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WMG / Lewis Black

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"If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college."
Possible explanation for this quote that Lewis overheard from some random woman at the mall: The woman was a star horseback rider in high school. She wanted to take care of horses for a living, but her parents insisted she attend college. Frustrated, the teen looked scoured the college campuses and found a college which offered horseback riding as an extracurricular activity. So, she attended that college. Unfortunately for her, about a year into her term there, the college shut down the horseback riding program due to lack of funds. With no compelling reason to stay at that college now that she couldn't ride horses, she dropped out, much to the disapproval of her parents.

Anyone wanna top that?

  • Lewis misheard her, and she actually said "If it weren't for my horse, I WOULD have spent that year in college." The horse soaked up all of her money that otherwise would have gone to tuition. Or it needed too much care to leave in the hands of someone else, so she stayed home.
  • She used money earned from horse racing/teaching horseback riding lessons/performances at the Ren Fair/something else her horse helped her with to pay for that year of college.
  • Her horse could talk and it encouraged her to attend an institute of higher learning for the purposes of self-betterment, but she was unable to continue past freshman year due to other commitments.
