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WMG / Irréversible

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Some Theories For Those Wish For A Less Dark Conclusion
  • Alex is raped and beaten into a coma. However; We never know if she dies. Thus; One way her fate could go is her eventual awakening from the coma, reconstructive surgery and a good psychotherapist. She may not even remember the assault.
    • Even worse than this: we don't know if Alex will lose her child or if the child will be born via C-section and have brain trauma caused by the assault. And, even if the child is born without any after effects from the assault, they'll be put in the foster system and may never get to know their real parents because one is in a coma and other is in prison.
  • The Butcher from I Stand Alone who's in this film got arrested for raping his daughter. Sadly; He's still not in prison by the time of the events of this film....but he did spend time in prison and is thus not a complete Karma Houdini.
  • Marcus & Pierre are definitely headed for prison. Marcus would probably just get charged for assault though Pierre's fate would be grimmer due to being a murderer. That said; They could probably get a plea deal for a slightly lighter sentence by helping out with the investigation into Alex's rape as well as the fact that Pierre was defending Marcus and got carried away (the guy they wrongly attacked was probably not much better than La Tenia). If nothing else Pierre's lawyer can also potentially try to pull up on Pierre's grief as part of his plea deal. Pierre was not only killing a man that was attempting to rape Marcus but had also snapped because he thought he was killing the man who he believed had raped and possibly killed someone he was close with and still had romantic feelings for.
    • Marcus may not only get assault charges but he likely will also get charged with grand theft auto and considering he was high off of coke and intoxicated from drinking, he may also get a drug use charge and driving while intoxicated.
      • Wouldn't he also get accessory to murder, since he instigated the fight at the Rectum that lead to Pierre killing the guy who assaulted him?
  • The story is still dark as coal but the above may lessen the sting a little.
