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WMG / Astral Chain

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Ideas for a hypothetical sequel
  • Humanity will finally begin to reclaim the planet, with the newly-equipped Neuron being tasked with clearing out gates and chimeras around the world to assist in the matter.
  • The three prophets that Yoseph spoke with in File 04 will play a bigger role, possibly becoming the new Big Bads.
  • It will be a prequel that explores the Neuron veterans' pasts, with Max, Jin, and Alicia as the playable characters. The Axe, Arm, and Beast Legions will get more fleshed-out mechanics to make up for the fact that they each only control one Legion.
  • You'll finally get to see Hal in person, and he ends up playing a central role.

The Chimeras were trying to make first contact
  • Their initial intent was to foster peaceful interactions with humans, but their differences worked against them and they were ill-received. Thus causing humans to fear them, and regard them as adversaries leading to the creation of the Legions.

The Player's Axe Legion ISN'T Max's Axe Legion
  • It's Max.
  • When Max stayed behind in the Astral Plane after the rest of Neuron evacuates he killed the Axe Nemesis. However being trapped in the Astral Plane for so long results in him transforming into an Axe Chimaera. Thus when the player character encounters him they are not re-capturing Max's Legion but rather capturing Chimaera Max.
  • Possibly Max's existing Legion bond, as well as his Legartus was responsible for him becoming a Legion rather than a normal abberation.
  • In the final battle it seemed as though Max WAS the Axe legion.
