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WMG / Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron

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Nina creates Vehicle Voltron to create La RĂ©sistance on Earth

  • With Britannia's true colors revealed during the SAZ and the Paladins forced to flee when faced with Zarkon, Nina decides to honor the Defender of the Universe as best she can by building a substitute to continue to battle the Galra Empire on Earth.
    • Seemingly jossed as Lotor and his generals find her at Ashford and recruit her.

Potential New Paladins

  • Black Paladin: Suzaku - Reflecting on how he assumes the identity of Zero in the canon finale and his personal development within this story, Suzaku has the strongest potential of stepping up as the next Black Paladin.
  • Green Paladin: Nina, as she was even originally intended to be the Green Paladin. There's also C.C. as her main color is you know, green
  • Blue Paladin: Leila, for being one of the few Wide-Eyed Idealist in the Code Geass universe. or just follow Voltron's canon and have it be Allura instead.
  • Orange Paladin: Euphemia.
  • Yellow Paladin: Jeremiah or Ohgi.
  • Purple Paladin: Nunnally.
  • Red Paladin: Cornelia.

Lotor will be the one to enact Zero Requiem

Since Lelouch definitely isn't going to enact Zero Reqiuem in this fic, it would be Lotor who will enact Zero Reqiuem instead.
