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WMG / Akazukin Chacha

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Shiine is a FTM trans boy
As if his girly stature and holding the honor of being voiced by a woman compared to Riiya getting a member of the boy band SMAP as his seiyu weren't big enough clues.

The Magical Princess is a Combat Pragmatist
As pointed out in the trivia section, the Magical Girl Warrior moments happen so quickly that it feels out of sync with the rest of the story. The Doylian explanation is of course that this element was just added by the execs to cash in on Sailor Moon's success. The Watsonian explanation? The Magical Princess is a Combat Pragmatist and instead of wasting time with escalating force, she just goes straight to using her Finishing Move right from the gate. Perhaps in order to just kill the monster fast so it doesn't cause any more trouble than it already has.

Akazukin Cha Cha, Twinbee, Parodius, and Kirby share the same universe
An obscure video game for the Sharp X68000, of the same name, features a black Twinbee ship as an enemy. Many of them in fact. And given that Chacha, Twinbee, Parodius and even Kirby share the same visual designs and aesthetics, it is possible that they all share the same world or at least inhabit the same universe.
