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Two Ace card theories.
  1. It's the worst deal for the players to take—being the hardest difficulty (comparable to a Face Card's) among the numbers, but will only extend the Visa by one day.
  2. The Ace cards are the easiest cards and only extend the Visa by one day.

Games from other ranks.
You can guess what games were played for ranks not shown in manga or Netflix here.
  • Ace of Hearts: Do not press the button
    • The player is in a room with a big red button inside.
    • There is a timer indicating for long the player has to be in the room.
    • Game is cleared when time is up.
    • Game is over when the player pushes the button.
  • Queen of Diamonds:
    • Chess, or a variant of it.
      • Unlikely, as the chess motif is used in Netflix's Q♠ game.
    • Block slide puzzle, except the "block" is to be moved to crash into another.
      • Players (including the sole citizen) take turn to move their designated vehicles, forward or reverse.
      • The goal of the game is for the players to co-operate and "crash" into the Q♦ citizen.
      • The basis of this guess is that it takes place in a parking lot in Netflix edition. For this game, the "blocks" are represented as cars.
  • Queen of Spades:
    • Dancing contest.
    • Balancing act on a tight rope.
    • Jossed; in Netflix, it's essentially a game of tag.
  • Jack of Spades: A 1v1 death match in martial arts. J♠ can only be challenged by one player at a time.
    • If too much people queue outside the game venue, then K♠ will take the opportunity to come in and kill them all.
    • Close, it's one player fighting against a group of civillains.
  • Queen of Clubs: A real-time tactical game against a single citizen and her robotic army.
    • Jossed; in Netflix, it's dodgeball among players of two.
  • King of Hearts:
    • Once entered, the player has two choices:
      • Kill the citizen, but escaping the venue afterwards will be very difficult.
      • Join his alliance. This is another way the player can become a citizen.
    • There is one crown that only one player can hold onto (starts with the citizen). The one with the crown decides whether the game is cleared for the players.
      • Other players can try to take the crown by any means.
    • Jossed; in Netflix, it's trying to get out of a cramped maze.
  • Ace of Spades: 2.4km run

The montage showing games played by minor characters contains new cards.
When Arisu and Usagi first enter the beach in Netflix's episode 5, The Hatter reveals the cards he has collected thus far. At that time, not including face cards, he's missing: 2♠, 6♠, 4♦, 2♣, 4♣, 7♥ and 10♥.

Arisu already has 7♥ from Hide and Seek, and Arisu and Usagi both got 4♣ from Distance. After that, Aguni clears 6♠ Beast Hunter and Arisu helps Ann clear 4♦ Light Bulb. By 10♥ Witch Hunt, all other cards have been collected. So, where do the remaining cards come from? The answer may lie in the games shown alongside Aguni and Arisu's games:
  • Hunting Competition: 2♣
  • Human Elevator: 2♠ (2 spades symbols are projected onto the building)
  • Bingo in Match Factory (participated by Usagi): a repeat card
    • Game type has to be Clubs based on the bingo interface.
    • Value could be 10 as 10 club symbols are printed onto the bingo sheet, though they are cropped out of focus. Plus 8 out of 10 players being already dead by that point implies high difficulty.

Netflix's Season 2 will showcase different Face Card Games.
Maybe except for the K♠ one and Q♥ Croquet.
  • While Netflix Season 2 showcases unique face card games, none of them replaces those that are already established in the manga.

The "Beast" in the K♥ game is just a K♥ citizen in a furry suit.
The roarings are just stock recordings to scare the players. However, seeing the host in person would cause them to underestimate him, making them more vulnerable to being captured and getting a game over.

The Queen of Hearts is declared the hardest of all Heart games because the King consciously made his game the easiest.
In going a full circle, players anticipating a challenging game ends up screwing up in an equivalent of an Ace/Two-ranked.

Prizes are bargaining chips for the Dealers to guarantee at least one casualty.
Dealers get more visa days the more players they kill, so they can choose to give up one part of their luxuries to make the game they're hosting to into a battle royale.

To Challenge the Jokers, one side must inflict a Perfect Total Party Kill on the other
The Jokers set things up so there would be a near-impossible chance of being usurped, but nonzero to keep themselves on edge. Namely, to challenge the Red Joker, all citizens must kill all immigrants without any citizen deaths. Likewise, to challenge the Black Joker, every last immigrant would have to clear the campaign without dying.Obviously, this just doesn't happen.
