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WMG / Dragon Hunters

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Gwizdo has undergone a serious eye surgery with Hector's help
In the Movie, he has brown eyes and can read only with the help of glasses. His myopia prevents him from seeing a flock of flying red dragons in the crown of a suspicious tree, during his panic attack he falls into the abyss because of his inability to clearly see the road (fortunately, Lian-Chu manages to catch him) and finally, meeting the World Gobbler, he mistakes the winged dracolich for a giant bat. Ten years later, as shown in the TV series, his eyes are blue and his eyesight is just excellent. A similar change we see in the guise of Hector, whose eyes were on the contrary blue in the film, but became brown in the series.These details suggest only one thought: given that plastic surgery and medicine have a pretty good level in the floating world, Gwizdo could easily cure his eyes by sharing irises with his dragon pet, who agreed to this risk and, fortunately, didn't suffer after that. However, their relationship had soured a bit, as we can see in the TV series.

  • This could provide a serious series continuity error, cause in "The Isle of Mist", his eyes are still blue when he aged down into a child... but this can be explained by the fact that the wonderful water affects the body not as a time machine but as a biological medicine.

Noteworthy: taking into account the bunch of Gwizdo's "genial decisions and actions" already shown in episodes, this wild medical theory seems to be extremely close to the truth.

Gwizdo looks like Zaza's father
He and Zaza have the same tooth gap, head size, similar hair colors and body types so they look like close relatives. It may explain, why Jeanneline wanted Gwizdo to stick around, even if he wasn't going to help raise the little girl. By the way, it's impossible that he's a father of 10 years old Zaza cause making his first appearance in a tavern he already found Zaza as a toddler abandoned by her real dad (otherwise she should yet meet her 9th birthday in the 3rd episode, but not 10th). Sure, it is known that Jeanneline is fond of small men and her previous husbands were weak enough to suffer from relationships with her (and quickly lost their value in her mind), but Gwizdo stubbornly keeps his distance, rightly fearing to be squashed and impaired by this tremendous woman (he actually falls in love with her thin version in his comatose dream). It seems that only his defiance makes her keep an interest in him for many years. It is also known that Roger, now middle-aged man, was of small stature and build, with reddish-brown hair and blue eyes, so Gwizdo somehow reminds Jeanneline of a younger version of Roger.

Gwizdo looks like Zaza's father because he can be Zaza's older half-brother by the father's side
Thus, Roger in his deeper past could be Gwizdo's father who also abandoned his son for some reason long ago. Based on the physical resemblance of these two and on the vague past of Roger, Zaza's real father who still doesn't appear in the series himself, this option seems to be realistic, though the series still doesn't shed any light on these family secrets.
  • In this case, Gwizdo will be considered not a potential groom for Jennyline, but her stepson. Thus, miss Mina, who took Gwizdo for Jennyline's son at the first acquaintance with them, wasn't so much mistaken.

In fact, Lian Chu's village was destroyed by two dragons

Also looks like the truth. Since the series and the Movie are connected, you can find an explanation why childhood flashbacks of Lian-Chu show different dragons. D'Jourab, who acts in the series as a killer of Lian-Chu's family and compatriots, could be easily a World Gobbler's predecessor in a deal of destruction of village Ke-Chan. Actually, we don't see any villagers, except Lian-Chu, at the beginning of the film — what means, that the fire that engulfed the area, could be preceded by anything you want, including a failed dragon hunt of Lian-Chu's relatives. And the World Gobbler just brought the destruction of the village to the point, turning every house into a pile of ashes.

Another question is why in the tragic flashback of the series Lian-Chu is about 10 years, and in the same of the Movie he is shown at the age of slightly over 3 years (which is more likely). This can only be explained by distortions in the memory of a big guy (who is actually around 33 at the moment of the series, and young people at this age mostly barely remember their childhood in reliably details).

Prince Granion would be the perfect groom for Zoria

Just to remind you... They are both of noble birth, both are dragon hunters, both are beautiful, brave and have noble motivation in their vocation. Can you imagine a more ideal possible couple in this series? It's easy to imagine that Gwizdo would be sick of this union, at least for the first time.

Another Dragon Hunters movie will be a crossover with The Magic Roundabout series

It will be probably involving a interdimensional dragon species entering and attack the Magic Roundabout universe (likely the 2005 movie/2007 CGI reboot series canon), which leads to Dougal, Florence and other friends entering the Dragon Hunters universe.
