with the saying, "The road to hell is paved by good intentions."

  • Considering how Prospera has been able to maneuver Miorine during their conversations and apparently get her to do certain things that she wanted, it seems more than likely Miorine played into Prospera's hands again with leaving Suletta a broken mess. Prospera might be in a position to use Suletta in a way that might avoid technically breaking her word to Miorine in an Exact Words type of way.

Guel will try to get Suletta and Miorine back together

He was very accepting of Suletta rejecting him in favor of Miorine, and appeared to voice doubts over Miorine’s plan to sabotage Aerial during his and Suletta’s duel in order to keep her safe from Prospera. When witnessing Miorine renounce Suletta as her groom, Guel looked noticeably remorseful at his part in their breakup. As such, Guel will attempt to bring the two back together by convincing Miorine that despite having the best intentions to sever their relationship, Suletta ultimately needs her if she is to be truly happy and free.

Suletta will reject any future reconciliation

It is possible further down the series that Miorine might try to undo some of the damage she committed in Episode 17.After being betrayed by Miorine in such a brutal manner, Suletta might not be willing to forgive her. While an eventual reconciliation is possible, it wouldn't be surprising if Suletta rejects anything Miorine has to say.

  • Jossed in Episode 22. They made up after Miorine acknowledges her mistakes for trusting Prospera which led to Quinnharbor's destruction and the development of Quiet Zero. Suletta even comforts her saying that she too made mistakes such as killing people because that's what he mother told her to do. In the end, both girls realized that they were pawns to Prospera which is why Miorine chooses to support Suletta to confront her mother.

Suletta will become an antagonist

We have seen other characters go through a Face–Heel Turn for lesser reasons, especially in Gundam. With all the betrayals and backstabbing of Episode 17, it feels like a potential Start of Darkness villain origin story for Suletta. It wouldn't surprise me if she willingly becomes The Heavy for Lady Prospera in a way that doesn't contradict Prospera's deal with Miorine. Even if she isn't an antagonist, she could at the very least become somewhat antagonistic towards Miorine.

  • Jossed. Unlike what most fans believe, Suletta chooses to move forward and help others when in need which was shown in Episode 20 after Norea's killing spree. Also, she doesn't hold any antagonistic Miorine because she understood why she did that and how much Miorine suffered for the consequences of her mistakes.

Miorine is planning to become a Silent Scapegoat because going through Quiet Zero involves her death/departure from the world in some manner.

At the end of Episode 17, she admits her role in sabotaging the duel, revokes Suletta's Holder status and also claims that everything about their prior relationship was a lie, in a scene that the entire student body (including the Earth House) witnessed. It is possible that Miorine already knows what is in store for her once she goes through with Quiet Zero and if it involves her losing her life/current form of existence; then she thinks it might be better off if Suletta and the rest of Earth House cut her out of their lives completely and remember her as a villain (or a vile Spacian) that used Suletta for her own ends and promptly discarded her once she no longer had any need of her.

  • Jossed. Miorine didn't plan on being a scapegoat, but Lady Prospera did turn her into one. Whether or not it will stick, will depend on the finale.

The ending will be like the ending of Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team.

The series would end with Sulleta and Miorine faking their deaths and living a reclusive happy life together on Earth, akin to the ending of Shiro and Aina in Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team. Given that Miorine wanted to flee the Benerit Group, live on Earth, and for Sulleta to have a normal happy life, there is a possibility for this ending.

Suletta will go through the a different development than she really needs.

Due to the similarity between Episode 17 of this series and Episode 11 of Utena, there is a chance Suletta will go through a similar development Utena went through in Episode 12. In Episode 12, Utena gained a new drive/motivation to have Anathy at her side. After Episode 17, Suletta may think she needs a new resolve to be at Miorine's side. Suletta might not get the character development to free herself from her mother without some other kind of major revelation or My God, What Have I Done? moment.

The pilot of Gundam Schwarzette.

We know that Gundam Schwarzette is an upcoming mobile suit thanks to the Gunpla announcements and we know it is a Jeturk mobile suit based both on the design language and of Prospera's and Vim's brief collaboration back at the start of the first cour. As for who will be the pilot it is up in the air so a couple of guesses on that front.

  • Guel: The most obvious and first answer given that it is clearly a Jeturk machine. Though given that he has already gotten back the Darilbalde it might be more unlikley.
  • Prospera: Perhaps she took advantage of Vim to produce a mobile suit by which she could then herself use given that Shin Sei's lacking resources.
  • Suletta: After the events of Episode 17, now Prospera perhaps have her clutches even further into the poor girl and takes advantage of it to have her pilot a brand new mobile suit for some kind of end.
    • As of episode 18, Prospera and Aerial have agreed to not involve Suletta in their plans any further, abandoning her on Asticassia and leaving for Earth with Miorine. However, they have notably also left the nearly-complete Schwarzette at Asticassia as well, ripe for Suletta to adopt as her new Gundam, depending on what actions she decides to take next.
  • Petra or Felsi: About similarly as with Guel, they too could become Gundam pilots.
    • All jossed. It's Lauda and he hijacks it because he wants Miorine dead for bringing misfortune to his family and friends.

Prospera's mask serves a hidden, more sinister purpose.

Perhaps Prospera's mask is used for more than just masking Elnora's identity. It clearly have some kind of functions behind just hiding the face. I have two theories for this.

  • Option 1: It feeds into her madness and desire for revenge by playing the voices of those she knew on repeat to make sure she never forgets what she is fighting for. When she said she could hear the voices of those who died clamoring for revenge, she meant it very literally.
  • Option 2: She wears it to desensitize Suletta to its presence so that when the time comes she will make Suletta wear it. This guess goes hand in hand with the theory that Suletta is meant to serve as the new body for Ericht and the mask is meant to facilitate this.

  • Confirmed, but neither theory is correct; it contains shell units that react to Ericht's activation. Presumably they allow her to communicate in some way with Ericht.

Chuchu will give Miorine the Bright Slap/Punch
Chuchu and the rest of the Earth House will wonder why Suletta lost. If Miorine shows up, they will demand answers from her. Chuchu will see through Miorine's bullshit and will slap or punch her and call her out for breaking Suletta's heart.

Suletta is being used as bait
In Episode 13, Prospera showed some annoyance at not having any idea who was responsible for the terrorist attack, but it wouldn't be surprising that she'd probably suspect it was someone within the Benerit group. Following Miorine's publicly cruel and humiliating treatment of Suletta, someone else might see this as an opportunity to recruit Suletta and offer her a new purpose. While Suletta might not necessarily be recruited by the people who were responsible for the terrorist attack, this could potentially reveal other enemies Prospera would need to keep an eye on or flip the scrip and see them as potential allies to accomplish her goals.

Shaddiq is Sarius’s illegitimate child, raised as his adopted son to avoid scandal
In episode 15, Sarius states that Shaddiq is half-Earthian. While it could be simple throw away line, fact that we (for now) have gotten no information about how Shaddiq came to be adopted by Sarius, leads me to bellieve that it could be Foreshadowing for this twist.

Alternatively, Shaddiq is Zenneli by birth, but Sarius is his uncle or grandfather.

Suletta losing her hairband in the second ED is foreshadowing her finally breaking free from Prospera’s control
The hairband is remarkably similar to what Prospera wore in her old identity of Elnora Samaya and is meant to symbolize how much control she has over Suletta, almost acting like a leash. As such, Suletta letting go of her hair band will symbolize the “spell” her mother has over her being broken.

Eri will die at the end by sacrificing herself to save Suletta
It’s been established from the Cradle Star prologue novel that she does not want Suletta getting hurt in her mother’s pursuit of revenge, and she has gone to great lengths to keep her safe such as by killing Sophie. Presumably, there will be a point in the finale where Suletta is preparing to sacrifice herself to save Miorine and/or stop Quiet Zero only for Eri to take her place, allowing her sister to live on and for her to finally pass away. It would also serve as the culmination of Suletta’s arc in gaining her independence from Prospera by losing the other major crutch in her life.

The years being trapped in the data storm and watching her mother destroy herself has turned Eri into a Death Seeker
She looked noticeably quite sad and melancholic as opposed to angry when Elan tried to hijack Aerial in Episode 16, and is only helping along with Prospera’s schemes to keep Suletta safe as opposed to her benefit. It will thus be revealed that she disapproved of how her mother kept her alive by uploading her biometric data into the Lfrith rather than let her pass away naturally, and is deeply unhappy at how much Prospera has fallen for presumably her sake. And that she fully intends to finally die in peace once Suletta’s safety has been assured.

Prospera has even the Earth House under her thumb
Specifically, when she visited them in episode 16. While it initially seemed like she was just past for Suletta, the visit seemed more to be for the sake of telling the rest of Earth House something, presumably to have them either as insurance in case Miorine gets any funny ideas or to further drive a wedge into her to make sure she suffers in Dellings stead.

Prospera will pilot a Gundam or some other mobile suit
She was one of the Lfrith test pilots as shown in the Prologue, and the Cradle Star novel mentioned that her piloting score is even greater than Suletta’s. Given her status as the Char Clone of the series, its very likely that will come into play in the finale, possibly as the Final Boss for Suletta to deal with.
  • Confirmed as of Episode 19; Prospera is piloting Aerial herself.

The true goal of Quiet Zero is to enable Eri to gain control over all Permet-based machinery
It’s been established that Quiet Zero can take over any network that uses a Permet Link, which would include the vast majority of mobile suits in the setting, effectively making whoever uses it virtually unstoppable. By raising Aerial’s Permet Score to 8, Prospera will be able to create an army of unmanned mobile suits controlled by Eri and presumably use them to exact her revenge on Cathedra and the Rembran family. In doing so she will also, in her view, enable Eri to “live in freedom” as an omnipotent and unstoppable AI ala Skynet or Colossus.

The words "Mercurian Country Bumpkin" will be repeated
At the end of Episode 17, Miorine hammers home to Suletta that she was severing ties with them by calling Suletta her "Mercurian Country Bumpkin". In many works of fiction, lines like that would get repeated at different times as a major callback either in the form of Dramatic Irony among other situations. For example, if Suletta were to reject a possible apology from Miorine, she could reference this quote specifically.

Suletta will leave everything behind
Under the assumption that similar to other Gundam TV series that the 'Witch From Mercury' continuity will ultimately get 50 episodes, the second season would end with Suletta leaving behind everyone, especially Miorine, because she believes everything in her life was and is a lie. The mantra she recited state she can ‘gain one’ by running away which in this case could be a chance to start fresh, or she could interpret leaving as ‘moving forward’ to gain two, which could be something like ‘peace’ and a ‘new life’.

  • This troper has a similar idea: Suletta will become The Unfettered. She has been abandoned by Aerial, Prospera, Miorine. And in her shattered mind, the truth about Nika and Elan 4 will pile on the pain. Suletta now has the freedom to do whatever she wants, likely after a talking-to by Chu-Chu. And 'no ties' also means 'nothing left to lose,' Suletta can become an Outside-Context Problem as someone who is on nobody's side, who can no longer be pacified or manipulated. She can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. And she'll take an ax to the political chessboard that everyone plays on, to save those she cares about at any cost.

Suletta will take control of Quite Zero
Noting the similarities between Evangelion and the Witch from Mercury, one can draw this conclusion: Suletta is essentially a fusion of Rei Ayanmi and Shinji Ikari (cloned, manipulated by the parent figure, emotionally stunted due to said parent's abuse, piloting the titular mecha with powered by someone's soul) and Quite Zero is essentially the Human Instrumentality Project - a way to enforce the controller's will on everyone. Like Shinji she will have control over Quite Zero near or at the end and will be the one deciding how it is used.
  • Confirmed, albeit she does that on her own terms to save her friends and shut down the Space Assembly League's laser cannon.

Continuing from the above: Suletta will mirror Prospera the same way Miorine mirrors her father
Like Miorine, she will be a repeat of her Parent's course of actions: Miorine severed Suletta from her life because she wants to save Suletta in order to protect the one she loves from what lies ahead and Prospera's manipulations, but did so in the worse possible way. Like the way her father shut down the development of Gundam Mobile Suits, she did a completely unnecessary overkill, and now Suletta abandoned by her "Mother" and "Sister" due to the same course of action (cruel to be kind) will become a vengeful player in the game just like Prospera. The fact that Suletta is like Prospera in the prologue (loving and innocent at first, but suddenly wronged cruelly by a completely undeserved wrong, as well as wearing Elenora's head dress) and the similarities in personality between Miorine and Delling supports. The ending to the second season also depicts Suletta like the main character from Carrie: a vengeful witch in red.

Suletta and Miorine will serve as examples of how to break the cycle
As noted above, both Suletta and Miorine have parallels to their respective parents. They can both show despite their similarities along with making similar mistakes, they are their own people. They can ultimately make a decision that will break the cycle of revenge and history repeating itself.

Miorine's mission on Earth will go badly
Obviously, Miorine doesn't know much about what's happening on Earth which doesn't help that Dominicus Corps are escorting her and Kenanju, who killed Elnora's husband, is in that group. Prospera might take advantage of the chaos to avenge her husband. Dawn of Fold is still active and if Miorine fails to quell the chaos, they may take her as a hostage because she's the daughter of Deiling. And seeing that Miorine is in danger, Suletta might jump in to save her by piloting Scharwzette. But given that this is Ichiro Okuichi, the writer of Code Geass, things will get worse where there would be deaths and Miorine will be more disillusioned realizing how her actions gave everyone pain.
  • Episode 19 is called ‘Not the Right Way’, so it could represent/foreshadow Miorine will get a reality check that not all her plans have their desired outcomes. Episode 7 previously foreshadowed this when she originally couldn’t get the funding for her company idea before asking her father for help. It could represent that Miorine also needs to learn that she can’t always do everything on her own as Episode 9 demonstrated how she developed a plan to defeat Shaddiq, and she worked with Earth House to successfully implement it.
  • The saying, “The road to hell is paved by good intentions.” Most Gundam series have more or less represented this saying, especially IBO and 00. It is likely Miorine will learn the hard way her good intentions can backfire, especially when she rushes into things with a flawed plan.
  • To expand on the Scharwzette part, one way I can see it playing out is that Lauda sees his brother in trouble and in desperation he swallows his pride and hate for Suletta and asks for her help. Suletta informs him that she no longer has her Gundam leading him to pulls a few strings thanks to having been the acting CEO and manages to make Suletta the Scharwzette's pilot and then help her reach the Earth. (And as a possible bonus, perhaps it is painted red and Suletta dons a mask, possibly one connected to the Gundam, but that is just me.)
    • Miorine’s attempts at a peaceful resolution ended poorly.

The second season will end with Miorine crying
The viewers have yet to see Miorine actually cry, including the flashback of her looking sad at her mother’s corpse. Towards the end of the season, Miorine and possibly other characters will cry when tragedy happens as a result of their previous actions, such as something happening to Suletta. It would give Miorine and others a massive My God, What Have I Done? moment.
  • Episode 21 indeed features Miorine crying when the weight of her mistakes finally takes its toll on her.

The second season will end poorly for Suletta
Between being betrayed and abandoned by Miorine, Guel, Aerial/Eri, and Prospera, and being constantly told she is no further use to anyone, Suletta might make a tragic decision at the end of the second season. That would be on top of being told she is a clone which might give her an extensible crisis. Examples include but are not limited to going into self exile due to thinking everything and everyone in her life is a lie, deciding to sacrifice her life because she thinks her life means nothing, or doing something that will fake her death.

Suletta will join Norea, Elan#5 and Nika in Dawn of Fold
Miorine's plan was to separate Suletta from Aerial so as not to let her be involved in Prospera's plans, and even Prospera agreed that she should be allowed to live freely on her own. However, they went about this in what is quite possibly the most brutal way imaginable, crushing her soul and leaving her all alone at school sans the members of Earth house. In such a vulnerable state, it's highly probably that she'd be susceptible to being brought into the Dawn of Fold's... well, fold and made to assist in their plans instead.
  • Jossed.

Suletta will think Miorine abandoned her because she's a clone
This would play into the Poor Communication Kills trope that has plagued their relationship. After Miorine rather cruely betrayed and sabotaged Suletta rather than trying to talk things through, Suletta lacked any kind of context of why Miorine did it outside of apparently no longer being useful to her and serving her purpose. In the following episode, when Suletta tried talking to Miorine, Suletta was led to Aerial and Lady Prospera where she gets the bombshell treatment that she is a clone of Eri, and similar to Miorine they betray her by telling her that she is no longer useful to them, and they leave her in space. It isn't a logical leap for Suletta to believe that Prospera told Miorine that her groom-to-be was actually a clone due to the fact that she knows that Miorine and Prospera have had a number of interactions, especially after the terrorist incident. Not to mention, it would also line up with Miorine was acting oddly prior to her betrayal. Suletta could believe that Miorine abandoned her out of disgust of her 'unnatural' existence. Since Suletta was under the impression she was going to speak with Miorine to talk about her actions, it also isn't a stretch for Suletta to believe that Miorine was aware that Aerial and Prospera left her in space and was fine with it.

Suletta will become a mercenary and an alcoholic
Similar to the possibility of Suletta becoming a member of the Dawn of Fold, it is possible that she could end up becoming a member of any kind of mercenary group or military group in hopes of finding a purpose that she lacks due to being betrayed by Miorine, Guel, Aerial, and Prospera. Due to all the trauma she endured, she might end up becoming dependent on alcohol or other substances to cope with it all.

Suletta will take up farming on her own
Between being told by multiple people, such as Miorine, Landa, Aerial, and Prospera, that she is useless, empty, unneeded among other things, it is possible that Suletta may decide to do something Mikazuki was ultimately unable to do, and she could answer the Call to Agriculture. Suletta's continued affinity for potentially being good at farming or at the very least taking care of plants has been well established, and she even continued to take care of Miorine's greenhouse after Miorine betrayed and broke her heart. Suletta may decide to seek solace and go beyond the greenhouse. It was also established that the Dawn of Fold conduct farming when they aren't being hired for other assignments, so if Suletta was to join them or mercenary group of a similar nature, she could utilize her budding agriculture skills.

Aerial will be the final villain suit of the series
In short, it will be a subversion of the usual setup where the lead Gundam fills the villain role while the mobile suit that would usually fall into the villain role will be the heroes final suit. Of course, this means that Suletta will not get back Aerial and perhaps will be forced to destroy her.

  • Considering the fact that Lady Prospera and Aerial are making use of Quiet Zero to take care of those that oppose them in Episode 21, it appears the stage is set.

There is a deeper conspiracy going on
Namely that the Space Assembly League have been manipulating things from the shadows for years now. Originally they were after the GUND-Arm technology and thus used Ochs Earth and Vanadis to get it. Once that was done they engineered the witch hunt against the Gundams, using Delling as a useful pawn while taking the technology for themselves in order to get an edge over the Benerit Group. Somewhere along the line, both Prospera and Delling learned of this and began to cooperate despite their less than stellar opinion of each other in order to deal with the root so to speak. Yes, Prospera is still after Delling, but right now she has bigger fish to fry.

Suletta will protect Miorine and allow herself to become a scapegoat
Episode 19 more or less ends with Suletta coming to the conclusion of figuring certain things out regarding Prospera and Aerial, and she seems resolved to do something. It was also established that Schwartzette was completed. Suletta might decide to put her confused feelings for Miorine aside, so she can protect her. She may even decide to take responsibility for Prospera’s crimes due to being a clone that was used to help her get revenge. That would add to the irony of Miorine’s actions backfiring and putting Suletta in greater danger than before.

Prospera's endgame involves devastating both Earth and Space
Prospera Mercury is a calculating individual who leaves nothing to chance as far as her plans are concerned, and likely wouldn't have pulled her False Flag Operation in Quinharbor unless it was necessary, which leads me to believe that her revenge isn't just against Delling and the MSDC; it's against all sides even partially responsible for the fate of the Vanadis Insitute. In her eyes, Spacians still hold the blame for murdering everyone she ever knew and loved, but Earth also is at fault, as it was the Earthian-run Ochs Earth corporation that forced Vanadis to use the technology that saved her life to make weapons, a bastardization of the GUND's ideals.
  • It is also entirely possible her actions would lead others she seems to be responsible to be exposed or be forced into a position that makes them visible. It had been established for all of Prospera’s intelligence, she isn’t capable of finding everything that might be a hindrance to her plans if they are excellent at hiding. It is possible her actions may force them out of hiding as seen by Shaddiq about to take some action.

Elan #5 will follow into Guel's footsteps and will join the workforce as Steve
It seems like he abandoned the Gundam and disappeared to somewhere. Since it was around the school, surrounded by Dominicus forces, there wasn't really anywhere for him to run so he might try to disappear by disguising himself as a regular worker.
  • Jossed as of Ep 21; he chooses to rejoin Earth House for the final confrontation, although he refuses to pilot a Gundam.

The ending credits of the final episode will be set to the beginning of a duel between Guel and Miorine.
For some much-needed levity after whatever remains to happen in the final episodes, when all is said and done both Guel and Miorine will have to determine who forms the Official Couple with Suletta. Cue one final, less-than-serious duel happening as a callback to Miorine's attempt to battle Guel at the start of the series.

The ending of the second cour will mirror the ending of IBO Season 1.
Some Gundam series have certain similarities when it comes to concluding the season or the series, but it seems like Witch might have similarities to Season 1 of IBO.

For IBO: Episode 21 was a tragedy that concluded with the death of Biscuit. Episode 22 was the episode the remaining members of Tekkadan resolved to move forward to complete the mission. Episode 23 involved the final preparations along with a pre-final battle confrontation with the person responsible for Biscuit's death. Episodes 24-25 was the final battle for the season along with the aftermath which set the stage of the second season.

For Witch: Episode 20 was a tragedy involving the destruction of the school along with the deaths or potential deaths of several named characters. Episode 21 is titled, "What We Can Do Now" which presumably may feature Suletta finally having the resolve and gaining the means to fulfill her resolve to help Miorine and stop Prospera. Episode 22 could set the stage for the final battle. Episodes 23-24 would presumably be the final battle and the Dénouement which could potentially set the stage for more episodes or projects.

The Season Two summary did indicate that Suletta and Miorine would face the Gundam curse together which has yet to come true. Episodes 21 and/or 22 could presumably enable that part of the summary to finally come true.

  • Episode 21 of Witch does involve Suletta having the resolve to take action, and she gets a Gundam that could potentially harm her, but the Earth House has also decided to accompany her along with Elan 5. At the end of the episode, Landa seems hellbent on blaming Miorine and getting revenge on her for the tragedies that befell his family which might lead to a pre-final battle confrontation as well as a reunion between Suletta and Miorine.

  • Episode 22 more or less is a fusion of these points with Suletta having a brief confrontation with Guel and winning back her Holder status. She subsequently helps Miorine regain her resolve to face her mistakes and Lady Prospera. The rest of the episode primarily focused on preparation against Quiet Zero and the final battle began at the end of the episode.

A Permit Level higher than 8 will be achieved.
Level 8 would be an unusual number for the series to end with in terms of 'power level'. It wouldn't surprise me if a Level 9 or 10 gets achieved.
  • Confirmed. Suletta managed to get Aerial and Calibarn's Permit Level way past 8, which is also explicitly mentioned by some other characters and is represented by the glowing shells emitting a rainbow color light.

Suletta will get her Holder uniform back.
Based on how marketing material still portrays Suletta with her Holder uniform along with the opening and closings still depicting her in the uniform with Guel still in his regular uniform, it seems like Suletta would be given her rightful outfit back. Guel is shown to not have been comfortable with cheating/betraying Suletta as per Miorine's plan, and it was established in Episodes 2 & 3 that previous duel results can be disputed/nullified. Additionally, Episode 4 indicated that Miorine might not necessarily be the only one who can bestow the Holder Uniform on Suletta.

Guel could potentially give it back to her because he recognizes Suletta is Miorine's rightful 'White Knight'. Additionally, it would further contrast him from Shaddiq. While Guel previously recognized Suletta's feelings for Miorine, he would then be actively endorsing them when Shaddiq was unable to recognize Miorine's own agency. Alternatively, Miorine could give Suletta her uniform back after an apology and reconciliation where she recognizes how wrong she was for pushing Suletta away regardless of her intentions.

Regardless, even if Suletta has her uniform back, she might not necessarily see herself as Miorine's fiancé. Even before Miorine betrayed her, Suletta was asking Miorine to 'choose' her. Suletta would rather Miorine to choose her rather than her being forced to based on the uniform she wears.

  • Confirmed on Episode 22 as Suletta got her Holder uniform after winning a fencing duel against Guel.

An future Suletta will an evolved version of the Holder uniform.
It isn't unusual for characters to get altered versions of their trademark clothing in the epilogue of a series to indicate a time skip along with showcasing that while they change in some ways, they remain the same in others.

Episode 22 will feature Landa vs. Suletta which will lead to a Suletta and Miorine reunion.
Episode 21 ended with Landa looking at the Gundam and apparently blaming Miorine for the tragedies of his family. Due to Guel losing his mobile suit earlier, Suletta may need to intervene to protect Miorine. Additionally, this episode would allow us to see how Suletta will make use of a Gundam that isn't Aerial prior to the final battle.
  • Jossed on the Lauda vs. Suletta because he'll be fighting his brother though Suletta and Miorine did reunite.

Lauda will become the next Char Clone.
At the moment, he seems hell-bent on destroying Suletta, blaming her for all his problems. Assuming he loses the battle (which is very likely) and is assumed dead, he could go into hiding and don a mask in order to take is revenge on her from the shadows.

  • Based on the ending of Episode 21, it seems like he will be directly gunning for Miorine, but it is likely if Suletta interferes, he would definitely want to kill Suletta as well. The season has been giving him more screen time, and he has become more and more unpleasant, so him becoming a new villain beyond season two certainly sounds possible.

Alternatively, Guel will become a Char Clone.
Only unlike his brother, he’ll be The Mentor a la Quattro Bajeena, assisting a new protagonist (assuming a sequel doesn’t continue with Suletta)

Elan 5 is going to kill the CEOs and Elan Prime
He makes it clear that he's joining Earth House on their way to Benerit HQ so he can get out of Asticassia, but won't necessarily join their exact mission, stating he has somewhere else he's going; more than likely he's going to eradicate Peil Technologies (especially their leadership) to make sure no one else ever has to suffer like him and the other Enhanced Persons.

Calibarn will be immune to Quiet Zero.
This is mostly a result of its lack of any kind of data storm filter allowing it to produce such a powerful Permet signal that it is able to brute force its way through the Quiet Zero data storm field. Of course, Quiet Zero would still be dangerous as this ability comes at a price and no one would otherwise be insane enough to even attempt this.

Ericht will use Quiet Zero to carry the data storm of Calibarn.
Specifically, she will notice how Suletta launched in "the Monster" and once activated will realize how it puts her sister in mortal peril. As such she will go against her mothers wishes and use Quiet Zero to protect Suletta from Calibarn's monstrous blowback.

Prospera's "manipulation" of Suletta in Episode 12 was mostly accidental
She couldn't possibly have known that Suletta would be placed in a position to splat the terrorist. Instead of assuming that she was trying to turn Suletta into a killer, it's more reasonable to assume that she was trying to influence Suletta to continue trusting her even though she'd just killed several people in front of her eyes.

Plus, this wouldn't be the first time that Okouchi Ichiro wrote a scene where a manipulative character accidentally influences their victim into the act of killing...

Guel and Suletta are deliberate contrasts to each other
This is less a WMG and more an observation, Guel and Suletta are very similar. Both a prodigal Mobile Suit pilots who come from toxic family situations that left them quite messed up. Guel's father was physically abusive towards Guel and constantly berated him to shape him into his preferred type of heir. And Suletta meanwhile was emotionally manipulated to be meek and dependent on her mother's guidance as a substitute for Aerial. Likewise, while both love their respective parent, both eventually become aware of how toxic their parent is and start becoming better people once removed from that influence.

In addition, both Guel and Suletta's character growth is sparked by the same event, losing their position as Holder after a long streak of uninterrupted wins, which shatters their view of themselves. Both receive a reputation as unbeatable pilots who suffer a sudden defeat that knocks them out of their position as the school's top dog and starts their journey of self-discovery.

Eri will betray Prospera and maybe Prospera will take Calliban for herself
Eri's sole wish was for Suletta to be free and happy away from her mother's plot. Now Suletta is not only barreling right back into the thick of fighting but the whole plot already endangered her life. She is driving a Gundam that is practically guaranteed to kill her unless she has the same ability to synch as Eri. Eri will abandon Prospera to save her little sister. Meanwhile Prospera will board Calliban to use it to complete her plot but will be either stopped or killed by the curse as Eri and Suletta try to stop her.

The ghosts of Norea and Sophia will come to help Suletta and friends in the final battle
Because it's already a recurring thing in the Gundam franchise, so why change that now?

The final episodes of Season Two will contain lots of callbacks/parallels.
It makes sense in a narrative sense something like that would happen. We have already experienced some darker and negative parallels to certain scenes. Hopefully, other callbacks/parallels will be more positive, such as the promise scene in Episode 11 or Suletta offering Miorine her hand in Episode 12, and Miorine is willing to take it.

Suletta won't die due to Calibarn...
... but she will be crippled from it and require GUND tech to save her bringing the whole saga of GUND technology full circle.
  • Partially confirmed and jossed. Suletta does get crippled from using Calibarn, but she is shown to have needed crutches to walk and the last time we see her, she's able to walk on her own, albeit shakily.

Elnora was the one who originally named the Calibarn.
There is probably enough evidence to say that Elnora is a bit of a fan of Shakespeare and The Tempest and thus it might not be unreasonable to assume that she sometime in the past heard of the Calibarn's ominous title and thus named it after a character from the play that fit it. And Dr Cardo, being the kind grandmother figure that she was, decided to go along with it and change the machines name officially from whatever it used to be to Calibarn. This would also explain why the machine does not fit the normal naming scheme of the Vanadis suits.

Miorine mentions it isn't unusual for same-sex relationships. Considering the advancement in technology, it doesn't seem impossible that Science Babies could be a thing.

Cloning is either illegal or clones have no rights.
Gundam Witch isn't the first Gundam series to feature clones, but this series hasn't actually addressed if there are any laws regarding cloning. Considering the fact the Elan experiments aren't exactly legal, it wouldn't be a stretch to believe cloning is illegal. Alternatively, it could be legal for clones to be made, but they might not be recognized as people, so they can used for experimentation. Another possibility is that no laws have been made regarding cloning.

The SAL will betray Suletta and the others and/or be turned into a scapegoat.
For all of Beneritt Group's corruption, the SAL isn't exactly the bastion of purity either. In an alternative to one of the above guesses, the SAL will scapegoat Suletta due to their inability to stop Lady Prospera on their own.

Sophie and Norea are both Enhanced Persons.
Neither of them have any sort of visible or even alluded relatives, and when Prospera destroys the cache of Lfriths, she reads off a file that lists their names as code names; neither Norea nor Sophie speak to each other as if they have a "true" name, implying that they could've had their memories prior to their enhancements erased just like the Elans. What's more disturbing about this is that they could quite possibly have been enhanced not by Peil Technologies, but by Ochs Earth — and the Space Assembly League by proxy.

Episode 24 will wrap up Suletta, Prospera, and Miorine's stories but SAL will remain as the antagonists.
Judging by Episode 23, it's very likely the "Witch from Mercury" story will end but SAL and the Peil house are going to be the next antagonists in the next season. This will be just like Gundam SEED Destiny and Zeta Gundam where the next season would have different protagonists. And it's obvious that Sunrise is planning to expand the Ad Stella timeline given the way they portray SAL as the antagonist, the Peil house siding them to gain control of the Benerit group, and the ongoing Earthian-Spacian conflict with Dawn of Fold still existing.

Aerial's Stave Bits originally belonged to the Calibarn.
How else does one explain how they were perfectly compatible despite a potential 10-year gap between development times? Elnora had to leave the Lfrith's bits behind when she fled Folkvangr with Eri, so perhaps she managed to acquire Calibarn's bits when she rebuilt it into Aerial, rather than fabricate a new set from scratch.

Black History WMG - Moonlight Butterfly's mechanics involve transmuting the target into Permet and sublimating it, and Loran Cehak's ancestry can be traced back to Suletta and Miorine
This is a double shot of Black History explanations. Seeing how the Permet Gundams sublimated at the series finale, someone was able to analyse this phenomena and reverse engineer it, creating a nanomachine delivery system that would seed Permet traces into an object and then dissolve it, thus creating the basis for how the Moonlight Butterfly disintergrates things. In addition, Loran's appearance has mixed attributes from Suletta and Miorine, strongly implying that those two had a test tube baby created after their wedding and their daughter later had descendants of her own, thus leading to a bloodline that survived until Loran.
